Chapter two

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Autumn stood by the fire trying to keep warm as she waited for best friend: Heather. She really didn't like the people here. She didn't fit in, never did. The quiet girl, always left behind.

She twisted her dark brown hair with her fingers thinking of something to do. Pulling out her phone and she started to text her friend: Ken but no service. Ken was a good friend but she never told him about her past. The only person that knew was Heather. She was fifteen and regretted allot of crap.

When she was thirteen she was ugly in her eyes. The dorky girl with braces and didn't know how to flat iron her frizzy hair or didn't get half the sexual jokes because her parents just didn't tell her this stuff. So she found this knowledge in friends. Her friend Emily and Lacy showed her the ways to do things: from hair to dressing like a slut but she didn't care then she love being the center of attention for once. She would go to parties and drink just because she didn't want to be dorky kid anymore.

One night two month after she turned fourteen something happen and she stop. That night doesn't scare her anymore but she still wishes she never went. She stilled talked to few friends after that night but they just used her and back-stabbed her the first chance they got. She stop trusting people after that.

She had begged her parents to move and they did but she didn't want a small town. So now she lived in Cove, Oregon, population 594 people.

Autumn hated her past but it was her past. There was nothing she could do about it. Autumn moved here only a year ago and the town wasn't so nice to new comers but Heather was nice to her and they became best friends.

Autumn smiled as bent down to pick a yellow flower. She walked father away from the campsite deep in to the peaceful wood.

She loved being alone in a quiet place. It was when her mind wondered and she felt like herself. She felt like a five year old and she dreamed about her soul mate finding her or a magic place where she was someone important: not just a girl who is all alone. She didn't have to worry about what other thought or being reject. She was alone and she enjoy every minute of it.

She jumped on to a large root and laughed as she tried to control her balance. She jumped from root to root trying not to fall. She was enjoying herself she wished she could be little forever.

She sat down on a patch of grass and looked up in to the sky. The sun hot was on her bare skin warming her up.

"I miss you with all of my heart" She whispered to the sky. A small tear slide down her face. As she thought of the past.

"Autumn, where the freak are you?" Autumn heard someone yell. She knew it was Heather. Heather would be the only one to even notice she was gone.

"Coming Mother!" She yelled back and wiped her tear away. She jumped up and walked towards the laughing she heard. Autumn hugged her tightly and they started to head back to camp.

Heather had the same hair color but it was cut allot shorted then hers and they both had blue eyes just Heathers' were darker. Autumn was about four inches taller also.

They were like sisters, Heather knew everything about Autumn. She never was sure if she knew everything about Heather but she just didn't ask that many question about it.

Back at camp Heather started talk to her other friends and Autumn talk a little bit but she keep her walls strong to makes sure no one got to close.


William watch as Heather and the quiet girl, whose name he didn't remember, walk out of the woods. Heather walked right past him over to Libby and Payton. The other girl skipped silently behind.

He stared at Heather. Looking at her body, it was beautiful. He wanted her and he always got what he wanted. His mind wondered to dirty thoughts.

His snapped out of it when he heard laugher coming closer. His friend sat on the lawn chairs around him talking about how to scare the girls tonight.

"We should make their tent fell down in the middle of night." Ace said with a little smirk on his face. Will laughed at his younger brother shaking his head.

"I think a scary story would be better... Like the one about the house in the woods with that killer." Mason spoken "Payton hates that one, she wouldn't dare leave my side for the rest of the trip.".

They all laughed and agreed we do that tonight. All their eyes shifted looking at the girls, they were giggling about something. The new girl had joined them: Kasey. He saw some of the girls peaking over their shoulders, trying to be sneaky.

His eyes meet Heather's and he couldn't look away. A little grin slowly appears on her face. Heather turned to the girls and said something quietly. Heather and the others walked over to the boys and sat down around the fire.


Kasey followed the others and went to sat by Mason and Payton. She sat in a red lawn chair and zipped up her jacket. The warm day was quickly turned in to a cold night.

She looked around the sloppy circle of chairs; her heart skipped a beat when she couldn't find Autumns' face. She liked Autumn, she was always so quiet and peaecful to be around. Kasey look by the tents and the food but she wasn't there either.

"Umm...Where's Autumn?" She asked, a little worried.

Everyone looked around looking for her; no one saw her.

Kyle just snorted and said "The quiet girl probably laying die in the middle of the forest. She always in there" Mason slapped his little brother in the back of the head but laughtered just like all the other guys here. Kasey felt heart-broken.

'Why does everyone laugh at her? She is just quiet...' She thought

"Oh...she in the woods again I bet, she'll come back soon." Heather answered "She knows these woods better then the back of her hand." She smile and started to talk to Will again.

Everyone laughed and went back to whatever they were talking about before. She slowly got up and walked to the edge of the woods. She looked back to see if anyone had noticed she was gone, but everyone was still to deep in their conversation. With a sigh, she walked in to the woods.

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