Part 2 never forget

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Sabine Dranki was a remarkable individual, blessed with intelligence, quick-wits, and a deep emotional intelligence that had been honed since her childhood. She had been training tirelessly, and this dedication had granted her a unique perspective that set her apart from her peers. Sabine had the rare ability to perceive the subtle nuances of the world around her, like the small gap of silence that exists between the inhalation and exhalation of a breath.

As she sat back and observed her friends and classmates, Sabine couldn't help but notice that they were engaging with each other more than usual. "I bet you're wondering what's got everyone so cheerful?" Andromeda Fellglow, Sabine's dear friend and one of the Alanari descendants, said as she leaned over to greet her best friend.

Sabine nodded thoughtfully. "Andromeda, you know that I simply enjoy being present in the moment. The inhalation is far more intriguing to me than the exhalation – it's the middle ground that fascinates me." She paused, a slight furrow in her brow. "I've been worried about the latest attacks in the north between the undead and the Mountain Men, and now the southern tribe has put their war birds back into the air. I'm just glad that, for now, there's nothing bad happening to us."

The group then delved into an in-depth discussion about the differences between dark and light magic. "Dark magic is the darkest of all magic," Professor Garning explained, as he showed them a particle of dark magical energy. "There was a rule always told between the ancient Sects of magical groups, back before the Hero saved us all by clearing the sky and defeating the stone army and the Flaming Dragon. We are those left beyond their sacrifice, and now we prepare for the good of Alanari."

The students listened with rapt attention as the professor continued, "This is an atom of dark magical energy. I show you this so that you can see the dark before the light, and understand the differences for yourselves." He then revealed the atom of light energy magic, which the students unanimously agreed was "the most brilliant."

As the class ended, Andromeda and Sabine made their way to the balcony, where they looked out over the breathtaking sky. "This would not have been possible if it were not for the hero who defended us against the Flaming Dragon, changing the entire world," Andromeda mused. "Imagine if we were still stuck in the icy wastelands of the old days. We wouldn't have the food or the evolved magic that we have now – a brilliant amber of light inside everything."

Sabine nodded, her fingers instinctively reaching up to tuck a stray lock of hair behind her ear, a gesture she often made when she felt that no one truly understood her. "Wow, Sabine, that was deep," Andromeda said, her gaze drawn to a strange light in the sky.

"We wouldn't have been able to see the stars and the sky if it weren't for those heroes," Sabine murmured, her eyes following Andromeda's.

The two friends stood in contemplative silence, each lost in their own thoughts. Sabine's mind raced, considering the weight of the sacrifices made by the hero and the ancient Sects, and the profound impact their actions had on the world they now inhabited. She couldn't help but wonder what challenges lay ahead and whether the light they had ushered in would be enough to overcome the darkness that still lingered.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the landscape, Sabine turned to Andromeda, a newfound determination burning in her eyes. "We owe it to them, Andromeda – to the hero and the Sects who came before us – to honour their sacrifice and continue the fight against the darkness. We must be vigilant and ready ourselves for whatever challenges may come."

Andromeda nodded, her own expression mirroring Sabine's resolve. "You're right, Sabine. We may not know what the future holds, but we can't let the light they've given us be extinguished. We'll train harder, we'll study deeper, and we'll be ready to face whatever comes our way."

The two friends stood there, side by side, their gazes fixed on the horizon, where the last vestiges of daylight were slowly fading. In that moment, they felt a deep connection to the past and a renewed sense of purpose for the future. Whatever challenges lay ahead, they knew that they would face them together, united in their determination to protect the light that had been entrusted to them.

As the stars began to twinkle in the darkening sky, Sabine and Andromeda turned and made their way back inside, their footsteps echoing with the weight of their newfound responsibility. The journey ahead would not be an easy one, but they were ready to face it, armed with the knowledge and the strength that had been passed down to them through the generations.

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