Part 1 Alanari

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Sabine Dranki was practising the Dark Fist fighting style. Her connection with both dark and light magic made her extremely valuable to the Scimagi Tribe. She was practising in the mountains of Alidoria, the northernmost ridge of the western country of Alanari. The white-capped tops and distant rolling green grass below made for a magnificent view.

Sabine was part of the lost tribe of technomancer Magi, who controlled magic and technology as one. Their manipulation of mana and tech has created an entirely new branch of magical studies. As she summoned a Clock String Machinima, it was pulled from the wormhole, and nothing could be seen inside. just as the portal closed, Sabine saw it. She saw the light and dark energy form into one continuous loop around each other. The creature had light in its eyes, but its head was cloaked in darkness.

As she jumped into the air, the clock string Machinima rolled like a pile of gilded steel. It made a strange ticking sound as it moved. Sabine was unaware that she was being watched by the other students of the Scimagi, who were peering through the gap in one of the wooden boards.

"Slap!" Professor Garning hit one of the onlookers softly over the head, trying to get a glimpse of Sabine's fighting style.

"You should not be disrupting Sabine's work. She has a lot to cover if she is to pass the exam. Now all of you get back to work!."

They moved to the training halls, where they sat together to learn the day's lesson from Professor Garning. His specialties included Dark Magic, Tech Magic, and Light Construction Magic.

As the eight students sat down, Sabine Dranki entered the room, her brow bubbling with drops of sweat. As she sat down, she wiped it off and pulled out her "Technology on Magica." Everyone knew their course outline, and after going through 14 years of pre-school just to be here, nobody was letting up on the acceleration.

"Turn to page 258 of your Technology on Magical Elements, and let's read together the final pages of that chapter."

As they pulled out the book with a gilded golden brass-like book cover, they knew that the book itself cost more than the first year's fee for the five-year apprenticeship here. And everyone had one. It was a must when you wanted to learn the mixed arts.

"The finer points of summoning. Now, when you spawn a half-breed to this universe, you must always remember to tether it to your Soul anchor. Without the tether to the soul, it will not understand or obey your orders. We must remember the rules of Summoning before we attempt any advanced Summoning or lower-level summoning techniques."

Sabine Dranki was trying to live up to the reputation of her father, who died defending the Realm from the Demon invasion, over 20 years ago since she lost him and it had been five years since she had thought of it. The war was over the lower territory and known as the order of the Flaming Dragon the first war had left the planet devastated. Magic was real now. And with her father dying during the last push to force the stone soldiers of the dragon's army. Her father sacrificed himself so that the world would have magic again. They say he was the strange Knight she knew Inky from the story and her mother's tails.

but she still felt like he was alive somewhere. She smiled and put her hand up. The others chuckled when she answered as if she had said something humorous. But she was just asking a dumb question so that the rest could ask questions and not feel like they were asking a dumb one.

The way Sabine saw it, they were stressed after the last three years of war had reached the point where it had affected them as well, even though they were so far away from civilization. The small group of Scimagi were the only ones studying the arts.

 Order of the flaming dragon first warWhere stories live. Discover now