The First War Part 3 Sects of Magic The Scimagi Universesity

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Sabine sat quietly, her mind still reeling from the strange vision she had experienced the night before. As Andromeda's voice broke the silence, she forced herself to focus on the present moment.

"What do you think the exam is about, the practical Exam that is?" Andromeda asked, her voice tinged with a hint of nervousness.

Sabine offered her friend a reassuring smile. "You'll be fine, Andromeda. You just need to believe in yourself a little more. Believe that you will succeed."

As Sabine spoke, she plucked a plate of freshly prepared breakfast from the cloud-like system that kept the food fresh and warm. The tantalizing aroma wafted through the air, and she couldn't help but take a deep, appreciative breath.

"The floating plates are part of the monastery's Magical Automatic system," she explained, gesturing around the room. "The food, heat, and cleanliness are all maintained by the magical technology contained within these walls. It's been that way for over 15,000 years, since the first Magi built this place after the ice age."

Andromeda nodded, her eyes widening with fascination. "I've heard about the ancient books of power kept on Langahand Island, the place where all knowledge and magic stem from. But the keepers of the ancient ways have all but died out, haven't they?"

Sabine took a thoughtful bite of her breakfast, savoring the flavors. "Yes, that's true. But the connection between magic and technology has only grown stronger over time, leading to the development of the seven classes of Magical and Metaphysical sectors."

She paused, her gaze drifting to the other students, who were engaged in their own conversations about the upcoming exam. "The Scimagi, like us, study the interplay of science, technology, and magic. Then there are the Elememagi, who focus on the chemical engineering and the interactions between mana and the physical world."

Andromeda's eyes lit up with understanding. "And the Mechanical engineers, who study the influence and impact of magic on reality and its theoretical origins. That's the STEM sector, right? The one with the most in-depth research and studies of the fundamental principles of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics."

Sabine nodded, impressed by her friend's grasp of the subject. "Exactly. Those are the building blocks for all Scimagi students. It's a vast and complex field, but one that holds the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe."

As the two friends continued their discussion, the other students began to trickle into the mess hall, their voices rising in a chorus of speculation and anticipation. Sabine couldn't help but feel a twinge of unease, her mind still preoccupied by the strange vision she had experienced the night before.

"Andromeda," she said, her voice barely above a whisper, "I need to tell you something. Last night, I had the most peculiar vision. I saw a man with white wings, and a light so bright it was almost blinding. It was like nothing I've ever experienced before."

Andromeda's brow furrowed with concern. "A vision? What do you think it means, Sabine? Could it be a premonition of some kind?"

Sabine shook her head, her fingers tracing the edge of her plate. "I'm not sure. All I know is that it felt so real, so _profound_. I've never had anything like that happen to me before. And now, I can't stop thinking about it."

Before Andromeda could respond, the sound of a bell echoed through the hall, signalling the start of the practical exam. Sabine took a deep breath, pushing her concerns to the back of her mind as she and Andromeda joined the throng of students, making their way to the testing grounds.

As they walked, Sabine couldn't help but feel a sense of unease, a nagging feeling that something was about to change, forever altering the course of their lives. But for now, she had to focus on the task at hand, determined to prove her worth and honour the sacrifices of those who had come before.

With renewed determination, Sabine and Andromeda entered the exam hall, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, their bond of friendship, a beacon of light in the face of the unknown.

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