TOOFD First War part 07

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Sabine and Andromeda are in the underground Chambers talking to the ghost of the first person to get magic sensitive and the last one to wield it so long ago.

They were asking it questions about the time before the world got magic back. When there was a temporary server of Alinari's connection to the plain of magic.

"For a time, I was also struggling with the dwindling magic of this realm. And I was looking for ways to bring it back. After season, apon season of nothing I bound myself to the las remaining magical item in This world.

(The proto-star_Heart key)

He floated there for a moment, then they asked him,

"What's That?" The silence was ringing as the ghostly appearance of the man made them feel uneasy. But he was calm like he's been in a state of unemotional ageing.

The proto star key is the gem around my neck it is meant to hold the last piece of magic in the realm, slowly being extinguished out of Astartian. When. I discovered this I kept it safe down here for thousands of year's, to keep magic alive.

Andromada and Sabine both thought that must be why there's a strong connection to magic here.

Before I died I sent out a key to try call someone down here to help me achieve my dream, to establish this small piece of magic and distilling it into the universe so as to permanently establish magic in this world."

The strange ghost man was kind of shrivelled. His phantom skin was still visible, but he was almost invisible. With time, I was able to bind myself to the Magi realms and pull magic in. After a time, I was sure I would succeed.

When the pair of them looked at each other, there was silence that needed to be broken. How did you achieve such an impossible feat. The ghostly figure had a smile, or what looked like a smile through all the rankles. Instead, he .
with vigorous training and practical, impractical experiments. After 500 years of phantom experimental research. I discovered a way to keep my soul in a reanimated environment.

Thus I designed a phantom synthetic soul Crystal that allows me to channel my temporal continuity into a Silesia Medium. When I found this, the experiment was easy. The hard part was to continue my research. After I died, I was in a place in between this reality and another.

Just like this realm, magic was binary, joined to ours, but I never glimpsed that realm again. But it was possible to travel there when one died, but as I said, I attached my soul to this crystal so I was taken back to this plain.

"Sabine's eyes widened, unsure where this was going she instead asked," How can we help you now? "

Her face reminded him of his daughter, she always wanted to help.

Well the last remaining shred of magic is located at the end of the infinite Gin-ing a place where the possessed, reanimated, unread, demon, and dark creatures thrive, the only way down there is to go through each level and defeat each Boss-litch at the end of each level,

There's 200 puzzles to solve before you get a chance to make it to the end where the string of Magi existed between reality and a Background plain of existence known as Manaira, where it is said all Magic in the multiverse originated from. It will not be easy evan with a full team

, and you will need 2 more companions that you trust to complete all the puzzles, and u lock the final level with the string only u locking the final magically sealed doors.

Sabine looked at Andromeda, awaiting her thoughts,

"Il stay here protect this secret, you find 2 students with the skills to through, make sure they arent greedy, or corrupted, use this spell I created, it shines light on peoples souls, giving UPI a reading of who they are, it's more of a feeling then actually knowing."

" Andromada, you're the best," said Sabine "

Both of them glanced at the old phantom,

"I'll be back with some help. She will keep you company."

The phantom gained, but he stopped realising it must look creepy with a half missing jaw-line.

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