The First War Part 9 the wandering

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Sabine arrived at the location she was instructed to go. She was supposed to enter the underground chamber beneath the mountain where the immense dwelling was formed centuries ago.

She prepared food along with her guardian and conjured a mecaphantomite using her Anchored conjuration skills. Although conjuring was easy for her, she was now entering a different level of the underground space.

She was given a secret badge that granted her access to the underworld of The Scimagi monastery. Sabine was both excited and curious to find out what happened down there that led the Ruler of the world to seal up the place. She examined the stone-carved badge and found that it fit perfectly into the lock. As she inserted it, her hand sparked, and the door started to detach from the ceiling.

The archways fell into the floor, blending into the outline of the stone brick flooring. As she stepped past the door, she heard sounds bellowing from the dark steps ahead. She entered the space, unaware of the danger that lay ahead. Suddenly, she heard a familiar voice softly calling out to her, "Where are you going without me?"

Her friend held a touch Langton capable of lighting up a 30-meter radius and burning infinitely. Sabine turned and whispered, "Will you come with me?"

As they walked, Andromedâ held up the lantern, which was bright enough to light up the entire hallway. They felt as though they were walking through time, and it looked like the Hall of the Dead in ancient pictures from books in the Library.

Sabine was protected by the mechaphantomite that she had summoned. It was strong and capable of bending solid steel. Although there were moments of silence between them, it was comfortable, as though they were an old married couple.

Andromedâ broke the silence by saying, "Did you see Johnathan's hair? I swear he uses magic to keep it so shiny."

Sabine giggled and replied, "Yes, I swear he must have some secret Magi hidden who just keeps his hair fresh. Haha."

As they made their way through the underground network of caves, they arrived at a door with a picture carved into the doorway. It was more of a picture-graph, holograph.

Sabine recognized it and read the inscription out loud, "To venture forth, one must overcome."

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