The Order of the flaming Dragon Part 6

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The mountain tribes of the snowy mountains of Alanari were a formidable force, their people forged in the harsh conditions of the high altitudes. Born and raised in the thin air, the mountain men had developed lungs that were more versatile in low-oxygen environments. Over the centuries, they had built a vast network of cities, connected through the great mountain ranges that stretched for thousands of miles.

These stone-carved metropolises, formed from the ancient rock of the mountains, dated back over 7.5 billion years, to the very formation of the planet Alikanoré, in the distant galaxy of Euplayities. It was here that the descendants of the Grey Army, once transformed into dragons, had settled after the world had changed, and magic had vanished.

Struggling to survive off the land, the former soldiers were eventually taken in by the farmers and monks of the north, who taught them a new way of life. A century passed, and the mountain tribes emerged, their people no longer wielding swords and shields, but instead, carving out an existence in the harsh, snow-capped peaks.

The first of the mountain men, the Albino Hunters, were the direct descendants of those ancient generals. Infused with the albino trait, they were tall and strong, yet half-blind, but possessed a heightened sense of hearing that could detect the slightest sound from miles away. They were the guardians of the mountain empire, scouting the land and patrolling the borders for any signs of intruders or invaders.

The Fang-ka-dom Clan, the Tribe of the Underground, delved deep into the mountains, extracting the vast wealth of gold, silver, bronze, platinum, diamonds, and other precious gems. They adhered to a strict code of honor, never stealing from their own people and remaining fiercely loyal to the horde.

As the mountain tribes grew in number, their power and influence expanded exponentially. Within 15,000 years, they had amassed a population well into the billions, their ruler, Dat-Sūon, rallying the various clans and war bands to set their sights on the world below.

Unknown to the rest of Alinari, the mountain dwellers lived in a state of seclusion, their lives untouched by the magic and technology that had transformed the lower realms. But now, with their numbers swelling and their ambitions growing, they were poised to descend from their lofty perch and unleash their might upon the unsuspecting world.

The city of Alinari, with its population of 4.5 billion, remained largely unaware of the impending threat, its centers of science and magic hidden from the outside world, accessible only through the commercial and trade hubs that dotted the landscape. But as the mountain tribes prepared for war, the delicate balance of power was about to be shattered, and the fate of Alinari – and perhaps the entire world – hung in the balance.

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