OOFD-FW Part 11

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Without it, understanding there will be no peace. Without sacrifice, there's no success. Change is long-term, and the impossible is only so, as someone has not achieved that impossibility.

Then, as the ghost starts bioluminescent glow, like ectoplasm but more bioluman, then, lighter green. Sabine and her friends Anmy and Andromeda are blown away. "How is it that we don't know of these Scimagi robes, and what's this fragment of magic? How can we use and manipulate it when it's non-existent."

The Scimagi monks dedicate their entire life to the research and scientific pursuit of magic. The power these fragments must hold if this one fragment can account for all the magic used at the Monastery Of Scimagi. The study of synthetic magic. Then, when she stopped flipping out.

Are you finished? Sabine was sure that there was no way to tell if these other fragments existed. She had to find out

Sabine pulled open a vortex, and Anmy cast an anchor as Andromeda pulled out the energy from The Aetherianu, a plain she had been experimenting with in secret

"We should be able to make it to the castle underground. Aim for this location on the map. Said the ghostly man anchored here. The fragment of (Alexander Moeru yōna Drakonuia) will require a test, find the keystone, and you will pass it."

He waved as they jumped through one at a time, and Sabine held the wormhole manipulation she jumped through last, knowing the falls would assist the instant transport.

When Anmy and Andromeda dropped through it, many people found themselves at Aww how huge the capital city of Alinari is.

"ALINODIA catacombs." After a long time, they had not expected the underground of Alanari to be aso huge the leavels went so deep that the could not see the bottom but without a touch ot was abysmal.

Sabine dropped through and closed the wormhole to the Monastery. She turned to aee her friends, uncovering the dark and depth of the Alanari underground. Whats this, she seen right behind them an archway that read,

From the magic of reality to the expansion of existing, our minds are free to read wonder and exolore many fantastic and fantasy things, but who sait it has to be mythical."
The writing was in an ancient picture like a display of words and objects she only understood it from the way her eyes hit the texture. That they are laced with magical properties.

She approached it, examining it carefully. And Anmy approached(d from the left. "What do you think it means? She asked.

While wonderfully amazed by the hand Carvings. She taped one of them and then when the wall dropped back. She was not expecting the secret entrance.

Sabine was not one to hesitate. She walked right into the darkness, not thinking there were any sort of traps. But Andromeda pulled her back when she saw the floor pad dropdown. She and Sabine spin around. As Anmy dropped, she saw the arrow skim her hair. And hit the Piller behind her.

Andromeda. Thank you! Sabine let her go first she has the most training in the art of Skimkiaku, a sort of magical ninja. She pulled her hood over her face and darted into the darkness.

After a few arrows came flying out of the darkness, she appeared and held two fingers up before she knew it, Anmy and Sabine followed. They moved through the dark. But Andromeda pulled her hand up and made a light with her biophotons that come from her breath.the cync grew, and the light went from invisible to clean Scimagi light orb. That followed her just 60mill above the crown.

When the three scientific magic and monk teachings. Have grown and now their test is apon them. To free the fragments of Alix, the need for honer. Sacrifice selflessness and true fearlessness will determine the outlook of everything to unfold in the future.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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