Royal Omega?

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Jungkook is the son of the Alpha of his pack, he is strong and powerful but also very caring and protective of those he loves. In His family, there are many strong individuals but no one is as close to him as his sister, Lisa.

Lisa is the youngest of the bunch and also the only daughter after Jungkook, she is very close to her brother and always looks up to him. She is also a very powerful wolf.

One day, while Jungkook and Lisa are out on a run, they come across a group of humans who are being chased by a large group of wolves.

The humans are terrified and Jungkook knows that he needs to help them. He tells Lisa to stay back and watch as he charges toward the wolves.

He knows that he can take them all on by himself but he also knows that if anything happens to him, Lisa will be all alone.

He fights bravely against the wolves but eventually, they start to overwhelm him. Just as they are about to attack, Lisa charges in and helps him fight them off.

Together, they are able to drive the wolves away and save the humans.

Afterward, All humans thank them and invite them to come back to their camp. Jungkook and Lisa accept and they spend the night telling stories around the campfire.

The next day, they say goodbye to the humans and head back home. On the way home, they spot a large group of wolves in the distance.

Jungkook and Lisa were just shocked about another attack but they handle this one bravery.

Jungkook and Lisa return to the camp and tell the humans what happened. The humans are grateful. Jungkook and Lisa are shocked that the wolf kept attacking these people. As per Lisa's Information Wolf attacked for some purpose but they didn't find anything that important that can humans gives them. She is so curious and wants to ask people.

Next Day

"As I already informed you all last night the wolf again come and tried to attack you all, do have any idea why are they doing this?" Jungkook asked with concern looking at all the people in the group. All people look at each other without giving any answer to him, some of them even try to hide their faces.

Lisa also looks at all of them and then she finally speaks, "I think you guys not trusting us ... until unless you guys will not tell us what's going on we can't help you" all the people look at Lisa with anger, and Pain in their eyes but no one speaks anything.

After some time one man finally comes forward and starts speaking, "We all are from different packs, and these days our pack is facing a problem with another pack so we all leave our pack and come here."

Jungkook and Lisa listen to him carefully and then Jungkook starts speaking, "So you all are from a different pack, then why does your pack allow you all to leave the pack?." man replied to him, "Our pack is facing a problem so our pack leader gives us the option either we leave the pack or we have to fight with the other pack".

Jungkook and Lisa look at each other and then again Jungkook speaks, "So you all decide to leave the pack instead of fighting" The man nods his head yes, "Then why did you all come here?"  "We don't have any other place to go that's why we come here".

"So you all are living here for a few days," Lisa asked while looking at a man who gave most of the answers.

man nods his head in yes

"Then why did these wolves only start attacking you all yesterday?" Jungkook asked with a concerned voice. Man looks to down without giving any answer to him. 

Lisa looked at Jungkook with a "done with them" expression.

"Because they want something from us and if they get what they want things to get worse for all, all people who currently living in peace will not live peacefully," Man said with a sad voice.

Jungkook starts speaking again "So you all need to tell us, see as you guys saying if they get what are they looking for then things will get messed up why are you guys not understanding?"

Man looks at him and then he nods his head yes, "I understand but you are able to help us or also take our king's son from us?"

"King's son?" Lisa and Jungkook look at each other.

"Yes, They are looking for a Royal Omega son" man said with a serious face. 

"Royal omega breed which means pink furr? as per my concern I heard he is no more," Jungkook say with confusion.

Man looks at Jungkook and then he nods his head, "yes, You are right Royal omega is no more but his son is there with us and they want him. before the royal omega's death.. he gives his authority to 4 human Packs because he can't trust others. For the last 2 years, everything goes great with things getting messed up when the royal omega's sons forget to block his scent when he went out he is so innocent he doesn't know about the world's crueilty that's why we try to save him."

"So you guys want us to help you in this matter?" Lisa again with concern

man nods his head yes and then he starts speaking again, "We need your help because we can't do anything on our own we are just waiting for our pack members to come back but they didn't come yet so we don't know what to do."

Jungkook and Lisa look at each other and then they both nod their head in yes, "We will help you."

The man looks at them and then he smiles and then he starts speaking again, "Thank you so much for your help. we are really grateful to you both."

"Don't worry we will help you in this matter and we will make sure that your pack will be safe. and please start your packing you all will move to my pack, we come out for hunting and we have a huge space that you all can easily adjust." Jungkook says with concern. 

"And what is the name of Royal omega Son and where is he," Lisa asked while looking for royal omega.

"His name is Jimin and he stays with our pack members we didn't let him know about all these things." 

"Okay, we will go and talk to our pack members and we will come back to you soon."

Next Day

Jungkook and Lisa went to their pack members and they start speaking about the whole situation to their Mom and Dad and how they agreed to help them. 


Hello all ....Long time no see... yes yes I am not updating other stories because I am busy these days... I have filled my exam in February and bearly get time for all these January will again be busy because I have to do preparation...Job...exam preparation...Life sucks ...

I already finish this story a long time ago because I loved omega and Alpha stories... I will update this whole book in 7 days only a few editing is pending this book is a little bit filler of for other books... And it's not longer one...

Thanks for all your support for other books ...............

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