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Next day

Jungkook is in his room doing some work then Jimin standing outside his room...

"Jimin you can do this, yes you can do this ... Just act like normal and go inside his room" Jimin takes a deep breath and knocks on the door.

"Yes, come in," Jungkook says from inside the room

Jimin opens the door and enters the room. "Hey, what's up?" Jimin says with a shy smile on his face

"Nothing much, what about you?" Jungkook says with a gentle smile on his face while working on some paper.

"I'm good. I just wanted to talk to you about something. not actually talk want to do something" Jimin says with a shy smile

"What is it? "Jungkook says and he stops what he doing and stands in front of Jimin with a concerned look

Jimin comes forward and tiptoes on his foot and places a gentle kiss on Jungkook's cheek, Jungkook is just frozen over there not knowing what to do.

After a few seconds, Jungkook comes back to his senses and sees Jimin asking while stuttering

"whhhaat iis is this JJimin ....wait I mean what was that," Jungkook asked with a shocked voice.

"Intimate know Jungkook we have to do this more...and I learn everything about this"

"What? no, we can't do this. This is wrong" Jungkook says with a concerned voice

"Why? we can't do this .....wait you have a crush on someone or you don't like me?" Jimin says with a hurt look on his face

"No no I also have a crush on you but we can't do this because..."

"Because why?" Jimin says with a hurt look on his face

"Because if you start doing this then I can't control myself...."

"then who told you to control yourself have to do normally like this ..." Jimin kiss on Jungkook's cheeks again and this time Jungkook is not stopping himself.

He holds Jimin by the waist, and comes close to Jimin..."umm should I show what is" Jungkook come so close even their nose touch each other then finally he kissed Jimin's lips.

Jimin was a little bit shocked at first he don't know what to do because he learn few things from Taehyung but he didn't know how to do that practically... but he like the feeling he starts coping with Jungkook and respond back to the kiss, after few second they break the kiss and look in each other eyes.

"I hope this is what you wanted to do," Jungkook says with a gentle smile on his face

Jimin nodded and run from the room...

"I can't believe I just did that" Jimin talking to himself. Jimin was so happy and excited that He wanted to do it again and again.

after the evening Jimin looked for Jungkook and he see Taehyubg coming towards home "Taehyung...where is Jungkook... "Jimin asked Taehyung with a worried look because after morning interaction he didn't see Jungkook the whole day.

"He went out for some work he won't be back till 3 to 4 days what happened?" Taehyung says with a concerned look

"I wanted to talk to him about something but now he is not here," Jimin says... "and he don't even inform me that he going out... It's okay you can leave Taehyung..."

Jimin sitting in his room while thinking, when someone knocks on the door. Jimin goes to open the door and it's Rosa.

"Jimin I missed you a lot where were you..."

"I am just here..."

"but why are you in the room..."

"I am just bored...."

"oh because Jungkook is not here?....."

"you also know that he is not here..."

"Yes, of course only his close one knows this you definitely know this also..."

"Ummm no Jungkook didn't tell me anything...."

"Oh, maybe he is not considering you that close..."

"What are you saying?" Jimin says with a hurt look on his face

"I am just saying that maybe he is not considering you that close, that's why he didn't tell you anything," Rosa says with a smirk on her face

Rosa Leave the room, Jimin was so hurt by what Rosa said. He wanted to talk to someone but there was no one. Jimin was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't even hear when someone knocked on the door.

It was Taehyung, he came to talk to Jimin but when he saw Jimin lost in his thoughts, he didn't disturb him. Taehyung just sat there quietly and after a few minutes he got up to leave but before that, he placed his hand on Jimin's shoulder and gave a gentle squeeze, and left the room.

Jimin didn't even realize when he dozed off, he was so lost in his thoughts. When he woke up, it was already dark outside. He got up from the bed and went to the washroom.

After he came out, he so lost in his thoughts, "is I am bothering him that much, why did I come here, I was okay in the previous pack..." these thoughts are continuously running through his mind.

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