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When Jimin woke up, he saw he was in some kind of cave. He tried to get up but his hands and feet were tied with ropes. and there is so much darkness in the room he is so scared right now...

He started to cry when someone comes and switch on the lights. He sees two people coming to him...one starts touching him improperly and the other one starts laughing...

Jimin feels so helpless and scared right now, he doesn't know what to do. He just cries and shouts for help but no one is there to help him.

then men tore his upper harshly which make Jimin's body scared as hell, and men start hovering over Jimin's crying body, feeling the warmth of his body and touching him harshly all over.....

Jimin starts crying continuously, and the men hit on Jimin's face so hard and cover his face with clothes...Jimin keep crying...then suddenly the door opened and someone enter while touring the door...

and Jungkook comes inside ...currently Jungkook is so angry his eye is red, after seeing Jimin's condition he just can't control his anger, he just shifts into his wolf form and kills both the men brutally without giving any chance to them... Jimin was in the corner shivering and scared when he see Jungkook in his wolf form he just get more scared, but when Jungkook come closer to Jimin and start licking his wound ...and after some time Jungkook come into human form and he just so tensed seeing Jimin's condition and then he covers Jimin properly and carries him...while Jimin keeps shivering and moving to his pack...

When Jungkook reached...Taehyung ran to them

"What happened to Jimin....."

"Just sent a doctor to my room right now.. will tell you later."

"Yes, Sire." Taehyung goes from there to send a doctor to their room.

Doctor comes and starts examining Jimin and gives him some medicine.

Jimin slowly gain consciousness and saw Jungkook sitting on the bed beside him. He gets scared and tried to get up but Jungkook holds him back.

"Don't worry, I am here. You are safe now" Jimin is still scared..."Just take a rest I will come back..." Jimin again closes his eye...Jungkook leave the room

"Currently, he going through trauma and he needs a lot of care...make sure don't do anything that reminds him of anything that happened in the past..." Jungkook nodded after hearing doctor's words.

"Yes, doctor. I will make sure he will be fine soon. Thank you."

After the doctor leaves, Jungkook goes inside and sits on the bed beside Jimin. He takes his hand in his and starts caressing it.

Jimin slowly opens his eyes and looks at Jungkook. He looks into his eyes and starts crying.

Jungkook takes him in his embrace and lets him cry. He caresses his hair and tries to calm him down.

"Don't worry, I am here. I will never let anything happen to you. I promise."

Jimin slowly calms down and falls asleep in his embrace. Jungkook makes him lie down on the bed and covers him with the blanket. He kisses his forehead and caresses his hair.

Jungkook thinks about Jimin while looking at him... his thought is interrupted by a door knock...

Currently, Jungkook and Taehyung standing outside the room

"Have you talked with Jimin about why he runs?"

"Yes, I talked with him. But he is not in the state to talk right now. Just let him rest. He will be fine soon."

"Yes, Sire." Taehyung leaves there after giving the instructions to the guards to not let anyone inside without his permission.

Jungkook goes inside and sits on the bed beside Jimin. He takes his hand in his and starts caressing it again and he sleeps the whole night on a chair...

In morning

Jungkook woke up hearing whispering when he opened his eye he see Jimin having a nightmare...he quickly goes and hold him

"Don't worry, I am here." Jimin slowly calms down and falls asleep in his embrace.

after 1 hrs Jimin woke up to see him sleeping in Jungkook's embrace...

"Jimin, why did you run from here, you said you have a crush on me...everything is going great then why..." Jungkook asked with a hurt voice...

"because you don't like me..." Jimin said while looking another side

"Who told you this..."

"because you haven't told me where you going for 3 days and I don't even know you going all others know," Jimin said while trying to move from Jungkook's embrace...

But Jungkook holds him more tightly..."Jimin I want to tell but I am not in a state to tell"

"then why do you tell all others but not me..."

"Jimin, I am sorry. I should have told you but I was in my rut if I come to you then I am not able to control my inner wolf....and that's why I didn't want to hurt you...I am sorry."

"ohhhh that's why you didn't come... but how did rosa know about this, she tell me that only close ones know...."

after hearing rosa's name Jungkook got angry.....

"Jimin don't you ever go near no rosa okay ...she purposely doing all these to create misunderstandings between us..."

"But she is sweet," Jimin said innocently.

"Because you are innocent you don't know about her she is manipulating things and want to separate us...."


"no but...  just don't go near her again okay"

"I will never go near her...I promise"Jimin said with a cute puppy face...

"Okay, now get up you need some training..."

"training for what..." Jimin asked while confused.

"Because I am going to mate you soon so you need to be strong..."

Jimin blushed after hearing Jungkook's words...Jungkook comes close and kisses his forehead...

"I will make you my queen soon Jimin...but before that, you need to be strong...for our future pups..."

Jimin blushed harder and nodded in yes...

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