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"Jimin we want to talk with you," pack man said while giving a food plate to Jimin... all the members sat while eating "tomorrow we will move to another pack save one where you can easily move and you can do what you want to do without any fear".

"But why do we have to go with you all I am happy here with my pack members," Jimin said with a confused face.

"yes, but you have to hide sometime when someone comes... when we all move there you no need to hide anywhere in the house."

"Okay, can we also take my cat with me?"

"Yes, of course, you can take your cat with you."

Next Day

All start packing and then they all wait for Jungkook and Lisa finally Jungkook and Lisa arrived with their pack members and they help them to settle down in the new place everyone is happy with the new arrangement.

"Feel free to do what you want to do but don't make any harm to others," Jungkook said to pack members.

"and today we have an event for welcoming new members to dinner on me, please join us at night."

All members smile and they all say in one voice, "Yes, we will come."

All start preparing for a night event

"Can I also help other members?" Jimin asked with a shy face to the cooking members

"Yes, of course, you can help them but first, you have to tell me your name so that I can easily call you."

Jimin smiled and then he starts speaking, "My name is Jimin."

The cooking members smile and then they start doing their work "Okay Jimin let's start cooking."

After some time they all sit together for dinner and then they all start talking and getting to know each other and everyone is happy in the new pack. "what is your name Jimin asked while helping in serving the food."

"I am Taehyung and I am the head of this cooking section and the right hand of Jungkook if you need any help I can easily help you," Taehyung said while giving a wink to Jimin

Jimin smiled and then he nods his head yes, "Thank you so much for your help."

"Jimin can you pass that powder," Jimin is about to move for the powder bottle his dress corner comes on fire at that time Jungkook comes into the kitchen for some work with Taehyung and when he sees, he suddenly goes and grabs Jimin harshly put water on the fire and then he started shouting on him.

"what the hell are you doing," Jungkook said angrily without looking at Jimin, Jimin was so shocked by Jungkook's outburst. Listening to Jungkook, Jimin comes on his knees and starts doing a bow and keeps saying "sorry I am sorry I didn't mean to do that sorry, please forgive me," Taehyung comes in front of Jimin and Jungkook, "what are you doing Jungkook?" Then Jungkook's gaze come to Jimin, First, he shocks to see Jimin, he sees the most beautiful person, he is so stunned by his Beauty ... he sees his red face and pink lips that keep murmuring sorry, please forgive me. Then he comes to his senses and realizes what he is doing, he quickly leaves the place without uttering a single word.

Jimin still stays on his knees and Taehyung comes to him and then he helps him to stand, "Are you okay?" Jimin nods in yes with a low voice, "don't worry about him he is not in his senses when he is in Anger."

Jimin nods in yes and then he quickly leaves from there, he goes to his room and starts crying.

Jungkook Come to his room His heart starts beating so fast, he keeps remembering Jimin's face. then he calls Taehyung...

"who was he" Jungkook asking Teahyung ,

"Sire, He is from the new pack, he was just helping me but I think you scared him."

"where is he now?" Jungkook asked while looking outside the room

"he run hurriedly to his room after what happened to the kitchen" 

"Okay where is his room, I think I owe to apologize for what I did in the kitchen..." Jungkook while sighing...

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