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It's already 4 days, so finally Jimin decided to leave the pack and go somewhere else.

Jimin packed his bag and was about to leave the room, It is already dark, so no one sees him leaving when he crossed the main door he saw some people coming on horses so he hide when recognize, he sees Jungkook finally coming back... He wants to go back and asked Jungkook so many questions but his previous thoughts stop him....so he leaves by the other door


"Sire, you need anything," Taehyung asked... 

"Yes, I need some food I am so hungry ...this time rut was so difficult for me, and how is Jimin, I forget to tell him about my rut because that night my rut hit so hard if I goes to Jimin... maybe things were not in my control..."

"Yes Sire, I really wanna talk about this ...Jimin was hurt that you didn't inform him anything, so he keep stay in his room for 4 days....he not opening his room"

"What...wait I will talk to him first and then we will discuss this, you go and prepare the food for me."

"Yes, Sire." Taehyung goes from there to prepare food for Jungkook

Jungkook goes to Jimin's room and knocks on the door but there was no answer. He tried again but still no answer. He got worried and decides to go in.

When he went in, he saw Jimin is not in the room and his belonging is also there. He got worried and decides to go out and look for him.

He asked Taehyung and the other pack members but no one saw him. He searched for him everywhere but he was not able to find him.

He got really worried and decides to shift into his wolf form to track him. He went to the near places to search for Jimin...


Jimin goes to the dark forest he is scared right now ..and he regretted to leave at this time... he just sits down and cries...he didn't know what to do now, how to go back? "should I go back or not?" these thoughts continuously running in his mind.

Suddenly he heard some noise, he gets scared and stood up to hide behind the tree. When he look there he saw a huge wolf coming towards him. He gets scared and was about to run but he trips and falls down.

The wolf came closer to him, Jimin was so scared that he closed his eyes. The wolf sniffs him and licks his face. When Jimin opened his eyes, he sees 7 to 8 people standing in front of him...

He gets scared and tried to run but someone holds him back. When he looks properly, he saw it these are the same people who attacked his pack when Jungkook was not there...he try to run but they all together hold him, one person hit him on his head and he lost consciousness.


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