Worried about you

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"I am not sure, I will try to find him," Taehyung said while looking at Jungkook

Jimin is in his room crying, he feels so bad and scared after what happened. He is scared of Jungkook now. There is a knock on his door, he quickly gets up and opens the door. It's Taehyung, he comes inside and closes the door.

"Hey, are you okay?" Taehyung asked with a concerned voice while looking at Jimin's condition.

Jimin nods, still crying.

"I am so sorry about what happened. Jungkook is really sorry too, he didn't mean to scare you."

"It's okay, I understand. I'm Just worried I create a mess in your pack."

"No, you didn't do anything wrong. We are just glad that you are safe now and it's also your pack Jimin.

"Thank you," Jimin says with a smile.

"You are welcome. I will leave now, Jungkook will come here he wants to talk with you."


Taehyung leaves and after a few minutes, there is a knock on the door again. It's Jungkook this time. He comes inside and closes the door.

"Hey, are you okay?" Jungkook asked awkwardly.

Jungkook see Jimin standing there with his head down

"hey... don't be scared I don't want to scare you"

Jimin nods, he is still scared but he tries to act normal.

"I am really sorry about what happened. I lost my control for a while but I am back now. I promise I will not get angry I'm just worried maybe you caught in a fire if I have not come on time."

"It's okay, and you angry because I am about to catch on fire?"

"Yes, I was really worried about you."

"ohh" Jimin said while making o with lips, "I thought I messed up with your dish that's why you got angry."

"No, it wasn't because of that. I was just worried about you."

"Thank you."

"You are welcome. I will leave now, let you rest."


Jungkook leaves and Jimin is finally relieved. He is glad that Jungkook is not angry with him. He lies down on the bed and slowly falls asleep.

Next Morning

Jimin walking in the garden suddenly someone calls him ..."hey you..!"

Jimin turns around and sees a beautiful girl coming toward him, "what are you doing here" Girl asks with a serious face.

"sorry but I just walking"

"exactly the same thing I asked what are you doing here?"

"I am just curious about this place, I have never seen anything like this before," Jimin said while admiring the atmosphere.

"do you have to take permission to walk here?"

"No.... but I have to take permission to walk here," Jimin asked with an innocent face

"don't act innocent in front of me, I know what you try to do" Girl pushed Jimin harshly Jimin lost his balance and he about to hit the floor but Taehung come and catch him

"Rosa what are you doing," Taehyung asked with a serious voice.

"asked him what he doing at Jungkook garden, no one has right to walk here except a few people," Rosa said while looking angrily at Jimin

"Jungkook allows him to and stays away from him next time if Jungkook found your behavior towards Jimin he will definitely get angry so stay within your limits..."

"why is he so protective towards him, he never cares that much towards anybody not even towards Lisa why with this guy"

"Don't know ... I am just telling you what Jungkook tell me about to tell the person who tries to harm Jimin, so better stay in Limits" with that Taehyung Jimin moved from garden

"why was she so angry with me I didn't done anything towards her" Jimin asked with a concerned face

"I will talk with her don't worry" Taehyung try to make Jimin feel better but he fails in that because now Rosa's angry scent effect Jimin and he keeps thinking

"Jimin what are you thinking," Taehyung asked with a concerned voice

"I am just thinking about what you told me, I will never try to harm anyone here, I promise," Jimin said with a sincere voice.

"I know you won't. Now let's go back, Jungkook is waiting for us."

Jimin nods and follows Taehyung back to the house. He is still confused about what happened but he tries not to think about it too much.

When they reach the house, Jungkook is waiting for them. Jungkook senses the atmosphere. Jimin is in his own thought and Taehyung looks angry. He wonders what happened.

"Oh you finally come you guys take so long," Jungkook asks with a frowning eye towards Taehyung, Taehyung just gives him a look which means now it's not the time to ask

"Jimin go and take a rest after that I will teach you a new dish," Teahyung said while giving a slight smile to Jimin

"Okay," Jimin said in a small voice and he moved toward his room

"What happened? Why is Jimin so quiet? And why are you angry? Tell me what happened." Jungkook asked with a concerned voice.

"Rosa happened," Taehyung said with an angry voice.

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