Chapter VII

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P A R T   O N E

Empress Nightingale

        Various mountains of desserts were carefully stacked side by side, an entire array of frosted or chocolate encased sweets. It was a heavenly sight to behold. Upon porcelain plates, were sliced ham with fluffy eggs and baked pancakes downed in sugared syrup. Both Ambrose and Gallia ate with knives and forks, cutting into their food evenly before devouring each piece.

        Dimitri bite into a small frosted cake. The cupcake was proudly chocolate on chocolate. It was a chocolate sponge with chocolate chunks and a chocolate ganache on top. The incredibly sugar-coated dessert was soft and instantly satisfying the boy's appetite. 

        (Y/N) smiled in amusement at the boy. "Dimitri," she called out to him.

        "Hmm?" his head perked in her direction.

        "You've gotten frosting all over your face," (Y/N) chuckles.

        The boy wipes his mouth only to spread the brown stain across his face. The edges of Ambrose's lip quirk slightly. He turns to his son and grabs his own cloth to clear his son's face. "There."

        "Thank you, father," Dimitri grinned.

        Warm milk flowed from the translucent bottle as the infant suckled on its rubber teat. Selina took quick gulps of the liquid, making her mother clean the string of milk that would drip from the corner of her mouth. 

        "Someone was hungry," Princess Gallia gushed, "Oh, she's so adorable!"

        "Thank you," (Y/N) smiled.

        "You're not going to eat?" Ambrose questioned her in a monotone voice, "Does the food not appease to your standards?"

        "No, no," (Y/N) quickly shook her head, "I just wish to feed my baby before I eat."

        "A mother putting her child first," Ambrose commented, "Never seen something like that before."

        (Y/N)'s brows furrow, yet she held back her tongue. She wanted to question his words, but it was better not to ask. It was none of her business what personal affairs the emperor was involved in. 

        "A mother should always put her child first," (Y/N) attested, "Selina is a piece of myself and my husband."

        "I'm sure your husband would be proud to see how you've come now," Gallia praised the young mother.

        Once her daughter finished her bottle. (Y/N) carefully retrieve Selina from her makeshift carrier. She held the infant against her chest, resting her chin upon her shoulder. The mother gently patted her back with her other lap. "I would like to think so," (Y/N) sighed.

        Ambrose could see the hurt in her (e/c) eyes. He could recall the feeling of grief at one point in his life. It was a grueling depression that would come in waves, a poison to the mind and robber of equanimity. The woman quickly erased such emotion from her face and laughs softly once her daughter released a small burp.

        "Father," Dimitri announced to him, "I finished my meal. May I be excused?"

        "Go to the music hall," Ambrose ordered him, "Your tutor will arrive to teach you your basic dancing etiquettes."

        "Aww," Dimitri whines.

        "You know the schedule. Five days for your studies and two days for resting," Ambrose reminds him, "Today is your last day, remember?"        

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