Chapter XII

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P A R T   O N E

Empress Nightingale

        The last rays of the sun dissipate, leaving the sky in a heavenly blackness and shimmering stars. The festival ended, and the carriage back to the imperial carriage was quiet. Against her chest, (Y/N) held Selina close. The little bundle of joy held onto the bodice of her mother's dress, clinging to her just as she did the moment she was born.

        The ventures of the day had tired Dimitri. The young boy had worn himself thin, his energy deflating slowly as his head began to toy with the thought of his nanny and his father. He had already begun to picture a life for his father and nanny. One where Dimitri could have a mother and a little sister; one where he could have a normal family. They would have dinners together, go on family outings such as today, and maybe even celebrate holidays together.

        His father was strict, aloof, and could be ruthless when he wanted to be. (Y/N) was the opposite of Ambrose. She was kind, gentle, and free-spirited. Perhaps, Dimitri could show such features to his father. Perhaps, it'll attract him? But what about his nanny? It was quite clear that Ambrose unnerved the young woman...

        All his thinking made Dimitri's head hurt. He had to make a plan for how the couple would get together. But for now, all he wanted was some sleep. And as soon as he got in the carriage, he did so in his father's arms.

        The carriage gently gallops down the curved cobblestone of the estate. Upon reaching the palace, the carriage boy appears at the wagon's door.

        "Welcome your--" the young man creaks the door open.

        "Silence," Ambrose barked quietly. The servant immediately snapped his mouth shut upon noticing the slumbering prince.

        "My apologies," he whispers and quickly darts away from the ruler.

        Cradling his son as he stepped out of the carriage, Ambrose turns to (Y/N). "Thank you for today."

        (Y/N) chuckles as she steps out with her daughter in her grasp. "I should be thanking you instead."

        "I will be putting my son to bed," Ambrose responds curtly, "Good night."

        "Good--" Before (Y/N) could respond, the emperor takes his leave. He climbs the long stairs and allows two knights standing on guard to allow him into his home. "--Night..."

        (Y/N) releases a long sigh. She finally relaxes, her worrying thoughts about the emperor depleting her body. 

        "Miss (L/N)," a soft voice spoke through the silent night. "I've been searching for you for quite some time."

        (Y/N) whips around to find a blonde-haired woman in a maid uniform. "I apologize, I was..." (Y/N) paused. She didn't need anyone to know about her outing with Dimitri and the emperor. "I was visiting some friends." She immediately changes the subject, "Is there something you need?"

        "Lord Beowulf is asking for your presence."

        (Y/N) raises a brow, "What could he want this late in the night?"

        "I'm not sure," the maid answers, "I'm simply tasked with escorting you to him."

        "Alright..." (Y/N) nods reluctantly, "Lead the way."

- - - - - -

        The bedroom was lit by a burning hearth. The moon poured through a beautiful stain-glass window, basking its light upon a soft carpet between two cushioned chairs. A large chandelier hanging over a dark brown desk did little to brighten the room. Unlit scones were mounted on the indigo-colored wallpaper with dark damask embroidering along its surface. 

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