Chapter I || Part Two

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Part Two

The Rise of Empress Nightingale

It had been three weeks after Ronia's attack against the empire, yet Maodria was somehow ignited with unrestrained joy. The Maodrian army had brought victory to the imperial family, and more importantly, a hero was to be publicly honored by the emperor.

Stationed upon a stage in the center of the market square were the imperial family and their comrades. Both Erebus and Beowulf sat on wooden stools, both men holding their children respectfully, beside Ambrose's throne with Dimitri sitting upon a smaller throne between his aunt and father. Just like the merry citizens, they were all dressed in fine clothes.

The sun brightens the marketplace into a vivid glow like a brilliant lantern. Men, women, and children were fashioned in their finest clothing. Buildings and stalls were decorated with colorful lamps. Statues of religious figures were erected upon the capital's center along with a glorious water fountain. The streets were drowning in a sea of people, where not a single empty place could be spotted between the avenues of bustling shops and local stalls. And children laughed and giggled as they watched parade floats gently stream past them.

The imperial carriage was an elaborate display of red and gold embroidered metals. It was noticeable to the crowd of people, making heads turn and watch as it traveled behind the parade floats. Six pure white stallions guided the large roofless, postilion carriage. The capital's citizens were in awe at the sight of Maodria's hero.

(Y/N) held Selina in her arms, the little girl dressed in her own adorable dress.

Ambrose, Erebus, and Beowulf watched from the stage, the three men were in awe of (Y/N)'s beauty. Her (h/c) hair was curled into a loose bun with gentle wisps of hair caressing her cheekbones. Her lips were glossed, giving them a plush appearance, her cheeks were painted with color, and her eyelashes were made longer. She donned a bright blue dress with a long skirt that cascaded to her feet, with flecks of glinting silver and vines made of gold engraved onto the fabric. The sleeves were long despite how they left her shoulders bare, each ending with a loop around her middle fingers. The neckline of her gown dipped to the center of her breasts, making Erebus, Beowulf, and Ambrose look away with tinted cheeks.

(Y/N)'s eyes widen at the sight of hundreds gathered in throngs to see her. The streets were crowded with various people, some even waiting in carriages as there began to be less and less room in the streets. There were so many myriads of faces, ranging from the poor to the middle class to the elites in the rich end of town.

The entire ceremony was a surprise for the young mother. She wasn't told about being rewarded with anything. She merely woke up in the morning only to find maids swarming her room and declaring that she needed to get ready. Her coachman, the same man guiding her six stallions, was the one to tell her about the sudden news.

As the last parade float swerved away from the main stage, the carriage comes to a full halt right before it. The coachman helps (Y/N) and her daughter down and bows before the young mother.

"It was an honor to serve you, my lady," the man jumped back into the coach without another word.

"My lady?" (Y/N) repeats, recoiling. Those words were only said for the nobles.

Trumpets blare throughout the avenue as (Y/N) climbed upon the stage. All eyes were trained upon her and though the warmth of the sun glowing upon her felt nice, it did little to ease her anxiety.

Erebus stood from his seat, with Magnus in his arms. "Ladies and gentlemen," Erebus spoke aloud, "Today we gather to honor our fallen soldiers and to honor a young woman, a young mother, who save the lives of the imperial family."

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