chapter two: grave danger

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And he clearly wants you to get closer, you thought to yourself, although you were worried he seemed calmer than before, less insane now, "your starin Darlin" his deep husky voice broke the silence, you looked away embarrassed flushed pink and red, almost as red as his crimson hoodie he wore, you curled up into a ball knees to chest, he pulled you over to himself, "hey!? What are you doing!," You said "shhh~ shhhh~ shhh Darlin it doesn't matter~ heh" he chuckled, your heart skipped a beat everytime he called you a pet name soon he had put your head on his lap, as he went though your hair detangling it as he went through, your eyes started to feel heavy, you tried your best not to shut them as you did not trust the man in your house, but he seem to notice you dozing off "shhhh~ sleep~ sleep~ sleep~, maybe you will wake up maybe you wont~" he chuckled to himself again

"H u h ? Wha t do y- ou m- ea-n?" You said startled
"Oh nothing Darlin" as he spoke he went back to playing with your hair, you really didn't want to fall asleep, it could be life of death at this point but you couldn't stay away any longer either you clung to what awakeness you had but it did nothing soon you were drifting off into dream land

Bob pov:
He had to admit to himself you weren't ugly, maybe he could get used to being here as you slept on his lap, he moved your body up to his chest as he wrapped his arms around you, he couldn't get rid of the urge.. the undying urge nothing could make it go away he couldn't stand how annoying the stupid feeling was, he wasn't clingy he was a killer, he had to tell himself he was supposed to kill you, but as you nuzzled into his chest he could bring himself to, he used the excuse "oh no I would stab myself" but he could kill you without hurting himself he was just a pity, it was an easy task but instead he let you sleep, admiring the little sounds you would make, you were perfect to him that's all he wanted someone to love, who didn't care he ate human, someone to take a bullet for, I mean he was immortal his thoughts were soon stopped as you started to toss and turn in his arms, he looked down at your shaking body, your face expression showed fear he assumed you were having a night terror but why would he care?.. he never did.. but you were different, he drew shapes on your back, wrote words held you close and your shaking little by little stop as soon as it started It ended but he didn't stop patting your back, he didn't care if he didn't sleep although he did fall asleep soon after you stopped shaking and tossing, he put a blanket over himself and you, then gripped you tightly almost to the point of if you were awake you would pass out due to no oxagen but you were already asleep he knew that, but he wasn't gonna let you go call the cops whilst he's vulnerable, he would rather slit his own throat than be betrayed buy this... This... Person.. why was he so attached? He was supposed to kill them!, But now his mind was clouded.. soon he fell asleep thinking more than he had before.

(Thanks for reading I doubt it was any good but heh,)

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