chapter twenty nine: oh? seasoned? really? how come?

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(no one's probably gonna get the reference unless they have seen some shit)

It was kinda chilly out. Not much on your body either, just shorts and a (sports bra or shirtless) it was your pajamas not much other to say about it, can one really change how basic they are? Tryna get something out of it, having faces, jokes, or little sounds, you used to have some like that but they got old fast, trends die as fast as your skin cells nowadays, bob was still gone, so you crawled into bed  settling down, you covered your body up and closed your eyes, and speak of the devil (litterly) guess who walked in, "oh, welcome back bob"  it was to dark to see but it seemed he had some liquid all over him it was thick and dark, mud?  "Oh thanks darlin, I'll be in bed in a few don't wait urp (up)" and as that as a cue he walked off and you heard a shower, you closed your eyes once more and drifted off

Bob pov: holy jeez, I'm glad its dark, but I got plenty now, plenty, can't wait to eat.. the succulent moist.. Meat,.. I hadda shower couldn't do my Darlin like that by Messin up a bed now could I? I sure am lucky I always have spare clothes, or darn tootin I would be soaked in blood, there would be no hiding that not one bit, ah well I guess I should clean up and get some rest, my Darlin is waiting.

(Sorry this is sooo short, I've once more been stressed with school and kinda forgot Wattpad existed, lol, but summers soon so I should be back on track)

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