chapter eighteen : Meal for two?

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(Also 1.63k :0!?!?!?! Yal are litterly angels) it was a strong thought so you decided to just try to sleep, bob wouldn't mind right? What if he did though? What was the worse that could happen, thought like that flooded your head untill you were exhausted both mentally and physically you decided to place your head on the end of the couch and nap there you would not wake up bob and you would get to sleep perfect combination of what you needed to do at the time, it was a little chilly In your house so you were somewhat cold but you couldn't grab a blanket or anything you didn't want to wake up bob, so you just shut your eyes and eventually fell asleep, you were exhausted from dealing with your burns and blisters, you had zero medical skull nor knew anything so you popped the blisters (DONT EVER POP THEM IT CAN GET INFECTED and you can get very sick) and wrapped your hand very tightly to the point it was somewhat white, it should heal over your nap, that's what you thought atleast right?

No one's pov: Y/N slept calmly on the side of the couch as a hour or so passed bob woke up, it was slow but he was awake, he sat up from the couch looked around for Y/N and found them asleep adorable as ever breathing calmly practically crammed into the couch to not take up space, bob shifts Y/N over and lays them down ontop of him holding them gently to not let them go

Bob pov: it was odd? It was three am I guess I had slept good with you, it was odd you weren't with me but you were behind me to far into the edge of the couch it almost looked like you were scared of me lil old me, I pulled your sleeping body into me were I held you tight, ain't no one gonna get you no one Darlin

No one's pov:
As bob held onto Y/N putting a blanket on them and making sure they were safe he decided to in the most non creepy way watch you sleep you were adorable the most adorable thing he had seen, huh? No he couldn't like you he was gonna kill you no no no u were food not lover was he going crazy? He didn't know but he couldn't stop thinking about how good you must taste he had to

(Werid thing but in my after class program on Tuesdays my program leader when he says "culture" sounds exactly like bob, and a few other words, and looks exactly like him but human, if I get aten yal know why)

he just had to, it was to hard to suppress the urge so he did what he needed to do, he kissed your sleeping body on the forehead (not so fast neeheheheh) you tasted like sugar, he could get used to that taste, but he would eat you later right now, before he could think much someone was breaking down your door, in the litteral sense "HES IN HERE!!! HURRY BOYS!!!" Lila bad gotten worried over her new friend/neighbor  being in a certain state of not leaving the house in the last two weeks it had seemed she had called the cops to your house as bob saw her huddling behind the broken door, bob himself wasn't that stupid to just stay there and get shot by the oncoming cops, he ran, he felt horrible leaving you to sit in a cold station, he would have to get you back soon, Maybe he would finnally be able to take you to his house, he would have to clean up first but that's what he could do now

"COME ON!  HES RUNNIN DONT LET HIM TAKE THE VICTIM!!!" A cop shouted whist trying to shoot a bob breaking a window in the process "YEAH! hE DIDN'T TAKE THE VICTIM CALL a AMBULANCE!!! There UNCONSCIOUS!!!" Another cop shouted looking over you dead asleep, trying to shake you awake or anyway to try to get you awake but you were very much asleep

Before long you were in a hospital room tubes and ivs galore, they were pumping you full of all kinds of things to supposedly wake you up but really they were putting you Into a coma state, you were a vegetable, not moving and at the will of who plugged the next iv in and started more things Into your veins, keeping you unconscious and bound all this to cuddling with someone who had shown you the right life and now you were about to practically overdose on the meds people were giving you, little did the hospital know some doctor left a window open, such a silly doctor, unknown to anyone not a soul bob was skaling the building in the dead of night the hospital nurses had walked pass only slightly glancing into your room, bob got into your room faster than he thought he would you were on a the forth floor, but he assumed he had just gotten skills from previous times, it hurt him deeply to see you plugged into so many unnecessary  things, all you truly needed was him, he could deal with any illness you had or anything, it made him feel sick to his stomach that he would have to pull out of you, but I had to be done he took them out Swiftly and carefully bandaging any bleeding, picked you up bridal style and went out the window, being alot more careful, but chuckling to himself as he heard the nurses and doctors scream that a patient was gone and to lockdown the hospital, by then he was already far into the forest he would have returned you to your house but it was unsafe with the broken door and window plus he had totally cleaned his house for you, he had even made food ready for you aswell

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