chapter Twenty five: -40

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(it has actually gotten to -40 where I live, my hair froze, so did my food ;-;) even if he was a little out there, he made you feel like you were someone a person and that you didn't screw up everything half the time, either way, it was a little hard to denie your feelings for him, you definitely liked him, alot more than you thought before you were in a love craze but still, it was amazing to just be held, even by him or anyone you craved the touch and feels of him, you really were wrapped around his fingers in all the right and wrong ways, one pull your dead, a twist and your property of him, you both sat in each others embrace, you were quite sure bob was asleep, even though you somewhat liked it here, it was always quite chilly in the air, even though it was almost mid December and was supposed to be warming it was so cold, you really noticed it now as bob was asleep, he was no longer as warm as before, he was still warm, warmer than you but now Luke warm, it wasn't great you were chilled to the bone, both physically and mentally cold, you tried to wiggle in closer but to no avail, bob was content on keeping you exactly right there no further nor no closer, even though if he was slightly awake he would 100% pull you closer but he was dead asleep poor guy, but you were freezing your junk off, litterly though you had booty shorts on and your favorite colored tank top, it was your sleep wear but, it was way to cold, you were gonna probably get sick, and just as you thought you started to shiver, teeth chattering and all, you kinda hoped you would wake him up so he could get a blanket for you because it felt like -70! (Really cold ;-;-;) after ten minutes of you shivering and shaking you decided to just screw it and wake up bob your skin was pale and sickly (or slightly lighter than what your normal skin tone is, no racism) you shook bob and soon he started to make sounds "mmm, huh????" He said extremely drowsy, he put his hands on your shoulders and face, "huh-.. Darlin?- you okay?.., don't tell me I fell asleep with a corpse-.." bob said more awake now but still asleep mentally, he sat up and to a fully awake state saw you, practically frozen "its- c-o-l-d" you said your teeth chattering, skin chilled futher than before, "your freezing, what h'appened lampchop?" Bob asked being quite sympathetically even though you could tell himself he was cold, "I think your heater broke-..." You said trying to conserve warmth the best you could  "your kidding me.. YOUR KIDDING!!!" -cyan eyes-
He got up stomping as he went out of the room, clearly very angry what had happened? Bob had walked to where the heater box was and started screwing around angry it was -40 in the house he didn't know how it got that low at all but he was not happy about it..

(Sorry I haven't been updating I got to meet alot of new people from my friend and we'll not kidding they all look and sound like bob I'm in heaven)

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