Chapter Twenty three: the snack that smiles back

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"you knew."


Nothing better to do than sleep, either way
As  your thoughts blurred, you thought back to your old life, could have your parents changed? Gotten better? Could your ex loved you? All these things flooded your sleep causing a nightmare

(The nightmare)

"Failure" a voice said from the dark unfairly and gritt sounding "you could have been so much more" another said sweet sounding "your better off dead" another voice said familiar in tone "Ye is better as food Y/N" a voice said sounding almost as if it were someone you knew before you could dwell in your dream
"Y/N?" A small child's voice seemed to emerge from within the darkness of your run down house thing, you checked your phone to see eight pm it was two hours from when bob was supposed to find you, dam you over slept again, atleast you were in less pain, you assumed the child was probably just your brain, or something  you decided it was time to leave your sham of a house, even all the good times, you still had things to do elsewhere and it wasn't very liveable at this point, so you headed out, the sharp cool air hitting your not well covered skin, the sun had already set, so you assumed bob wasn't gonna look for you anymore he was probably just gonna wait for a few days and then kill you, for running, either way you had to find a away back, atleast bobs place was warm, and he cooked good meat you still again assumed he was out hunting cows or something  he seemed like the guy to that, either way you had so much to Carry, bobs items, your things, it was alot for you personally but so was the move here and everything, but you pushed though as much as you could, you walked and walked and walked untill, you and your clumsy self tripped over a bear trap ;), hove stupid could you be, theu were bright yellow and spotted with green, it wasn't hard to miss, but look at you falling face first overtop of one, lucky you, atleast you only got a little cut nothing that bad from a bear trap so you continued untill you were lost as a goose in a mirrored room, you were very screwed but you would not stop moving forward hoping to see the familiar path, you could deal with Bob being angry for you invading the house still better than being outside, eventually you found the place, it seemed as if he was gone, was he looking for you?, Maybe so either way you wanted to eat something really bad, so you did just that, you set down your stuff and got to cooking up some -Insert favorite food- you were surprised bob had all the stuff needed for it, but he was himself a chef cook guy, either way it was great so you cooked your heart out adding seasonings flavors and all that was needed, and it was done, you looked for bowls of plates or anything but found nothing, so you just ate out of the pot/pan  it was whatever, when you were done you washed your dish and headed to bed leaving your shoes in the kitchen and you went to set up bobs gift, mostly slapping it into a box and putting a note on it with a smiley, and then onto the counter  you then sat and waited for bob, trying to hide behind a counter you sat,


Bob pov:
Where the bloody heck did the time go? I swear it was only ten an hour ago, I guess I should go find them, well let's go, I sure hope they didn't get taken again, I already have to deep clean my cleaver, athough it really doesn't suck that bad to have the clean my cleaver, it is my greatest tool,

Bobs 3rd person view:
Bob had gotten up from his spot, worked his way up from the basement, and put on his shoes, and embarked outside, at this time Y/N was making there way up the hill, bob seemed to have walked right pass them down into town, checking buildings and such, for once not in his costume, he wasn't planning on killing anyone quite yet, he was just looking for his little Rodent, they were truly one of a kind to him, but yet he found no trace, he eventually decided, he wasn't gonna be Mr nice guy anymore, so he headed up the hill to grab his costume and cleaver, as he walked he saw his bear trap

No one's pov:

covered in your blood, how did he know it was you?, He licked it obviously, what  did you think he would do?, He had tasted you before, well multiple times before and you were devine, not any seasonings needed to make you a meal, you were perfect as can be, bob continued to walk up the hill bear trap in tow, licking it as if it were a hits summer's day and he was a little boy with a I'ce pop, he opened the door to see a gift bag on the counter, a note written beside it "Hi, I uh got you some stuff as, a thank you for treating me so well, - with kind regards Y/N" your handwriting on a paper, for him? This couldn't get better, he opened the bag carefully examining the garments and picking one out of the pile it was a black turtle neck sweater alot like his crimson one but black instead, he then smelt the sent thingy bottle (I try to spell it but it I can't ;-;)
The smell was pleasant enough, a faint sent of honey and -Insert manly smell- he could put up with it, so now he knew you were here but where were you? He changed his sweater from the Red to the black that you had gotten him and he started looking for you, firstly checking the bedroom to what you sat on the bed layed out like a dead cockroach "Hiiii did you read the note?" You asked looking at the ceiling not noticing the sweater he had on "mh'm to'tally n'ot y'e kn'ew" bob chuckled at your sad expression, did you really believe that he wouldn't read a note or wear a gift from you why wouldn't he?

"Did you bate the rabbit?"

(My dude is cannibalrizztic ;)

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