chapter six: a bite to reason

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No one really knew with this guy, if you didn't know better still he would be your normal large man I mean cut the normal out and replace it with attractive, "Darlin, you've lost cook'in privileges now throw that garbage out" bob said in the most southern voice you had heard him use yet, you were scared so you did as he told you to, "o-kay.. I'm sorry-.." you said fearfully he had his large butcher knife at the ready what was he gonna do to you? Maybe he could make it painless you shut your eyes tightly ready for the cold blade of death but yet nothing shows your odded out by the no feeling of the blade you slowly open your eyes scared to death over if he would slit your throat over a faulty meal, soon you relaxed a little still tense from fear but bob was- cooking? It smelt amazing it smelt like some sort of chef was cooking a five star dinner, you still were shaking not realizing your eyes had tears flowing, bob walked forward wiping your tears with his thumb tenderly "lampchop, don't cry, I won't do nothing to ye yet, your just not allowed to cook nothin no mor'e" bob said turning his crazed grin into a more heartwarming smile, he seemed genuine about what he was talking about "okay.." you said still whimpering under your breath, bob then turned around and continued cooking you walked down the hall turning to your bathroom, Washing your face gently you bend down to grab a towel to dry your face (YAL THANKS SO MUCH FOR 200 READS!! PLEASE PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YAL WANT IDC IF ITS WERIDDD)
You stand up looking at yourself in the mirror you see yourself as an imperfect whole, not needing another half you would then be a whole and a half instead of just whole,

Bob pov:
I saw Y/N walk off after I tried to calm them down, my poor Darlin growing up with that pathetic garbage -food- if you could call it that even, atleast now I'll show them real food.

No one's pov:
Bob walked two and forth cooking and plating Whist you say in your bathroom wondering what to do next your were still terrified but also hungry, you couldn't eat in the bathroom that would be gross but you couldn't leave and be with that maniac, right? As you were lost in thought you heard a knock "Darlin you okay in there?, Open the door lampchop" his knocks became more frantic and loud, you were internally panicking, I mean do you let him in, you decide to act like you passed out it would be the easiest way out of this and you could say you just slipped of course, you get into position on the floor, I mean what could go wrong totally not he could cut you open and gut you, right? As you lay trying to be as unconscious as you can whilst trying not to look as he bangs on the door louder and louder untill you think he may actually break it down "Darlin!!! You okay in there? Open the dang door!!!!!!" He said angered by something maybe he thought you were calling the cops, your phone was charging in your room down the hall but he probably didn't know that fact, as you ponder whether to stick to your plan or deal with the consequences he breaks the door open, not in a messy kick way but it seemed he unscrewed the hinges and took the door off like so you had no time to think so you shut your eyes, hoping he would know you were actually awake I mean you thought you looked convincing enough to a well him, soon you heard your door being opened, not kicked down or broken in but just ripped of its hinges, "oh darlin~, what happened here" he said scooping you up and over his shoulder you had to commit to the plan your butt was little more than a few feet away from his face, you assumed this from the small breathing you felt on your thighs from your shorts, it was not great timing to have to do this you were starving and the food smelt amazing but you were to deep in to go back you had nothing to fall back on than this stupid smooth brained plan, you felt yourself being tossed into something warm and soft and then being wrapped in what you assumed was your couches throw blanket but you really didn't know,but the smell of the food was getting closer,it was like he was eating infront of you trying to see if you would wake but it was like you were a orb of safety nothing could hurt you if you were in your safe warm space you soon drifted off into sleep with nothing on mind other than the safe feeling, what could go wrong? Alot you were now you were truly unconscious and truly at will bob

(Please let me know what to do next I'm pretty stumped and I may give up with no inspo I know some people probably would be happy if I did lolz, thanks for over 250 reads!!!)

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