chapter five: lovely life

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They all agreed to something- what was that something- he didn't know himself but he was compelled to atleast not murder you quite yet, I mean he loved watching you, as you slept snoring softly he couldn't get that one feeling out, was he gonna act on it? He didn't know it was hard for him to predict the crazed thoughts, I mean they all told him to eat people, he didn't hate it but it had become an addition to cope with (hia please comment if I should do fluff or anything please!! Im in need of. Options please!)

I mean how could you ever get the taste of blood from your teeth  it was a great feeling, addictive as cigarettes and just as bad for you, but he didn't care,  he craved the taste of you, you were his best meat, the best taste he wanted more of it, he couldn't stop the thoughts, and before he knew it he was bitting down on your soft tender flesh, right in the nook of your neck, you were half asleep at this point but you felt him sucking your neck "bob-, what are you doing- I'm gonna get light headed" you muttered out groggy, but that didn't stop him even as the small amounts of color left your face he drank it all, not enough to kill you but to have most of your vision gone, "oh I'm sorry there darlin' couldn't help'a myself" bob said chuckling  he then ripped a piece of his stained white shirt and wrapped it around your gushing wound, it was gonna leave a mark but you didn't mind much  "I'm mighty sorry Darlin, ye know how I get around y'a" bob said tighting the makeshift bandage he had almost hit an artery but he was smarter than that you glared angrily at him for almost killing you, but again you really couldn't be to -open- around him I mean he was so much larger than you, he was practically three times your size, you really would just be a quick snack for him
You really would be a quick snack for him, it's almost as if he could read your thoughts, he stood up towing over you "I'll be back darlin'" he said as he left your living room the floor boards creaking as he went, to be honest you were feeling quite hungry, and nothing hit the spot better than instant noodles, you got up, heading over to your small yet organized kitchen bent down and looked into your cabinet, to see all flavors and types of instant noodles to what was really all you ate other than sandwich and mac-n-Cheese
You really had let yourself go after the move, even though you had a stable income, your house bills hardy left enough money for food and even with your smooth brained self you couldn't resist your favorite animal plushes on sale, as you turned the kettle on   prepping your noodles to the instructions you heard the floor boards creak once more bob had returned he peered into the kitchen and saw you pouring badly boiled water into your noodles "err- what you doing darlin'" he said as he walked into your kitchen "cooking up dinner for myself, I know you normally eat well- different things" you said continuing to put your -food- if it could even be called that into the microwave to warm "cooking?-, lampchop, that ain't cook'in, don't tell me y'e eat like this everyday?" Bob says looking slightly angered at you calling borderline nothing food, "'s whatever I make due with what I have, theres nothing wrong with noodles all day" you say trying to prove your point "have you never cook'ed?" Bob said glaring you had actually never seen him this- mad? Annoyed? You couldn't place a tone on what he was right now "er? No? Isn't this cooking? I mean it makes something to consume for nutrition" you say "darlin' that ain't nutrition from now on I'll be cook'in don't y'e fret, you will know what real food tastes like y'e hear" bob said, as your grabbed your noodles from the microwave "ay don't you dare eat that abomination to the foodie culture y'e hear!!" Bob said angered "hm?, But I'm hungry and it's quick" you say trying to get him to sympathize  "shush darlin' that is not food that is full of garbage and plastic not food" bob said angered you could tell he really really was a foodie I mean I guess you could see why, but you didn't care you were starving, "just let me live bobbieo" you said whining, you would say bob flushed a different color from your nickname you had given him but he was so tall it felt like you would break your neck to look him in the face, or maybe you were just short, either way bob went silent after your comment you wondered if you had offended him, or something you could see his smileless face it felt odd.. had you done something wrong? Was this the final straw? Were you done for, would you be his next meal. You didn't know no one really did with this guy, maybe he was just keeping you alive taking care of you just for fun.

(Chosen to add another two chapters together 😃 just to size down and make more room

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