Unexpected Meeting

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"Will marry a certain rich man to make my life easier my ass. What the hell do they think is that any good for me to leave this god-forsaking life I live for a long time." Truth to be told that you move away from your old life, trying a new experience and moving in to Midgard is actually making you think that it's a had idea when suddenly out of nowhere Fimbulwinter happen. You have been walking the insufferable winter snow, having you shiver to the bone but luckily you know how to make fur coats to keep you warm in this harsh weather. You're not exactly the best at fighting, perhaps average, enough to make you survive an ambush when you least expect it to happen but sometimes running is the best course of choice when you know you got your back against the wall like no option to choose but to run as fast as you could "glad I learned to move faster than those freaks." You don't even know why you chose to be in Midgard in the first place and so far, your journey has never been that hard since the day you decided your own fate.

A little would help you to move more quickly than walking in the snow by foot. It may occured to yourself that it's best to settle a bit before continuing your track in the middle of this winter season, however you really cannot find the right time nor place since those Hel-walkers are always awake and any where you go. With your own thoughts alone, you remembered the Norns words 'deciding to change your fate may cause you more than you lose, beware of the choices you make and you may as well be forever in the damn of you life' yeah right, as if you're gonna let Norns decided to give you that when you know it yourself that there's more to life than looking for a rich man to marry "No way in hell I would ever wanted a man in my life! I have myself and that is enough!" "Perhaps yelling in the middle of nowhere would not help you at all?" Your head whip faster than you can ever do, eyes meeting a dwarf smithing something you can't tell, confused on how the heck did you not notice it before they even spoke. "Wait, who the heck are ya?" You asked, the dwarf chuckle at you as he continue to hammer the thing he's making and you approach his small camp "I'm Sindri, a Smith as you can see. What are you doing out here by yourself, milady?" Your eyes scan the whole place he build and impressed that he can work in this weather "I'm Y/n, a traveler. A pleasure to meet a friendly face for once. Or are you just a pretender?" Sindri laugh at you and stop his movement "well, I don't see how am I something more when all I can do is to craft things? And you mentioned that you're a traveler, from where did you come from?" Feeling a bit easy in his presence, you settle a bit next to his anvil and smile "I have come from a very far land. Well I travel because ya know, escaping something dangerous in my life." Sindri is intrigue and set down his hammer before offering you to sit next to the fire for you to warm up "Danger? Oh that's not good. I hope you escape it completely. I must say, you're not the only one who came from far away. Ya know I met this big gruff bearded man and his son. They were looking for a high place for them to spread the ashes of the child's mother" you frown slightly at this and feel bad for a child to lose a mother "how old is the child, Sindri?" "He's probably like eleven that time and it's already been 4 years ever since. And now that little boy became a young man to this day and they're actually staying at my home due to some circumstances unexpectedly." Nodding in acknowledgement, you look up to the sky, cloudy as ever and won't the sun coming out anytime soon, you pick up your bag back and slung it over your shoulder before turning to leave "I appreciate your company, Sindri. But I have to keep going now..." "Wait, before you go. You seem a nice person and all. Here take this with you." He handed you a sphere looking thing that glows, it looks pretty but you're confused face is still visible to Sindri as he laugh "it's something that you can use to travel between realms. Tho you have to activate it first. Do you see those rubble over there?" Following where he was pointing at, you look over where a place of a certain rock pile can be seen, he motion you to get closer to it and provided you instructions on how to use it "you just have to raise the sphere close to it and..." As you did what you were told, you notice how the little rocks started to form on their own, creating some sort of a door. You look over to Sindri but your eyes widened that he suddenly disappeared, except for his camp. You try to look around or call out his name but to your surprise he is nowhere. You shrug off the creepy vibe "Well that ain't creepy at all, appearing then suddenly disappearing..." Putting away the sphere in your bag, you continue your way to wherever it takes you. But before you could turn away from the door, Hel-walkers started to appear "Oh you got to be kidding me!" You take out your batton and ready yourself in battle, they're only four of them "I can do this, they're only four... Unless there's more that I cannot see." Suddenly something was thrown next to your feet and made you jump away from it before it exploded "five for that one..." You muttered and they all went towards you with a screech. You swang your batton direct to the first one and kick its face, making it fly back and the other swing their sword almost hitting your head, dodging their attacks one at a time 'this guys don't really have any proper fighting style... They're just attacking mindlessly' ducking down to avoid another fireball, you sweep down the other one cause them to fall on their back before stomping on its head, killing them in process "hell yeah!" You finally got down to one and have no idea how are you gonna put the last one that throws explosive to drop dead like the rest, before you could act, an arrow suddenly hit the last one and it fell off to the ground "Whoa, where'd that come from?" You turn to look around to find whoever shot the arrow and your eyes found a young man and a gruffy bearded man with him, the same one that Sindri mentioned, the young man approach you with observing eyes around to make sure that no more enemy will pop out, he went near where you are and continue to keep looking out "Hey, are you alright?" He asked, you nodded at him and look at the man who you think his father and smile awkwardly as a greeting "thank you for that, um..." "Atreus and this is my father. And the head is Mimir." As the mention of the name, his father pull up a severed head that cause you to shriek slightly and back away slowly from them "Wait, no it's okay. That is Mimir!" "You named a head that hangs on your father's belt, how is that normal." You earned a chuckle from someone and you look at the head again that it was blinking "Aye, lass. I am alive but just a head. No need to fret or fear. I requested this to be free." You feel like you're gonna pass out due to the shock but you held your bearings as you try to relax at the gaze of the head "This man here is Kratos, perhaps a better introduction for your father next time, lad." Atreus smile at his father as he apologize and turn to you "so, what are you doing out here on your own? And I believe you haven't told us your name." You internally facepalmed at yourself and scratch the back of your head sheepishly "Oh yeah, sorry about that. I'm Y/n. You must the father and son and head that Sindri have mentioned." "Wait, you know Sindri?" You nod "well technically I do, but only for a brief moment. He offered me this sphere thingy to use on that little rubble there so I can come to his home. Tho I don't think I'll be using this anytime soon. He suddenly disappeared too." After a while, you all decided to go together at first you thought that they'll leave you after but somehow Atreus talked to his father and convinced him to bring you with them, which is not half bad either. You have been traveling for so long and having some companion along the way won't be too bad, beside you can't really handle many battle and they look like they do this for fun. Walking along side with Atreus while his father is up ahead of them, you can't help but ask him "Say, what's your purpose here, Atreus?" "Well, I have my father follow me to find someone... His name is Tyr, the Norse God of War. He was in some mining area and we're on our way to meet Durlin that knows where the mine is." Humming softly, you remain your eyes ahead "Tyr...I do heard something about him being in prison for long time. But are you certain about the information you got? Sounds cliche to be honest." Atreus shrugged at your statement tho you can't be really sure if what they know is enough to confirm the whereabout of this Tyr guy is true "well, there's only one way to find out. Would you like to join us looking for him?" Actually, your main reason being out here is just a little travelling, nothing more but perhaps joining this father and son duo on their journey, you'll learn more about this realm. 'they seem to be reasonable enough to save a certain God... Tho why do I feel like something is not right...' "well, I got nothing better to do, so yeah I'll come with you as long your father is also okay with it." "You really don't have to worry about this one, lass. He's alright to have more company in this little journey." Mimir added, which you smile about. Still creep you out that he still talks.

It takes a while to get more information about this Durlin guy that they're looking for, and surprise surprise, Sindri is there too as if knowing that the two are arriving here in this Dwarf Town. "Ah I see you finally met them." He said while looking at you, you smiled at him in return "yeah, they kinda helped me beat some monsters after you disappeared. " "Oh dear me, my apologies, Y/n. I'm actually a very busy dwarf and my brother wouldn't like me just hanging around somewhere." Telling him it's alright and you understand what he meant, he focused back his attention to Atreus and Kratos, either making them some equipment or enhancing their current ones, while they're in the midst of that you look up to see how bright the sun in this realm, not a single snow can be seen. Out of nowhere, you heard a loud crash behind you and turn to find Atreus and Kratos killing some crawling things, you felt your back shivers and took a deep breath once they're gone "What the hell was that sound?" You asked "it's something I put on Atreus's bow string to help them to their journey, I forgot to ask you if you have any special weapon that you might want to be check while you're here?" You take out a small metal from your pocket and give it to Sindri but he was left confused "uh... A piece of metal is not exactly I am expecting..." You facepalm once again and curse yourself to assume he knows it before you took it back from his hand gently and press the small button and when you release it, the metal suddenly extend and became a pole "Oh my! That surprised me!" "I'm sorry about that. This is my weapon. I don't always use it since I'm more on my fist than my weapon, although this one is my specialty if things go wrong." Giving it back to Sindri, he started to fiddle with it and while you're all waiting Atreus stand beside you with much curiousity towards your weapon "I never seen a weapon like that. Where did you get it?" "It's a gift... From someone." Noticing how your eyes went sad for a moment, you turn to look at him with a soft smile "reason why I don't use it often is because I'm afraid that I might break it and won't be able to keep it. So I'm being careful, if that make sense..." "Yeah it does make sense. That actually reminded me the time that I have to sacrifice my mother's knife to save father... But I don't regret it." Smiling at the thought of him towards his father, Sindri finally return your pole back and notice some few reddish color surrounding it "um... What did you exactly do with it?" "Oh well, I added some flame effect on it so if you hit your enemy with it they're gonna be set on fire at will. Nothing much." Impressed on how he managed to add that, you finally left his mini camp and continue your search for Durlin. Which is gonna be a bit harder than you thought.
You met a bard that was a bit rude towards Kratos and told them that Durlin is in the office in the middle of the body of water, and of course that needs to be in a boat. But it's not hard to get by it and you see a lot of mining equipment in the area, the ones that Mimir mentioned in his primal days when he still works with Odin 'Is Odin a kind God or... Just a false one? Lots of questions about this realm...' once finding this little office of Durlin, he was not as kind as the rest you met along the way, and since Atreus is desperate to find the whereabout of Tyr, you only listen to the dwarf saying.  Learning that he have Atreus a fine for ruining his desk and kick you all out. However the piece of paper that Durlin gave is actually the location where Tyr is residing "Well I guess he's actually into helping us after all." You quote to Atreus while looking over his shoulder to see where Tyr could be. After checking the 'fine', the three of you got back to the boat and put Mimir on your lap "I want to ask, by the way... Why are you looking for this Tyr guy anyway?" You asked "I want to get some answers. The shrines are not giving me much information about Ragnarok." Feeling more confuse you decided to let it go for now and just see how this search go

'the hell is Ragnarok... And what's a shrine is he talking about...?'

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