Eminent Faceless

415 11 1

(sorry if I updated a bit late.)

What is this? What is this calming feeling? Where am I? This isn't Asgard...

You open your eyes to find yourself in the middle of nowhere, it's bright and you can hear birds singing up high, the wind is blowing gently and it's...peaceful. You find yourself laying down to a nearby tree, it looks old and somewhat ancient.
Out of nowhere, you hear someone crying as if pleading you followed this sound and find a woman sobbing and praying to the...tree? "Excuse me...?" You called but the woman did not move, she continued to weep her heart, clasping her hands together in a deep prayer "Please please...grant me a child...my husband and I have been trying to conceive...his family wanted me to bear a child with him as I always wanted as well...I do not want to disappoint my beloved as he always wanted to be a father... Please..." She repeats, your eyes dart back to the tree where you found yourself near, the woman...she looks familiar... "Um...miss...?" You tried again, waving your hand in front of her but she didn't seem to see you at all "She can't see nor hear me..." As if the wind picks up harshly, you feel yourself blown away by the woman, everything is being engulfed in darkness before light comes back again. But this time you see the woman again and a man... They look so happy "Is it true? The ancient tree granted our wish?!" Exclaiming towards the woman, they look...in love... "Who are these people...?" But before you could ask again at least to yourself, the scene in front of you continues as the man starts listing names, something about his demeanor caught your attention. He feels...familiar...even the woman beside him seems to be someone you knew somehow but you cannot point out when. Even if you try to get their attention it's not gonna work "is this some sort of a mirage...a dream...? Or someone's memory? Am I being toyed with?" So many questions that you want to get an answer with but the sound of laughter from the couple in front of you seems to put your mind at ease. But before it continues, another darkness enveloped you, and this time, you're inside of a home, you can hear the laughter on the other side of the house, it's not small, the decorations look really good, the windows are slightly open and the smell of fresh pines enters the silent abode, the ceiling is decorated with various of coloured vines with small flowers growing on them as well, the furnitures are detailed, handmade. There's a small table in the middle with a clay vase, marvel with a red velvet rose. The floor is marble, carved with various designs that compliment the brownish colour of the wall "they did put a lot of effort making this home. How nice." Following the sound of laughter, there you see the same couple, the woman resting on the bed in a sitting position as the father seems to be holding a bundle in his arms "She's beautiful..." He said with a loving smile towards the woman, she returned the same soft loving look towards her lover and a sound of cooing sound from his arms made you smile softly "this is what they were praying for...they got it at last. But why am I seeing these...whose memories are these...?" The woman asked what they would name their child but as soon the husband was about to say it, everything went quiet, as if something muted them on purpose that you did not get the name of the child "I like that... She's as beautiful as her name... Like the light would show the way for the better days." The woman said. Taking the bundle of joy from her beloved arms "you will be the light in this land, my dear."
But before it continues again, the darkness seems to return around you. Leading you now in a different situation...

Your eyes widened to what you're witnessing, you stand at the top of a hill further away to what you think is a land blazing in flames, you can hear cries and screaming of terror as many things seem to happen at the same time "What's going on?!" You screamed. You heard someone calling out but you can't tell who they are looking for, following the sound of the woman's voice, you find her carrying her child in her arms but where is the man? "Don't worry, my love... I will take you away from here...I will protect you..." The woman put the child in a basket and put something with the child "This held protection for you, my love... I will always...always protect you no matter how far you may go..." And watch the woman push the basket to the raging river "What are you doing?! Why would you...huh?!" The woman turns around facing something you can't see, it's screeching loudly from somewhere and it's getting closer, it's... ominous...something dangerous. The woman unsheath what seems to be a blade from her side and ready herself for battle.

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