Asgard Wall

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Not even for 5 mins, you suddenly jolt awake and find yourself in an unknown place, nothing but a vast of darkness and screaming can be heard and no one to be found. You look around to see anyone or soul at least, but ended up finding a young girl standing not far away from you "Hello?" You called, the little girl started to walk away and instantly move to follow her "wait, do you know where this place is? Can you tell me where I am?" No answer, the little girl seem to stop however and turn their head slightly over her shoulder and motion you to follow. You felt your own feet move on their own and a light come at the end of the darkness, the little girl remained quiet and continue to lead you to the light. You see her again looking over her shoulder once more, you try to see her face and see her lips move "...up" not clearly getting what she's saying, you try to catch up to her but she seem to move further and further away "wait! What did you say?! Where are you going?" The light started to grow and little by little you can hear other voices, voices that sounds like they're in panic "where is he?" It's getting louder, your head turn to find where the other voices come from but when you look at the girl again, she disappeared "where...?" Suddenly, you felt someone from behind you and whisper to your ear

"Wake up...they need you."

Gasping like you're out of breath, you open your eyes fast, waking up to the sound of the others outside of the room, you can hear Kratos talking, asking about Atreus's whereabout. Getting up quickly from the bed, you head to where they are and find Kratos leaving the house "What's going on?" Sindri look at you in relief and Brok approach you like he's gonna pick a fight with you before he stop "What the hell happened to you? You were knocked out for two days!" Your eyes widened in shock 'two days? How's that possible? I slept like few hours ago.' as if reading your mind, Tyr stand up from his seat "You've been asleep for two days, are you not aware of that?" He asked, by the look on your face they clearly understand you don't know how you ended up sleeping that long "I didn't know but enough of that, where is Kratos going?" "Atreus has been gone for two days and hasn't return, Kratos is going to look for him. And he's pretty pissed off about it. And what's up with you, lady? Are you a bear to hibernate like that?" Unsure what to answer, Sindri went ahead to leave having Brok follow him outside, leaving you with Tyr "Where are you two going?" "We have a feeling that there's more to see where this is going with Atreus but I think it's best for us to follow Kratos if any thing happen while he look for his son. Stay here with Tyr for a while, we will bring them back." With that, you stand there confused and lost as to what's going on until Tyr spoke "The young man is full of questions. He can't sit still and want to know more, he might be looking for answers but sneaking away like that is not safe since he have mentioned before that Odin visited him personally to invite the young man to visit Asgard." He explained, clearly not aware about that part from Atreus. You felt something odd as to why he have to go to that extent when he should be planning how to stop the war that will boil soon.

You have been pacing back and forth waiting for their return, it has been more than five hours since Kratos has left, Tyr on the other hand has been what you think is meditating on his own. Lucky for the guy not to worry so much when he's basically don't want any more war. The door open signing that someone came back and find Sindri and Atreus walking in looking defeated. Like an instinct towards him you grab his shoulders gently "Atreus, where have you been? We've been worried about you." Looking at you sadly, you can tell that his father found or caught him to say the least and somehow waiting for an earful of a scolding, you look over to Sindri asking him about Kratos "oh, well Kratos has fought a valkerie and found out it was Freya, things were almost out of hand and Freya almost got Kratos but Atreus here managed to save his father by shifting to a bear, after the fight, Freya asked Kratos to help her free herself from the bind spell that Odin put her in and now they're off to Vanaheim." He explained, you can't get your mind to wrap around to what happened exactly but mostly understand that the known Goddess Freya is spell bound in Midgard throughout the whole other realm. Atreus being dejected, he excused himself to his room with Sindri letting you know that he's gonna talk to him. Tyr walk up next to you, sensing the worry that emits from your body "The boy might have a lot of questions, we should wait for Kratos return before we assume what he has learned." Without saying anything, you agreed. You never felt this way before but the things going on with Atreus is giving you flashback from your homeland. You help Tyr cook some meals while waiting for Kratos return, needless to say you felt like the whole plans you got in your mind are somehow brush off for now and return on thinking about your dream that you had recently "You seem distorted." Tyr's voice cut off your thoughts and turn to look at him before you shake your head "I know there's something going on with Kratos and Atreus right now, but I have been thinking about something else... I'm not really sure how I feel about nor how I can clear up the confusion I have." He listen to you intently while stirring the pot, you decided not provide a full information about the dream until you're sure what you can come up with it and figure out the meaning. After a while, Kratos return with who you think is Freya, the woman look like she has been going through bad things and she noticed you too. Nodding at your way, you nod back. Kratos immediately went to the room where Atreus and Sindri is, you can't help but excuse yourself from Tyr to follow Kratos there. You can hear Atreus trying to explain why he was away for two days and the things he discovered and want to discover more answer, that's when you learned Atreus is part Giant and Kratos being a god himself, their discussion is getting heated even more when Kratos keeps telling him that it is dangerous to act without a plan, but Atreus is not having it and argue back with his father "Odin is nothing but a liar and manipulative man. He will do anything to achieve his goals, even sacrificing those people who worship him, Atreus." You watch them fight words back and forth, not really knowing what to say to calm them down until Kratos was about to grab his son but before he could do so, Atreus anger risen and he shift to a bear like how Sindri said. Pushing away his own father with brute force, he run out of the house and headed to the portal, you did not know why but your legs just went ahead and run after him, calling him to stop and hearing Kratos loud voice "BOY!!!" Knowing it by now, you almost tackled Atreus but both of you shift to Midgard together and landed separately from each other, he might have not notice you yet and he started to walk away. You decided to follow him quietly since he hasn't seen you yet, you can hear him talking to a raven "Can you take me to Asgard? I want to see thr All Father." As if understanding the raven, Atreus suddenly got surround by more of them, creating a vortex. Your own legs move on their own once again and next thing you knew, you jump towards the ravens.

What felt like forever, the vortex of ravens started to disappeared and you see Atreus looking at you surprised, as if time slow down, both of you felt directly into the water, you float instantly and find him having a hard time to swim. You paddled your way towards Atreus to help him and head towards the bank. Dragging him to catch on his breath, you steady yourself in all four while panting heavily "Those birds are pain..." You say in between breaths, Atreus instantly shot up and look at you "Why did you follow me? Didn't you know it's dangerous?" He sound genuinely upset but he instantly calm down before getting back on his feet, knowing that getting upset seeing you there won't do anything good he turn away sadly, embarrassed to what he had done that you have to witness, "Y/n, I'm sorry..." You look up to him, knowing what he meant. Standing up to face him, you put a hand on his shoulder while shaking your head "Don't be, I'm not really sure what's going on but I can tell you're full of questions in your head. But still, you could have explained it a bit better to your father on why you sneak out by yourself." "You don't understand, even if I try to explain it, he won't listen..." You softly smile at him before lifting his head to look at you in the eyes "I know you didn't want your father to worry about you, but you should know better that a parent will be protecting their children if facing danger on their own. However, what it is all about? If you can't tell your father, why not tell me?" Atreus was hesitant to say anything at first before he gave in, you waited for him to start and stare at him expectedly "I was in IronWood... I met someone like me... A giant too. Her name is Angrboda and showed me some shrines that will happen in the future." Turning away from you he continued "...I saw one of those shrines and found out that my father will die in my arms..." "So you wanted to prevent that from happening and do it on your own accord? To be honest with you... That's rather selfish." Atreus was about to retort back but when he saw your eyes that holds nothing more but sincerity he stop "but that doesn't mean what you want to do is selfish. I can see where you're coming from this however, I'm not saying it's a good thing. It might cost you." Atreus know what you meant by your words and he knows also that it's too late to have you go back since you're at this unknown place. He went ahead and search around you both while you stare at the scenery in front of you "whoa..." Atreus was already walking ahead of you before you went to catch up with him. It's very beautiful and yet you felt empty for it at the same time. There are few nightmares flying around but luckily for you, Atreus is ready anytime which is not good because you forgot to bring your bow. but he didn't mind, since he knows you can only fight a few but not in large numbers.

Upon walking further in the area, a bridge came to sight. It looks sturdy enough, Atreus walk towards it and look down where a encampment seem to be build outside the wall "Are those...?" "Looks like a community... But why are they out of there?" You both wondered while crossing the bridge, but stop when you heard someone calling for you two "hey, are you guys lost?" Turning your heads to the person talking, Atreus seem to notice that it was a boy probably around his age looking at the two of you weirdly "never seen your faces before, who are you guys and what are you doing?" Both you and Atreus look at each other for a moment before Atreus walk towards the boy "Hi, I'm Atreus and this is Y/n, we're actually wondering where we are." The boy grimace a smile, though you kinda felt like Atreus somehow felt happy to see someone his age and they talk about the place and the massive wall. You walk ahead but remain your attention closely with their conversation "Wait, so means to say that we're in Asgard? But why are you outside of this wall?" Atreus asked, which you didn't catch the answer of the boy. Looking up to it, you felt your stomach turn 'I have a feeling that we are gonna climb that wall to get to the other side to meet Odin.' "Well, this is where we heading. We're gonna climb the wall." Atreus proudly said, causing the boy excitedly clap for his bravery but made you take a deep breath "oh cool! I can't wait to see you both fall!" Said the boy, making your head turn in shock and Atreus being concerned "What...?" Well, you have no choice now, you are indeed gonna climb the wall, good thing you know how to climb but it's gonna be a bloody one "are you ready, Y/n?" Atreus asked while wiping his hands on his clothes, starting ahead of you already "do I even have a choice?" You mutter before climbing right away, the boy kept cheering for the you two but your head is much focused on not falling to your death and hope everything is worth it for following Atreus 'As long as I don't look down, I'll be fine.' you keep repeating that to yourself, you may know how to climb but a massive wall? This...this is not gonna end well for you at least.

'i am starting to regret my decision, I hope the God won't take me soon.'

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