Taking Part To Be Well Trained

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After a long walk with Heimdall being himself, you constantly drown his voice with your mind flying elsewhere. You are still thinking about the training ground where Valkeries are and you wonder how did the All Father have them by his side. Heimdall takes notice of your lack of response to see you in deep thoughts, once again trying to read your mind but alas nothing was there to see, it was strange for him but he did not show it "Well, looks like you enjoy your silence, here we are, 'Milady', your very own room. I am thinking of taking you somewhere fit for you but All Father won't allow it." You raised your eyebrow at him in question but you didn't dare to ask him what he meant, perhaps he might say he'll take you to a rat hole or something  but then again, you nod at him "Thanks, I guess..." Without waiting for him to say anything you enter the room and much to your expectations it's cleaner than you think "I'm guessing someone used to be in this room." "How thoughtful of you, yes someone used to occupy this room, ask Thor if he's willing to tell you." Confused by what he said, you watch him walk out of the door and let you be.

Once he's gone completely you let yourself lay on the bed that neatly kept, eyeing the simplicity of the room "someone used to occupy it...? I wonder who." The way Heimdall acted from the beginning until the time he left made you groan annoyingly, trying to put the piece together about the time he saw you and Atreus. Speaking of the little giant, your mind wander once more "I wonder what he meant about helping Odin..." Knowing that you won't get an answer right there, you relax sinking on the bed further the exhaustion finally kicking in making your eyes heavy and let sleep taking control.

A tune of humming reach your ears as you open your eyes in a complete darkness just like the first time dream you remember, you sat up from what you think the ground and your head turn to look for whoever was humming "hello?" You called, but the humming continues to fill your ears. Sitting up again in a familiar darkness, a child is standing near you. A smile etching on her face before reaching her hand "Come." Her voice is soft, calm, taking her hand she helped you up and pull you along with her "where are we going?" She didn't say a word and everything around you became bright, you recognized the place and gasp softly "Wha-..." You stop, the girl is no longer anymore but whispers can heard around you "Forgive me, child... It's the only way to save you..."

Your eyes shot open and your heart beat fast, you sit up from the bed and put a hand on your head as you try to catch your breath and to calm your frantic heart. You hear a chuckle, mocking even "You seem to have a lovely dream." You quickly recognized the voice and turn your head to where Heimdall is sitting 'how long has he been there...?' the way he sits comfortable on a chair that was not there before you fell asleep must have been brought by him but then again, you shook your head to clear your mind before putting your feet on the wooden floor "How long was I asleep?" You asked no one in particular, Heimdall remain seated, checking his nails and turning his gaze to you "How long do you think?" He asked back at you, the candle lit up next to the bed and your mind went to the window next to you "it's night... It feels like an hour or so..." Heimdall sighed obnoxiously as he get off the chair heading towards the door "Well, since that you're awake, the little runt has been looking for you at the great hall, they just returned." Once he's gone, your mind wander back to the dream you had

"what was that all about...?"

Heading towards the Great Hall, which you found by asking some people around, your eyes roam the area. It's full of Helmets and other patrons having drinks and chatting with no care, your eyes caught on Heimdall sitting by himself with a book and apple in his hand. 'Good thing he have a knack for relaxing and not annoying.' you felt someone touch your shoulder and you turn to see Atreus giving you a grin "There you are. I've been wondering where you were." Sitting down together, you found another person at the table where Atreus took you, she look young, her hair flaring like a lion's mane and the tattoos on her arms, you figure that she might be Thor's daughter "Heya! I'm Thrudd, Loki told me about you when I saw him." Ah, they must have met while you're asleep. Thrudd is an energetic one and she seem nice "pleasure to meet you. Are you perhaps... Thor's daughter?" "Well, you're quick to learn about that. And yes, I am. So you met my father already, huh." Chatting with Thrudd is somewhat good for a change, since Heimdall is not really the best companion when it comes to conversation. Speaking of him, you turn to see if he's still there but you shrug when he's no where anymore "What's wrong?" Atreus asked, his hand moving to your shoulder once more, shaking your head you smiled at him "Nothing, just thinking." "Oh, don't think too much, Heimdall will hear it. I mean if he wanted to, of course." Thrudd warned, you took her advice and just continue to chat away with the young ones with you.

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