Unclear Mind

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The day after comes to an end, at least that's what you have  been thinking about. The Helmets were most likely to avoid you after what happened at the training ground seemed to spread like a plague, she didn't care at all. If they are now wary of something unknown of her existence then it's probably for the best not to mess with it. Strolling as carefully as she can be, Y/n's mind is elsewhere, the thought of what Atreus told her imprinted wildly and so far, she has been holding on to it for too long. The voices that she hears in the dark, the little girl that was left and unknown people that were there when you were younger have nothing to spare on your frantic mind, perhaps overthinking is already taking place but she didn't care, she wants answers, she wants to know more about it. 'Is my homeland is even my real home? Are my parents that values traditions and beliefs were even my real parents? Is there anything that can answer me? Too caught up with her own thoughts, she forgot to pay attention to where she is going, not seeing anyone standing in her way before she bumps into them "Oh I'm sorr-...Heimdall..." As if the Fates hated her for being at peace for more than a second her eyes remained neutral 'Great, just the person i hated to see.' he looks down on her and stands there for a moment but he didn't say a word, just simply staring directly into her soul "Well, isn't it more than just a companion of the little giant. What a pleasant sight." Ah, still annoying as ever, Y/n breathe in sharply away from him, taking a step back to put distance from Heimdall "I have no time for you." She spoke, he seems to be unaware of her distaste towards him but hel, she rather walks back to the room where she stays. Heimdall kept his posture looking down on the shorter lady in front of him "Well, seeing you close, you're actually much shorter than I expected. Not that it matters anyway." Now he's making fun of her height? But something tells her that the insult sounds like light, not the usual way of a complete jerk at all "What? Are you intimidated?" He laughed, he couldn't believe what he just heard and sneered closely at her with his Bifrost eyes swirling with maliciousness "If anything I could feel is far from being intimidated by the likes of you. So don't get your hopes up, Mortal." There it is, his usual demeanor coming back to his senses, Y/n shrugged at his statement before taking a step to the side as she tries to pass by him but he's quick on his wits, he's not planning to let her go quickly if that's what she thinks, getting even more annoyed at his presence "look, I don't know what's your deal but move... I am looking for Thrüd." "And what is that you need for my 'lovely' niece? Mhm? Asking her about your sad defeat a couple of days ago?" Just before she forced herself to walk past him, she felt a hand on her shoulder, Y/n turning to find Thrüd standing behind her 'when did she...?' "there you are! I've been looking for you!" As if the bells of Valhalla rang in her ears, she felt thankful for the young God to take her away from this egocentrical jerk of a man in front, of course Heimdall sighs disappointedly at this interruption to mess with Y/n. "I have to take her with me to the Great Hall for her to have some food. I'm sure you're famished!" Without waiting for Heimdall to say anything, Thrüd finally pulled her away from him, quickly saying good bye to the God of Foresight. Aware of the glares he's sending her, that Y/n can feel daggers hitting her behind.

Sighing of relief to be out of sight from Heimdall, Y/n let Thrüd lead her "Sorry about him, he's really not the very likeable guy here at all." Y/n chuckled at this as she shrugged "Mhm I wonder why." She grinned at Thrüd, once again following her instead "So, how are you feeling, Y/n? Any pain as of late?" Y/n know which part of pain she's asking about and yet she still can't remember more of what happened at the training ground at all, shaking her head Thrüd just nod "nothing, huh? Just like Loki said. You don't remember much of what happened then. Don't worry, I'll tell you everything. But right now, let's get something to eat, Jörgen is making something special today. We don't want to miss that." Finding a place to seat with her, Y/n noticed the place is filled mostly of Helmets drinking together, but they all look at her way with a glare that she can't tell why, not that she cares at all. Sitting down waiting for Thrüd to come back, Y/n felt another presence sitting next to her and she winced at the smell of alcohol from whoever is next to her, as soon her head tilt to see who it was, her jaw dropped finding Thor, the God of Thunder himself with a mug of what she think is mead. He tip the mug to chug down the intoxicating drink while some of it drip down on his beard. He's massive, like a mountain and she thought she has seen him up close back when he stopped Heimdall from attacking her and Atreus on the first meeting. Once he settles the mug down on the table, he turns his head to her with a nod before he rests his arm next to his mug, staring down at her smaller form, she waved at him "Um... Hello...?" She can't tell if he's observing her but she waited for him to speak "You're not the smartest in your litter, aren't you?" He said between slur, does this guy ever stop drinking too much and the sun is high up, why is he drinking at this hour? "So, I heard of your outburst at the ground. I'm curious about your ability, little lady." Y/n instantly know what he's talking about, but then again, she didn't really have anything to say nor explain on what happened that day "I apologize, Thor. But I really can't recall most of everything. But Thrüd saw everything..." As if summoning her very presence, Thrüd put a tray of food in front of Y/n before sitting on her other side, rolling her eyes seeing her father drunk again early in the morning "Father, don't drink too much. It's too early." She pointed out but Thor mostly ignored her statement, both of them cornered Y/n in the middle, not that it bothers her "Oh yeah about her outburst, you should have seen it, it was cool. Tell me, how did you do that?" She asked, directing her attention to Y/n. She's in a deep thoughts but only shrug cause how would she knows it? Even she can't figure out what happened either "to be honest, I don't know. I wanted to know too but there's something stopping me from knowing it." Thrüd clap her hands together, while Thor asked for another mug of mead for him even his own daughter tried to stop him to.

The conversation between father and daughter seem to drown once again, Y/n can't help but remember her dreams again she then cut both of them with a question "Say, does the All Father can give me clearance if I were to ask him about it?" "I doubt that's a good idea, little lady." Thor interject, his doubts about the All Father would know anything about her either, Thrüd nodding as she agreed "yeah, if we were to speak with All Father, he might just have the same question too." "Worse he would ask you to go out to one of the realms to test that." Thor added, now Y/n felt like helpless. If All Father won't be any help then who can? "But you can try asking the Norns about it." Thor said suddenly, slurring as he chug down his mead. 'Norns... Yeah no I rather not to see them again after the first meeting.' "I did met them once when I fell into Fimbulwinter for the first time in Midgard. They just said a bunch of nonsense of finding a man to marry so I don't have to deal with any responsibility outside this realm." Y/n explained, Thrüd hum softly. And just like that, the three of you just enjoyed chatting about anything 'Didn't know Thor would be someone you can talk to.'

Thrüd left with her father as soon as the meal ended, but there's something bugging you once you're alone again. Eyes, you felt like someone has been watching you the whole time but you didn't really brought it up to the two before they left there in the dining hall. You still wanted to stay for a little longer for you to clear up your own thoughts "What was it about...?" You muttered and suddenly Thor's words about his own father comes back to you "Words of advice, I suggest you not to talk about your hidden talent to All Father. I'm saving you the time because he will find that as an excuse to get you work for him." And that coming from his own son, maybe the reason why Thor is the way he is.

After few minutes of thinking on your own you decided to leave the hall than to idle there. You went out of the place and checked back to your room to see if Atreus returned from his study under Odin. 'Maybe Atreus can get me some books to read.' but as you walk back to the same path you were drag into, you didn't notice it wasn't the one that leads to the lodge. You were surprised for a second once you realized that but shake your head to find the Valkeries training with each other. You hid like some kind of intruder, even tho they met you already because of Thrüd. They did not notice you at all or maybe they did and just ignored you being there. "You seem not to learn your lesson at all, Mortal." Your head whip faster than you could ever think and find Heimdall leaning against the railing with apple in hand before he took a bite of it. "You again..." He can see your disappointment to see him there and it's written all over your face, not hiding the annoyed look "If you're thinking that I came here for you, you're wrong. I heard your little talk with Thor and I'm surprised that he didn't squash you right then and there. Oh well, I guess being a play toy is your thing, huh?" You roll your eyes at him making him laugh, ignoring his very presence next to you "Not gonna talk then? Well, that's good too so I don't have to listen to your stupid rambling and polluted the air around us." You wanted to talk but you really can't say anything to him, he's just like that. But then again, he'll say anything to at least rile you up to prove his point to the All Father, speaking of All Father. Does Heimdall can read Odin's mind? If he can, does he just ignore the fact that his father was just trying to manipulate Atreus? So many questions you wanted to ask butHeimdall is not the best option to know them, heck you stop thinking instantly with fear he's reading your mind now. But when you check to see if he's looking at you, he is staring... Not saying anything as if trying to read you like a book "What...are you?" He push himself of the railing to approach you and instantly back away, however you lost your footing making you stumble backwards. Without thinking at all, you immediately grabbed Heimdall's collar, his eyes widened as he felt himself being pulled forward as you go backwards with a loud thud. The noise was heard by the others and turn their head to where it came from but did not see anything or anyone at all.

Groaning softly by the sudden fall, you slowly open your eyes to find Heimdall on top of you. You felt your body warmed up instantly, the closeness of your faces is making your thoughts run wild. Instantly pushing him off you, which he dodge immediately he stand up on his own and stare down at you as you sat up "S-sorry... Out of balance." You did not look at him, you just get back on your feet and left him there. Not really ready to hear whatever he has to say. But the way his eyes follow your figure disappearing from his sight made him angry "I will unfold your secrets... You cannot remain hidden from me forever, Mortal." Turning to go back on his duty as the watcher of Asgard's Wall.

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