Can't Say No at All

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As far you remember now, the trip to search for Tyr is rather untactical and ungraceful to say the least since like Y/n reminded herself that "I cannot fight trolls, you handle that." Kind of situation but here she is, playing tag with some troll she got trap in the mine where they're supposed to find the Norse God imprison. "I am not sure how to deal with this guy! Help!" Atreus looking for a small opening to get to her makes it impossible while his father is destroying something next to the gate, and let out a loud roar that shake Y/n to her core "move out of the way!" With that, she noticed the foundation he have been punching was about to fall directly at the troll, she quickly move out of there and roll before the troll was squashed to pulp making the gate open at the same time "Y/n, are you alright?" Atreus, who quickly ran towards the young woman to help her get up, her legs are shaking in fear and look over the bloody spot where the troll was "despite almost being a pancake, yes I'm okay so far." Chuckling at her own disbelief at Kratos's strength she can tell how much he gain from his past experiences, she'll be lying if she never actually thought of that from the first ambush they encountered before entering the mine "you think Tyr is somewhere close?" She asked, dusting her trouser and putting her pole back in her pocket as Kratos seem to look for something "hey, buddy. I have to ask this... Why does your father run around like that?? I have been noticing this since and he seem to look for some stuffs." Atreus smile at her briefly and shrug "well he likes to loot. He can use whatever he find around the area for our weapons and armor." Nodding at his explanation, you can't help but chuckle at this and once Kratos cannot find anything to loot anymore, he found a door where it leads to another entry "why do I get that 'i have a feeling something will jump at us if we enter this door' syndrome..."  Y/n mutter, following behind them. It didn't take a while to find a unusual wall for Atreus to open, but lo and behold, there he is, Tyr... The Norse God of War sitting alone in this so-called prison "Tyr, we finally found you!" Atreus happily exclaimed, being distracted about the cell that Tyr is in, Y/n can't help but think that it's kinda easy to figure out where he is 'Why do I feel uneasy...?' before she could even ask, she heard Tyr scream like in fear after Kratos showing Mimir's head, claiming they're just scaring him and loud footstep can be heard too 'wait is he running away?' going back to where they are, they are indeed in the midst of chasing Tyr, and she can tell from the distance that he is incredibly tall "What's going on? Where is he going?" "Lass, I might have frightened him! Atreus tried to calm him down but he went ahead and run" Mimir explained, making Y/n chuckle and voice out her own thoughts "I would be running too if someone just show me a talking severed head haha." Earning a soft grunt from Kratos from her little statement, he grab a hold of the collar of her hood and jump to reach the other side of the road, causing her to yelp loudly and continue to pursue Tyr, somehow Atreus managed to corner him and tried to calm him down while trying to explain that they're not an enemy "yeah, come on. Listen, were not here to threaten you or anything. We're here for answers." Tyr finally calmed down from his initial shock, making Y/n sigh softly at this and wait for them to finish it. However the feeling she felt earlier came back as she look around the area once more 'Why do I feel like we're being watch...' her thoughts was cut off when you heard Kratos and when she turn her head to see what's going on, her eyes widened as Kratos grab a hold of Tyr's collar "My son brought us here to find YOU, look at him." And when Tyr did, Atreus stare at him as if pleading to listen to him 'technically, even I'm gonna be folding if a child look at me like that...' finally, Tyr agreed to come back with them and stand up towering Kratos as if he's trying to intimidate him, Y/n's eyes widened at how tall Tyr is "What are they feeding the people in this realm...? And I thought Kratos is bigger of a man I ever seen..." She said outloud, causing Tyr to chuckle "nothing special, little one." Once again, after the initial shock for the tenth-times now, the four of them are again back on track to return where the dwarves are living to keep Tyr until they figure out what's next, realizing this Y/n blink at them while she follows 'huh, it was fun and all but why did I even follow them in the first place... I completely forgotten my own plans ever since I agreed to follow them here.' her silence caught Atreus's attention while they wait for the lift and stand next to her "Is something wrong?" He asked, she shook her head and smile softly at him before adjusting her bag on her shoulder "Since that you found Tyr, it's best to separate ways from here. I do have plans of my own after all." After saying that, Atreus seems sad to hear that she's leaving them once they're out of the mine "But won't you be safer if you come with us instead, we-" "Let her have her own choice, Atreus." Kratos interrupted, looking at him you smile "perhaps it's better to travel together, las. Seem to be, you don't have anywhere to go." Mimir added, it is true as they say but Y/n didn't want to get attach with these people, even now she has met the Norse God Tyr, no need to hang around further more "I appreciate it, Mimir but I do in fact have my own fate to change."  Atreus want to convince her but he knows better not to since his father would not agree to it either. After a while, they all managed to exit the mine by using the lift that Tyr pulled down and move along towards the raft where they can separate ways but before Y/n could say her goodbye, a loud bang can be heard from the distance "what is that?" Looking further to it, her eyes widened "Odin must have learned that you found me in the mine. We have to hurry." Pulling the chains together to move faster, Y/n decided to help pulling, until they reach the end of the lake they crossed "Odin seem to be attacking us with his army if they somehow find us, let us return to the dwarves." Kratos said and made a run to the rubble to open the portal to that realm, hesitantly Atreus pulled her with them to avoid leaving her in that place and next thing she knows they're already inside of the void "sorry, I panicked " without much of a choice now to return back, she sigh softly "it's alright, I don't think I even have any chance to beat Odin's minions either." "Come on, you can stay with us for a while till we know where to go next." To go next? Are they still trying to make you stay with them longer? "I'm sorry but I don't think I should be staying with you guys at all. Like I said, I have some plans of my own..." They did not listen anymore, and she mentally shrug knowing that she can't go back like this when she have no idea how the portal works. It didn't take a while for them to reach the home of the dwarves and Y/n gasp in awe on how tranquil the place feels "wow, I didn't know this place even exist..."
Approaching the house together, the door open where Sindri greeted them and let them in. Also as shock for the dwarf to see Tyr with them at the same and smile happily to find Y/n tagging along "it's nice to see you finally coming here." He said "Well, I must say, I was not really expecting Atreus grabbing me to come here." Chuckling at her response, he welcome everyone openly and her head turn to see another dwarf hammering on the other side of the house "that's Brok, he's my brother." Nodding at him, she can't help but notice the color of his brother "brother... Nice to meet you " reaching out to shake Brok hand, he turn to her "What yer meaning nice to meet ya? And who are you anyway?" She was taken aback to his response but he did shook her hand afterwards "I'm Y/n, Brok." "Yeah whatever, missy."

Sindri finally have some time to do what he needs to do, which is making something to eat for everyone in the room, Tyr, Kratos and Atreus are talking at the table while you are just looking around the house with much interest with their trinkets "Amazing details on this things..." "Well, at least yer appreciating those kind of things." Brok said, setting down his hammer and put the weapon he smithed on the other side, he move out from his spot and head directly at the table to join the rest to eat while Sindri set everything for them, he even motion you to come and join them which you gladly accept. The meal is not bad as sausages were passed, Kratos is eating silently so is Atreus but there's something that bothers you the most, and it was Tyr, he has been gazing at you from time to time and it's unnerving "is there something you wanted to ask, Tyr?" You spoke, setting down the plate and look at his shining eyes "my apologies for staring, but if you don't mind, is there anything you have in mind to share about your home?" This caught you off guard obviously and made the rest look at you with anticipation "oh, that... Well there's nothing much really. Just a lot of mumbo jumbo kind of thing." Seem to be that Tyr is not convince and you decided to explain instead "My homeland is somewhat intolerable than here. Perhaps, a bit worse, to be honest. It is a land of hunters, where we just have our men do all the work outside the field while being said the women should stay home and be a dear wife when you're set up to marry someone at certain age. It has been a flow of tradition like that which I didn't like at all. So I decided to leave that place and find my own way to change my fate. Sounds cliche I know, but I do not like how they just use women as ornament like some trophies for arrogant and entitled rich men are." Kratos seems to understand, but he didn't say a word "well, I know some people like that and it is true the bearings are low if they just kept women as a prize." Shrugging as if nothing, Atreus feel sorry for you, he put his hand on your shoulder making you look at him "It is alright now at least. I doubt my family would even dare to look for me, specially this realm is further away from their reach." "How did you get in Midgard?" Brok asked "I asked for help. there's an Oracle in my homeland that help people no matter the situation is. But I can't say she's a kind one when wants something in return of the favor. Everything has a price after all." "What did you offer in exchange of her help?" Mimir asked "...I don't really remember... Cause after we spoke, I just found myself being sucked into a void and next thing I know I'm in Midgard in the middle of snow." Sounds unusual at least for you, but it doesn't really make sense since you clearly don't remember anything else after that moment. Finishing everyone's meal, you help Sindri clean up the table and as for the others, they are offered to rest for a while since there's more to discuss about Ragnarok. Wiping your hands on your trouser, you look out of the window to find Atreus sneaking out by himself, oddly to say you went out to follow him, entering the portal as it close "where in the world is he going?" Without saying anything about it, you went back inside too tired to even dare to keep up with everything "I'm sure he'll be fine..." You mutter once you enter the room that Sindri offers and lay down on the bed, finally feeling all the exhaustion taking toll on your body after all that searching for Tyr. 'things can be discuss later...'

(Part two is up. Might take a while before we meet Heim but that would be on the next chapter at least.)

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