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It's been a long while since Heimdall finally thought of a way to sway your wits. He might not be able to read your mind but he will make sure that your stay in Asgard would be worse than the little giant himself "I will unfold your secrets, Mortal. I, Heimdall, will make sure of that." He said to himself as he watched over Asgard from the wall.

Meanwhile, you were busy checking your bow, the bow that Atreus made for you while he was in the middle of studying under Odin, you truly miss his company but you knew better to not interrupt his plans, whatever makes his prophecy in place. A sigh left your lips, probably for the tenth time already and put the bow down next to you "I wonder how he is doing?" You asked yourself, not really understanding the reason why he was so eager to follow Odin's invitation here. You feel like you're sick in the stomach, learning that you will be in Asgard for a while longer than you expect it to be. "I need to return to my main goal... Or else it will delay even further" I muttered, laying down on the bed you're on, staring at the ceiling with many thoughts in mind 'perhaps... This could be another path I can choose? Following Atreus and learning the purpose of being here in this realm?' so many things you wanted to ask, so much confusion. Even at the time that Thrüd explained what happened back at the training ground "did I really do that?"

You tried to brush off that feeling, the longing to know more about your dreams, perhaps maybe you are more than a human "there's no way..." You muttered softly, a little confused by the event. You wish to know more of it and yet nothing can come up as an explanation "perhaps if I sleep, I would see that little girl again? Maybe she can give me answer if I'm fast to think of my questions?" Sitting up on the bed, you fix the pillow before you lay your head on it, waiting for sleep to come. As soon as you close your eyes, they instantly open again due to the sound of loud knocking on the door. With a groan, you sit back up again and sway your feet to meet the floor as you stand to open the door.

As soon as you open it, Heimdall instantly push you back inside and close the door behind him "what the hell?!" You exclaimed, surprised that he came to you "what are you doing here?" You asked, he only took a seat on your 'bed' and crossed his legs like he own the place "Well, you might like a God sit with you in this gravely room." He said sarcastically but you ignored his words before you huff with annoyance, you're too tired to deal with him and yet he always find a way to get to your head "Tell me, what are you?" He asked, catching you off guard before you crossed your arms as well "What are you talking about?" You asked back "I asked you first. Now speak." He demanded, but you are stubborn and you know better not to talk to him "I do not know what you want to know." You defend, your eyes remain still but deeply inside, you feel like you're gonna pass out due to the anxiety building up in your chest. Heimdall remain still as his Bifrost eyes stare at you intently, you know that look he's giving you, he's reading your thoughts. You let him but he did not say a word 'i really cannot read her mind... This is not a mere coincidence...' he stand up from the bed and approach you dangerously close as he stare down at your smaller frame "You think you can hide from me? I, the watcher of Asgard? No one can escape my sight as I know that you are here to remain." Not really understanding what he meant, you glared back at him "What are you on about? What do you want?" He chuckled, a chuckle so dark that sent shiver down your spine, you know better not to make him mad but his contant interference of your time is getting on your nerves "Oh ho ho ho, you dare to glare at me, mortal? Is this a challenge of stare off?" He mocked, his hands on his hips as he tries to aggravate you and it's working, you can feel his aura, so as if it's gonna make your knees give in and make you fall but you stand your ground. "I am not afraid of you... Whatever that you seek from me, I will not give it to you." You retort, clenching your hands into fist everything seem to stop as you remain to stare back at his eyes "Feisty..." He whispered but before you could ask him to leave, he walk pass by you, bumping his shoulder to yours making you yelp slightly Hey!" You called but the door close before you could say a word

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