Mind Blocking

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You woke up with a headache last night, but you do not know how it happened, or at least you only remember that you were thirsty, but then nothing; wait; "Heimdall..." Just the thought of his name makes your whole headache come back as if from sickness, and yet you can't do much about it other than stay here. All your strength was drained just knowing that he could tell when and where you could be. He's driving you nuts at this point, but you won't show it.

With heavy shoulders, you got out of bed. For some reason, you always find yourself getting off of it, and somehow, you can tell what's going to happen next. Either one of two things will happen now: either the Valkyrie that almost killed you by dropping you to your death, or Heimdall coming at you to rile you up and lose all your patience like he wanted. And you wish none of those would happen. While thinking of these, there's been a knock on the door; you didn't hear it the first time, but it got louder, making you jump in surprise. You eye the door for a moment until another knock, louder than the second one, says, "W-who is it?" You called out, "It's me, Atreus!" You sigh with relief; you did not know you were holding your breath just to wait for someone to talk, and the young man made you feel like goo on the floor because of your nerves wrecking your brain nonstop. You immediately open the door to find him there, and he moves quickly enough to wrap his arms around your torso and say, "I'm so happy to see you again!" Your own arms wrap around the young man's shoulders as well, bringing relief to see him safe and sound after being tortured, not literally, in this place on your own. "I'm happy to see you as well, Atreus. "I thought you'd be early with Odin." You pull away from the embrace and look down at him; he nods at you, but somehow he looks concerned. "I heard something about it last night. I heard that Heimdall brought you back in this room because you somehow passed out. "Did he do something to you?" The sheer panic in his voice caused you to widen your eyes, not really getting what happened that night. "Um, I'm not sure what you mean; elaborate, please." Both of you sat down on the bed, and he started explaining what he heard. To summarize, while you were slurring and holding on to Heimdall, you were pretty much unaware of what your mind had been saying to him. You did remember Heimdall being there, but the fact that you didn't remember him carrying you back to "your" room seems unbelievable. "Are you sure you heard them right? Cause I'm sure Heimdall would push me off of him if I ever held on." Skeptical about what happened, but you really can't recall what happened. "I'm sure that's what I heard! Did he harm you? Are you okay? Anything he did to you? I can tell the All Father about it if you like; he's been mean to you ever since I started my study with Odin." A shake of your head seems to make Atreus frown: "It's fine, not that I can't handle him." It's just, well, I don't know... I'm kind of getting used to his constant insults. So he's not really doing any harm. You explained, but Atreus seemed unsure whether to accept that or was just thinking of something else: "Then what about the Valkyries that attacked you?" "Why did she do it?" He asked again, but this time a bit more angry, "Why are they doing that?"
"I don't know, but the Valkerie said that I'm stealing Heimdall from her, but don't worry, I can handle it." Atreus doesn't want to leave you alone anymore, but he can't take you with him either. When Odin doesn't like anyone becoming a nuisance to their studies, you put your hand on his shoulder reassuringly and smile softly, "I can't tell much, but this kid is just the sweetest... " you thought, but before you could say a word to him, Thrüd came in and greeted "There you are, Loki! Sorry, Y/N, All Father is looking for him already. He needs to go. She motions her hand, and Atreus sighs before turning back to you and saying, "I promise, I'll ask Odin to stop Heimdall and the Valkyries from bothering you." And with that, he left, leaving you with Thrüd.
Thor's daughter seems to notice the worry on your face and walks towards you, saying, "I know you're worried about him, but he seems to be doing okay." So...oh..." The look on your face tells her that you're not thinking about Atreus at all, but something else-your eyes seem to darken slightly. "Are you okay?" She asked, making you snap your head towards her; like a small glimpse, the darkness seemed to fade. "Oh, yeah! I'm okay! No worries here. And besides, I know Atr--I mean Loki can handle whatever Odin makes him do, so, yeah."
Thrüd was about to say something back but stopped herself for a moment before she changed her mind about what she wanted to say and smiled. "Well, I'm sure he's capable." Anyway, why don't we go out? You might need some fresh air."
You gladly accept her invitation and follow her outside, but before the door can close, a dark figure is left watching you.

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