Mark On

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This is way too much to handle when things are getting more difficult the longer they stay in Asgard. You on the other hand, don't even know why Atreus has been closing watch on you when the morning came. He's been following you on, keep asking about how everything is, if you feel a bit different after seeing you last night and he seems to  be more eager about what you do in the great hall or at least around the others "So, is anyone bothering you? The Valkerie that tried to fight you? Is Heimdall setting you down with some shadowy figure to watch you? Are you okay with everything in this place by yourself?" Truly, it's actually nice that he's worried about your well-being but the questions he asked are worrisome, you made an abrupt pause when you turn to face him, tilting your head with confusion as to why he's been asking you a lot of questions, you crossed your arms together and look down at him with curious eyes "Alright, why are you asking me all these? Did you really think Heimdall would send some stupid shadows? He doesn't seem to be the type to do that since he's All-seeing God and all and the Valkerie seem to avoid me as of late, so you really have nothing to worry about, Atreus." He looks at you with more observing eyes, trying to see if you're hiding anything that might compromise your safety in Asgard on your own and you can tell how his own eyes show more curiosity and worry at the same time before he scratches the back of his head sheepishly at you "I'm sorry if I'm asking and overbearing you with these... It's just that... I don't know how to put it... " He doesn't know if he should mention the shadow figure he found in the corner of the room you're in or should he say anything that might cause you stress and to think about it "out with it, kid. I'm sure it can't be that bad... What is it?" You push him a bit and try to look him in the eye "well... I don't know... Last night... Before I even left your room... I saw something standing in the corner of that room. It was glaring at me... And I thought I was seeing things but when I looked back at it, it was...grinning. " you were confused to what he's saying, although you're sure that you were alone that night and you just chuckle while patting his back about what he said " Geez, you've been running around doing errands for that old man... You really need to stop that because that's creepy, Atreus..." He didn't seem to find it amusing but somewhere in his mind he knows that he's not making things up, however the way you dismissed the situation made him think that he's probably tired like you said and nod back at you "you're right... I might be just seeing things... But still, try to be careful..."

After the discussion you both had, a trip to the Great Hall was a lot more peaceful than what it seems. Everything was going well, at least in your case that a certain Aesir didn't bother you early in the morning.

The walk is relaxing, and you decided to watch some training from the Valkeries, however once you arrived your eyes catch a glimpse of Him... Heimdall talking to some of the Valkeries who seem really fond of his presence. Holding back to roll your eyes at the scene, you focus on the training going on there, Thrüd caught you eyes and wave at her from above which she saw and return before she continue to beat the training dummy with all her might " She's really going at it... " You commented to yourself though Heimdall heard you and laugh almost in mockery, knowing full well you saw him and yet he didn't say a word prior your way, not that you could hear him from the distance to where you are. He keeps his eyes on your form, how you rest your chin on your arms that holds on the fence from above, your lips would be in a pouting manner even tho you're not really pouting at anything, and your eyes... Your eyes seem to sparkle that he find himself almost mesmerized at the sight of you but he caught himself from zoning out and shake his head frantically 'Did I just... Stare?! At a lowly mortal?! Me? The great Heimdall, Watcher of All Asgard, the God of Foresight?! Staring at this... This... Overly annoying friend of that brat?! No no no... I'm too good for her, no way she...' while in his own thoughts, You somehow noticed his fidgeting and frowning face at your way, this time you really just rolled your eyes at him that caught him off guard 'this wench just rolled her eyes at me?! The audacity! ' he takes a deep breathe and try to calm his anger, but soon melt when he noticed that she's walking away already from the fence. The Valkeries are saying something to him but he didn't bother to listen, all he can think as of now is where you are going. Without giving much of a word, he left them and follow where she goes.

"Now where did that mortal go..." He asked in no one in particular until you pop out from behind the weapons "I knew you are looking at me, the hell is your problem?" You asked, stepping away from the weapon racks and crossed your arms in front of your chest. Heimdall chuckle to face you but he immediately stops to see you clear as day, he have no idea why but somehow, seeing you this close other than he pin you and mock you around just to see you all angry is nothing to compare the situation. "Now now, why in the all Asgard would I, the great Heimdall, follow you? You're not worth my time, mortal." But you didn't buy it and let out a 'tsk' sound "you're staring at me the whole time I'm watching Thrüd, you think I didn't notice? Think again." You sneered slightly that made Heimdall laugh loudly "You're too full of yourself, mortal. Why would I stare at your ugliness?"
"Huh, yeah, keep telling yourself that, Heimdall. Whatever you're thinking or planning, I'll make sure you'll see me thrive better than your Valkeries. I already one up one of them, so I'm not scared of them anymore." You made a quick turn and starts to walk away, Heimdall somehow didn't feel annoyance from your tone, almost challenging him in a way possible to find it amusing, he chuckle darkly to himself " not scared at all, you say... Fine, then... Let's see how long you can keep that brave façade you're using right now before you break..." Upon finishing his sentence, he felt his ears ringing making him wince slightly" the hel..." He place a hand on his ear and look where you are. His eyes widened in surprised to see a dark aura surrounding you, but you seem to be oblivious.

"she's definitely hiding something..."

Half through the day, the young woman help some farmers that had been working diligently in the field crops, she noticed how much work it takes before the formula that Odin made to grow crops faster. Her eyes observe the crops and frown slightly on how dry the land truly is 'so without Odin's... Special powder... These vegetables are not gonna grow... At all... But it seems unhealthy to force such growth... The crops looks so bland and...dead...' she ponders, her head turn to search something that could help  "excuse me..." Approaching one of the workers, he turn to respond at her, he stops midway and gape at her for a moment and notice how shy he got "oh hello, can I help you?"

"I might be crossing something here... But... Have you all tried to grow crops in a natural way? Like watering them and such?" She asked softly and the man blink in confusion as he shake his head "we really didn't have much time to do that. We need to grow the crops much faster since you know... Those Helmets are very hungry... So if we wait for the crops to grow, they'll be breaking a lot of things around that the All Father couldn't keep them behave. Why did you asked?"

"It's just that... It is sad to see these..." She replied while motioning towards the dry land "you're right, it's sad, but... We really can't do much about it either..."

As she tries to find a solution for this situation even it's not her concern to resolve, Y/n is determine to help without any doubt with her choice.

Things might not be in her favor, but the one has their eyes on her certainly left their mark on her soul.

(Long time not writing this... sorry that i disappoint again)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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