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The climb is the most painful thing that you ever done in your life and looking down is not helping but at the same time you and Atreus are making progress. The wind is strong in the high up of the wall and getting to flat surface to take a breather is something you need, oof nevermind, here comes the nightmare charging at the two of you "Y/n, watch out!" Atreus shot an arrow to the one approaching you from behind while you smack the other with your pole, you really wish you have the same affect that Atreus use but the flames that emits from your pole Sindri added is somewhat good enough to obliterate the nightmares "take that you whimsical things!" Atreus took down the last one before looking at you confused which you shrugged at him, it ain't bad of a start after all. You both went ahead to look for some stuff that might be there in the area before you take initiative to climb again, Atreus seem to be up for the challenge of getting to the top of the wall and yet, it actually made you feel anxious on how the formation of some parts of it since it's difficult to find the right place to grab. Atreus looks down on you "are you alright?" Looking up at him, you take a deep breath as you pull yourself up next to him "I'm okay, just feeling my hands a bit sore from all of the climbing, are you?" You asked, he only grimaced knowing he feels the same way as you are "we'll get there. If you feel like falling I can carry you on my back" he's thoughtful, you give him that but no way you're gonna burden him "no, I'm fine. I have had many before so this shouldn't be a problem." Moving ahead with one after another, Atreus seems to get the tactical way on the other part which you wonder how the hell he did that.

You can finally see him getting there and you sigh in relief that the climbing is coming to an end "you're almost there, Atreus. keep going!" You cheered, but as soon Atreus reached over the edge of the wall, a hand suddenly grabbed him causing him to dangle in the air, you panicked and found a man with blond hair in braids and eyes glowing with Bifrost "Hello." He greeted, and swore you almost had your heart jump out of your throat "Uh...hi?" Atreus greeted back nervously. For a moment the man studied both of you before he spoke "So... What part of the enormous wall made you think "oh! Visitors must be welcome"?" You gulped at the situation that unfolds, worried that Atreus might fall because of the hold of this man, thinking of a way to get near them as fast as you could. However, you know it yourself that you can't catch Atreus if that's the case "Uh... All Father has sent for me..." Atreus responded, the man looked at him with amusement in his eyes before he chuckled "the All Father sent you? Then if you are a guest, why are you out here and not inside?" Atreus struggles to keep himself close to the wall because of this man's grip but you try to remain calm "Why don't you help us up so we can ask him together." You spoke, his eyes looked over to where you are before he took a bite on the apple he had in his other. He indifferently sighed, letting the apple fall from his hand causing Atreus to panic "come on, can you pull me up? I'm sure All Father will give us an answer." You feel like your hands are gonna give in anytime soon if this man doesn't pull Atreus up, and it's starting to feel painful every second of it "No, I don't think I will." Looking at his nails in process "I think I'm gonna drop you." Your eyes widened as he said that, Atreus panic can no longer hide "No no no no"

"yes I'm gonna drop you now"

"Stop! Stop!" As soon as he let go of his hand, Atreus gathered all his strength to grab him with other one making the blond man stare at him in disgust "think about what the All Father would say if you kill his guest! Loki of Jotnar." 'Great fucking job, trying to lay low of your profile would actually help us in this situation' you internally screamed, tho the man stare at him for a moment "Jotnar? The enemy of my people?" He emphasized, you can really tell that Atreus regretted introducing himself like that but feels like he really didn't have a choice "I am not... Your enemy." He respond, holding firmly on the man's arm  before he dejectedly sigh in annoyance and went ahead to pull Atreus up "I will be the judge of that" , you also sigh in relief after hearing him say that. Once Atreus got his bearing, he went over to you to reach for your hand as well to pull you up from hanging too long. You lay there panting softly and thank the gods that the suffering has ended there. Getting back up to your feet with Atreus help, your mouth open in awe towards the view in front of you "wow...so this is Asgard..." You muttered softly, but your thoughts were cut short, hearing Atreus realization about the man that found you climbing "Is that Gallaghorn? Are you Heimdall?" "Obviously." Heimdall responded uninterestedly while waiting for the both of you to follow him. "Yes, go ahead and drink the beauty of that surrounds you. It might not take a while for you to finish." He mockingly said, you turn your head to where he is and frown 'I was expecting more..." He seem to notice your stare for a moment and Atreus puts a hand on your shoulder to catch your attention, motioning you to follow Heimdall "Done already? Then, shall we proceed, Loki, of Jotnar." You can tell that Heimdall is not so pleased with the sudden 'visit' that the two of you but looks like you're both safe for now. Your eyes set at the contraption where Heimdall stands, it looks like an elevator to go down to the other side of the wall Asgard 'Its not something I'm really expecting' you thought but you stop thinking immediately when you remember that Heimdall can read people's mind, you turn your head to check if he read your mind but he's not looking at you but he's looking at Atreus after getting on the elevator and him starting for it go down "You can start asking your questions now." He pointed out, you remain behind Atreus for good measure and listen to their conversation"How'd you know I have questions?"
"It is my job, next question." Well, he is the loyal guard of the All Father, you expect nothing less after all. Their conversation was somehow irking you tho having the attention for Atreus made you glad since you don't really like how Heimdall speaks towards the young giant, until you hear him insulting Atreus for being spoiled 'He really thinks Atreus is here as a threat.' you thought but instantly stop again to see if Heimdall heard your mind but nothing, Heimdall don't seem to be interested about you "I don't have any treacherous intent." Atreus defended but Heimdall chuckled grimly at him "you can keep telling yourself that, you see I watch your mouth move and I can see the city burning." You don't know if that's the truth about Atreus being part of Ragnarok but the way Heimdall said it feels like it is something more than the Ragnarok could happen. The moment of the platform you're on started to slow down, signifying that you're almost close to the ground. the whole trip is making you all dizzy and this Heimdall guy is not really happy leading you inside the wall "Well, if you're here to help the All Father, then I can consider you as an ally." He spoke, walking down to the flight of stairs as he approached a huge creature in gold plated armour "Gulltoppr, who loves me the most? Whoooo loves me?" Well that was unexpected, you try not to smile towards the way he talk to the big cat looking and he hop on the back of the creature, Atreus reaches for your hand making you confused but he motions his head towards the big cat "well, she's not the smartest one alive. Hurry up, missy. We don't have it all day." Realizing what he meant, you hesitantly hold Atreus hand. Helping you to get on Gulltoppr behind Heimdall, you carefully lift yourself not trying to spook the big cat and finally sitting properly on it. You tried to move a bit backwards to make sure you're not too close to Heimdall's back but that was cut short when Atreus finally sat behind you, causing you to be pushed slightly on Heimdall's shoulder, he turned his head to you catching his eyes with yours but he ignored it "Try not to touch me with your dirty self." He mockingly said before he commanded Gulltoppr to move and give you a tour. You didn't really pay attention much to the details of their conversation, Heimdall is still indifferent about the whole situation that you and Atreus are climbing the wall, tho you can't blame him for being overly annoyed about the fact that Odin sent an invitation for the young man. Your eyes roam around the area where you think it's a training ground and find the same people that attacked you before alongside with Kratos and Atreus, but what made you thought outloud is when you see Valkerie "Didn't know Valkeries serves Odin..." Heimdall scoffed at you, looking over his shoulder to find you staring back at him, he was a bit surprised not to feel your gaze but collected himself before his attitude return "The All Father gave them salvation, what do you expect?" Not really hiding your discomfort of his personality, you felt Atreus pinch your side causing you to yelp softly before turning to look at him, his eyes telling you not to upset the Aesir God. You shrugged, it come to your attention that he don't want trouble with anyone despite the fact that you just followed him here "Is that Odin's palace?" He suddenly change the subject, pointing where a lodge looking place 'doubt it.' explaining that it is not the palace, you came to learn that this place is actually the Great Lodge of Odin, where he mostly comes when he needs to study the needs of the land itself, Heimdall hop off Gulltoppr and walk around the two of you while still sitting on the beast before you could ask what he's doing, he suddenly slap the back of it, making it run in circles trampling around before you and Atreus were toss to the ground "What the hell, man?!" You yelled, suddenly Heimdall called Helmets "Hey Helmets! I brought you a training dummies!" In an instant, bunch of those guys appear and surround you both "I thought we were meeting Odin!" Atreus retort but Heimdall seem not to care at all "I am saving the All Father some troubles, now just be well and let the Helmets take care of you." You take out your pole and ready yourself to fight, Atreus behind you shooting arrows to them "he is on my most hated list." You muttered angrily and block the attack. Teaming up with Atreus to beat the Helms, you crouch down for Atreus use your back to move to the other side, while your pole trip them, raising it over your head to smack the enemy and setting them on fire. Atreus gotten use with your fighting style and shot another arrow directly at the enemy that was about to hit you from the back, giving him a thumbs up.

Once everyone are dealt with, Heimdall get off of his pet and pull out his sword "Guess, who's next?" And you felt something push you away from Atreus causing the air to get knocked out of you and fell on your knees 'he's fast...' Atreus keep attacking Heimdall but you can see that he can read every move, pushing Atreus to the ground and kicking him back down. Atreus was about to get up but Heimdall was already in front of him "I am profoundly... unimpressed." He said with a mocking tone, without thinking you pick up a pebble and throw it at him with full force, hitting him directly at his head "Ah! What?!" He put a hand on where the pebble hit him and glare at you, if looks could kill you're dead to where you are kneeling right now but you didn't care, you return the same glare but before he could approach you, a loud thunder can be heard making Heimdall pause for a moment and sigh in annoyance "Great." Atreus shot another arrow at him but he easily caught it with his hand but some mud spat to his face and made him furious about the dirt. As he turn to hurt Atreus once again, Thor the God of thunder appeared, blocking Heimdall with his massive physic "Knock it off." Glaring up at Thor, Heimdall stood there unmoving "like it or not, they are All Father's guest." The tension between the two Gods made you shiver to the bone 'are they gonna fight' slowly you walk around to where Atreus is, still pointing another arrow at Heimdall but something made Heimdall stop "You are a sick man." He begrudgingly said before backing away, a flocks of raven suddenly appear as well, revealing the All Father himself. Atreus kept you hidden behind him, not that it helps but you're glad it's all over. "Loki, I'm glad you're finally here." Heimdall not liking the enthusiasm of his father "the boy is false, father." You can see that Odin roll his eye and turn to face Heimdall "I hope you have a better explanation to this why my guest is covered in mud?" Heimdall bowed sincerely, answering Odin "he means to betray you." Gasping as if playfully, Odin turn to face Atreus once again "are you really gonna betray me, Loki? You little trickster?" Before Atreus could respond, Odin wave him off and turn again "Of course he's gonna betray me, Hei-..." Odin's word were cut off when he didn't find Heimdall behind him and turn to the other to where he have moved "Heimdall, why would he be here?" The look on Heimdall's face almost made you feel sorry for him, he looks like he got kick by his favorite person after trying to convince to believe them but then again, he kinda deserves it because of what he done to Atreus and to you. Finally, Odin took notice of you, his eye observing you "And who's this lovely lady with you, Loki?" You wanted to hide away, honestly. You really wish that they didn't see you at all but Atreus smile at you "She's my friend, her name is Y/n. Well, she..." You know he's struggling to find the word to say but you spoke "I followed him here, All Father." "And what made you do that?" He asked, your hand move on Atreus head "I worry about his safety." You simply said and Odin looks satisfied with your answer before turning to Thor who remain close "what are you still doing here? Dismissed." Watching Thor walk away, you called for him "Thank you!" With a wave, Thor seem to stop from his track but decided to ignore it. While checking on any injuries on you, Atreus sigh in relief before he look at you with disappointment in his eyes "What?" You asked "Well that was reckless of you, Y/n. What if Thor didn't come and get hurt? I won't be able to forgive myself if anything happens to you." Your heart melt at the kindness of this boy and you cup his face gently "I am alright, you see? Don't be a worry wart now." As the two of you made sure that no wounds anywhere,  Odin interrupted you both while telling Heimdall to clean himself up, but before he could leave Odin called for him to stay there for a moment before he focus his attention on you "I really am glad that you brought a friend, Loki but I'm afraid she can't come with us." Atreus look at you with worry and you seem to be thinking the same thing "But, she's going be all alone if I let her by herself..." You can tell the purpose of Odin for separating you two and you almost let out a chuckle on how ridiculous it is, pulling Atreus close to you with a smile, you nod "Well, I don't think I would want to interrupt this study under Odin's wings for you, Atreus. If it's for the greater good. I will take chances." Atreus don't know if you're being serious right now but the way your eyes look at Odin made him realized that you know what he's trying to do, All Father clap his hands together and motion Heimdall to come near him "I wanted you to take Lady Y/n to one of the vacant room and don't worry, Y/n. I'll make sure Loki's room would be next to yours." Nodding in acceptance, Atreus give you a long hug before following Odin, another flock of ravens surrounding them and disappeared into thin air. Leaving you and Heimdall, you look at him, and boy, his eyes could kill anything "Stop that, you're creeping me out." He did not say anything at all and turn to walk away "stop stand there like an idiot. Follow me and I'll take you to your room, 'Lady' Y/n." He said with a mocking tone 'this guy have a serious anger issue.' following behind him.

'Be safe, Atreus. But I might get myself killed here if you don't hurry up.'

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