Where did you think I learned all this Sh!t from!?...

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Song used:nothing just a meme-

Dream got let out of prison,they finally thought the time he was in there was good enough but little did they know they made a huge mistake putting him in there in the first place
ʚ•3rd pov•ɞ
Dream was in his cell as usual but he felt like something was going to happen he kept thinking and thinking until he notice the lava slowly falling down he looked at the other side and his eyes widened there at the other side he saw no other than his ex-bestfriends,his 'torturer',and the warden himself

"Dream,come with us"Sam said

Dream than stood up and walked towards them stumbling from his steps almost falling down,he stepped on the platform as it started to move

Once he was on the other side they led him to the portal (is that right?) to outside of the prison they soon arrived and went in

『Dream P.O.V』
I opened my eyes only for it to be closed again I wasn't  use to the light from outside after a few seconds I finally got used to it and I knew exactly where to go right now,I was about to walk to the direction until suddenly I felt someone pull my arm I turned around only to see sapnap holding it while george was behind him "Dream,can we please..talk?"sapnap asked me "why? Theres clearly nothing to talk about"I responded I pulled my hand back and started walking not realizing some smp members came towards sapnap and george

『3rd P.O.V』
Sapnap clenched his fists and suddenly yells "YOUR ACTING JUST LIKE JCHLATT,DREAM!"he yelled dream than turned around eyes wided,he than started to tear up and yelled "WHERE DID YOU THINK I LEARNED ALL THIS SH!T FROM SAPNAP!?"He yelled back everyones eyes widen as dream continued to cry he than took 1,2,3 steps than starting bolting people tried to yell for him to come back but no he wasnt going to turn back now...

I am so sorry for not posting chapters for so long I have school so yeah many assignments and all that I'll try to make chapters on my free time or after school my school ends at 3 o'clock so yeah and yes ik this ain't I song lyric just wating to have fun and add some more drama


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