"Who are you?"

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Sorry I haven't been posting any chapters I just had an exam yesterday and today-

Anyways thank you KeiraKogane for this story Idea! Okiee now onto the story!

~Third person POV~

It has been 5 years since dream went to prison everyone forgot about him..how? They got rid of every stuff that he gave the smp members the gifts he gave and alot more even his own stuff was locked away everyone was enjoying the peace well not everyone..

Dream sat in the obsidian box cell he didn't know how much time had passed 10 months?,11 months? 2 years? He lost track he accidentally broke his clock a long time ago quackity stopped visiting him a few months ago so he doesn't know the time and while inside his cell and since people Forgot about him and since he was bored like really REALLY bored and he decided to do something that satisfied his boredom,cutting..yes he would start cutting his arms and legs deep making him have blood loss but he didn't care now I mean why would he no one cares about him anymore anyways...but during dream doing that the SMP members (phil and techno aren't there but they will be soon in the chapter) it was a normal meeting until someone realizes or should I say..remembered dream again and bought the topic about dream the others were shocked that they forgot about dream and during this P̶e̶a̶c̶e̶f̶u̶l̶..time and they did a discussion and ended up with the idea of finally releasing dream out of prison they want to start something new..a new chapter of life With Dream and so people volunteered to go with sam inside the prison tommy,sapnap,george,puffy, and lastly fundy they started walking towards the prison as they lead the others who were behind but remember what I said in the beginning?,people F̶o̶r̶g̶o̶t̶ about dream and if they forgot about him then its only fair if dream does the same right..?


Nah just kidding I have motivation now :D

Dream sat in his cell not knowing what to do since he just finished his daily routine of cutting but Suddently Nightmare and Lucid appeared in his cell
And we
"Hello again Dream"Nightmare said as he looked at dream in pity

"We uhm..we wanted to apologized about controlling you to do all does stuff"Lucid said

"And we wanted to help you with your problem of cutting yourself" lucid continued

Dream was about to speak until DreamXD appeared he put his hand on top of dreams head as it started to glow bright green they could see dreams memories in circles as XD takes it all away but nightmare and lucid noticed something XD only took the memories with the dream smp members on it but and only left the memories that dream used to be with Techno and Phil and they were shocked as they saw that dream and techno used to be a couple but techno and phil had to travel away leaving dream alone but soon came back but changed there looks techno was excited to see dream again but when dream said "Uhmm who are you suppose to be?..are you a new member?"it broke technos heart but as time passes they became good and close friends techno didn't say anything about dream being his old boyfriend he kept his friendship with dream and stayed by eachothers side..but both nightmare and lucid knew it was the right thing to do this to erase dreams memories and doing techno a favor of bringing dream back to him as soon as XD finished the spell dream passed out XD looked at both nightmare and lucid since they made a deal with him XD opened the portal and head inside lucid and nightmare following behind nightmare looked behind for the last time to see dream slowly waking up we went inside as the portal closed

~Dreams POV~
I woke up inside a strange obsidian box where am I?..the only thing I remember is my name,phil,and my beloved TechnoBlade speaking of which where is he? I got p from the floor and stared at my body I had bruises and there was alot! What happened seriously?..

~Third Person POV~
As dream looked at his arm looking at his brusies and new looking made cuts...until the Lava suddently slowly fell down dream stared at it shocked he backed away as he saw other people at the other side that went on some kind of platform and it slowly goes towards the cell dream felt scared so he fell on his butt (Dont even think about laughing! >:O) as he backed away more in the wall as for the members there? They wore shocked they were wondering why dream was behaving like this as they step onto his cell
"W-who are you!?,And where am I!?"dream yelled as the members were shocked tohear what he was saying
"Dream it's not time to mess around,come on we need to go"Sapnap said not believing what was happening right now"NO,WHO ARE YOU?!"Dream yelled you could see how scared dream is since he's shaking rapidly and tears was in his eyes they had no words to say..

"Tommy call Techno and Phil here,Right.Now"

"on it.."

Techno and phil rushed inside the prison as soon as possible they used enderpearls to go faster they made it inside the cell (they used enderpearls to reach the cell)they saw a scared Dream and the members who were trying to gain his trust was wellllllllll failing-
But as soon he saw dream he knew what he had to do..



As dream saw them he ran over to them and hugged techno,techno who was surprised of this kind of behavior of dream but hugs back "Shhh..shhh what happened dream?"he ask dream who was on a verge of tears as the others lookes at the both of them "T-Techno..I d-don't know w-who they a-are and I-I was S-car-ed A-nd-"dream kept stuttering and techno cut him off before he can continue "Shhh..shhh it's ok it's ok I'm here...Techie's here now.."techno said picking dream up bridal style as dream slowly drifted off to sleep the members looked at techno shocked that dream remembered them



Wooo thats alot to write am I right? (No pun intended I think-)

Word count:1107 Words

Part 2?

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