"4th of july?"

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Yes I did finally have an idea-

AU:Together again AU
*It's about connor and dream so like connor died and all but the 4th of july was important to dream since he made a deal with the Goddess of Death he can have his son back in the 4th of july and Dream will have to come back to the god's Realm where he was born in of course the goddess gave dream 5 months to spend time with his son*

Song used:4th of July
Type:Angst and fluff💅😍

Dream was running and running,towards the Tree of Life where he was suppose to see his son connor who was revived by the goddess of death but theres a catch..Dream has to go back to the God's Realm where he was suppose to stay as a god but of course the system glitch and teleported him in the over world in the age of 10 years old he didn't care if the SMP members followed him..he just wanted his son back...

He soon arrived and there he saw his son looking around confuse where he is and how he got there he stopped running and stand there he started to tear up and started sobbing it was silent sam was about to talk until Dream cut him off by yelling


Connor turned around to see his papa there he started to tear up aswell


He yelled running up to him Dream doing the same they caught eachother in a hug they cried and cried not wanting to let go The SMP members? Well let's just say they were shocked that Dream had a kid this whole time

"Connor,Y-Your back!,Oh my baby!"

Dream said while crying his heart out

"Papa!,Papa!,I-I was scared! You weren't there it-it was dark! And I-I was alone!"

"Darling I-I'm so sorry ok? Papa is sorry for letting that man killed you..I-I shouldn't have been there before but Were-..I'M here ok? Papa's here!.."

The SMP members thought Dream was manipulating the poor kid but the way he gripped on the child and cried they knew he wasn't..they have never seen this Side of Dream before

"Darling,Answer my question ok?" he asked his son

Connor nodded ready for his Papa's question

"Did you get enough love,My little Dove?,Why do you cry?"he ask while sobbing

"N-No I- you weren't there!Papa why did you left me all alone there!"

"And I'm sorry I left but it never felt right..My little Versailles.."

He said hugging him tightly

"I am so sorry connor but I promise papa will NEVER leave you again ok?,Now wipe does tears away.."

He said wiping Connors tears then his own,he let go of him and stood up he took his hand out for connor to grab on connor happily took his papa's hand Dream turned around and just realized the members were watching them

"Papa who are they?"Connor ask innocently

Dream looked at connor then the SMP members and sighed

"They are Papa's...Friends"He said but before saying the word 'Friends' he took a deep breath Dream walked past them but quietly whispered in sam's ear "We'll talk later" before walking towards the SMP the members following During walking they notice while dream and connor was walking dream would talk happily with his son until..


"Yes Connor?"

"I don't like that mask your wearing it's scaring me..c-can you take it off?..please?"

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