"My Goodbye.."

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Yes I kept finding new songs I didn't now about in beloved YOUTUBE,how'd I find it? I was yt shorts I saw my fav content creator CrazyCae and saw the song and thought "OH new chapter time!"and went straightforward to wattpad-

AU:Dream as the god of warrior
Song used:My goodbye by epic


Decided to get into new kind of editing!^^


Dream is a god of warrior and needed a general or a warrior and thought he found one,Technoblade and he too tought he found his mentor but he was wrong..the first times they did were good,smooth and both were catching some feelings for eachother but as days passed things between them became spicy and started to have arguements and all but one the both had enough...

"Technoblade,we need to talk" the god said

"What now,Dream"the man ask's as he was busy getting ready to hang out with his friend

"You are reckless, sentiment at best
That's not a teaching of mine,You've grown soft,your dead friends can attest!"he yelled

"Hey!"Techno said angry

"Put your emotions aside
You're a warrior meant to lead the rest!
I don't know where I went wrong But I warned you,and you failed the test!
So now I'm gone.."the god continued

"This way,you'll know what your place is
This way,You can't cross the line!
This way,when all is over you'll keep yours and I'll keep mine
This way,You won't disappoint me
This way,you wont waste my time
This way,I'll close the door
Consider this as my goodbye!"he yelled as he looked at techno

"That's just like you, why should I be surprised?
Selfish and prideful and vain
Unlike you, every time someone dies
I'm left to deal with the strain
What's a title that a god could lend if I'll never sleep at night?
I'll remind you I saw you as a friend
But now we're done"He said calmly but angry

"This way, you're out of my head now
This way, you won't plague my life
This way, when all is done, you're out of sight and out of mind
This way, you get what you wanted
This way, you can save your time!"

"This way, you close the door and have your damn goodbye!"

"YOU'RE NOT LOOKING FOR A MENTOR!,I'M NOT LOOKING FOR A FRIEND..I MISTOOK YOU FOR A GENERAL WHAT A WASTE OF EFFORT EPENT!!!"He screamed as he had tears streaming down his face he loved him he really did..but a mortal can't be with a god now can't they?..

"At least I know what I'm fighting for
While you're fighting to be known
Since you claim you're so much wiser
Why's your life spent all alone?"

"You're alone!"he yelled loudly the god looks at him in shocked as he looked down and looked up again and now the god as golden tears in his face

"One day,you'll hear what I'm saying.
One day,you might understand..
One day,but not today,For after all your.."suddently a voice appeared finishing his sentence


"This day,you sever your own head!
This day,you cut the line
This day,you lost it all
Consider this as my Goodbye!"

Consider this as my goodbye!
this as my goodbye!
Consider this as my goodbye!


He yelled for the last time as he spun around disappearing into thin air techno was shocked and knew the one he loved was going to be gone forever and he will never see him again...


Words used:623 words

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