"They'll say that I CARED!"

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AU:Eggpire Dream (yes again-)
Song used:Meg's villian song (I won't say I'm inlove) - Lynda The Bard


The Eggpire was having a celebration party for winning a ear against the member's that happened recently but they were too happy they didn't even notice a figure walking up the stage


I'm so sorry, can you play something a little mellower?"The eggpire's members turned as they saw the one and only Admin,Dream they were confused why was he here?,how is he here?

"Thank you."He said as he thanked the vein that was making the music on the piono

"Now, I can see you all look confused...
Who is this person speaking into Egg's mic?"he said as he looked at them

"I'll make this short."he said taking a deep breath before continuing

"The Egg is gone, I killed him.
Blah blah blah blah blah."The eggpires eyes widened how did he succeed?,they were about to attack him until he started talking again

"But hey, you have me now!
And man, do I have some fun things planned..."He said having a mischievous grin,his eyes flickered into green to red to green again

"If there's a prize for rotten judgement
I guess I've already won that
No man is worth the aggravation
That's ancient history, been there, done that."

"The hero has left, good riddance
He was just a hindrance to you
The egg tried to rule ya
Now who's standing as the victor"he said raising his hand

"Finally free to rise up
Take all that I'm owed and see you on your knees"Bad was having a bad feeling about what's happening...

"Your leader's gone, he got tired of the view"

"A new queen's born and I swear I'll be true"The Eggpire's eyes went wide again but this time they were stunned because of what he said 'A new queens born'What does he mean?

"Just stay in line
and we'll get on just fine"

(Scout's honor.)they heard a voice say

"You see my plan is rather simple"he said they were about to know his plan..it can't be THAT bad right?

"See all the hero's bow down
That or maybe I'll just kill them!"He said smiling wide as his eyes flicked to red again before going back to normal..Bad was having a feeling this won't end well..The other's also started to have the same feeling

"Well, either way, I'll end up with my crown!"
(he'll have her crown) again a voice wa heard but why was the voice so familiar? Now they were all frightened because they never ever saw this kind of side of the admin..

"Now, I see you're frightened
It's okay, I'm not a villain!"he said with a fake sweet voice


"I'm here to enlighten
All you gotta do is listen"

(Just you listen)

"Follow and obey me
You'll be okay baby,"
(You're okay baby)
"when this world is mine"he said as he started to walk towards them

"They've ruled too long, time for humans to rise
(They've ruled too long)
Their little toys will bring 'bout their demise"What was he talking about? The war was done what else could happen

(Soon they'll be gone)

"He'll curse the day that he walked out on me..."
(Ahh) he turned his back again as he started to walk towards a staircase that had a window on top

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