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I couldn't believe I was getting married.

This day was surreal.

This entire week had been surreal.

My parents were forcing me into a marriage that was turning out to be the best thing that had ever happened to me.

I'd be willing to bet anything they never intended for that to happen.

I'd often had the belief that my parents and sister were only ever truly happy when they were making me miserable.

If they thought for one second that I had a chance at happiness with him,they would do whatever they could to mess it up for me.

Which was kind of why I was
just floating along and letting Jimin rush me into this.

He might not understand why I wasn't protesting more but it made perfect sense to me.

"Do you have the rings?"

I pulled the ring Jimin had given me just a couple of hours earlier off my finger and handed it to the judge.

He seemed like a nice guy as far as judges went.

He'd even joked about having to fit us in to his schedule becos we were so bound and determined to get married today because we were in love and he always supported young lovebirds.

I didn't have the heart to break
it to him that we weren't in love and that this was basically a marriage of convenience with
the hope for something more.

I certainly wasn't going to tell him my parents sold me to Jimin.

It was a simple wedding with no embellishments which I was fine with since I never expected to get married in the first place.

The judge said a few words, Jimin and I said some words, exchanged rings.

we said our "I do's"

And then the judge said, "You may kiss your husband".

And that's where things got crazy.

The moment Jimin's lips pressed against mine, a shock like nothing I had ever felt before
in my life buzzed through my entire body.

I stood motionless for a moment before melting into the kiss.

And this wasn't a simple kiss on the lips.

Jimin's mouth covered mine hungrily, moving over mine, devouring its softness.

His tongue stroked across my lips once and then a second time
and a third.

The tongue that darted between them sent shivers of desire racing through me.

Jimin reached around my waist with one arm, curved the other one around my neck and then pulled me in close for a kiss filled with heat and intense passion.

Not only were my toes curling but I was certain I could hear angels singing or maybe that
was just the blood rushing through my ears.

Jimin paused for a moment to stare down into my eyes before diving in for another kiss, this one more savage than the last one.

This time it wasn't the slow, tender and gentle thing it had been before.

This time it was out of control, maddeningly frantic, needy.

Parting my lips, I eagerly raised myself up to meet Jimin's kiss,

returning it with reckless abandon.

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