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I can't actually remember the last time I was this livid.

They had bugged Jungkook's watch?

This seriously needed to stop.

I just wasn't quite sure how
to go about it.

We had no clear evidence of any wrong doing, even though morally, they were as guilty as sin.

There was no penalty for someone sending money home to their family or even family requesting money.

Proving that Jungkook's father beat him was going to be just as hard.

It was Jungkook's word against his father's and I was pretty sure Jungkook's mother and sister would back up the dad.

The watch on the other hand, might change things, assuming we could find a trail leading back to Jai or her parents.

It was illegal to track or record someone without their knowledge or a warrant.

I doubted they had either.

Still, if we put all of this evidence together it might be enough to get a restraining order and that was a start.

As soon as we reached my office, I walked over to my desk and dialed my lawyer.

"Jih, it's Jimin."

"I need something from you."

"Don't tell me you're getting divorced already."

"No!" Of course not.

I didn't even want to hear the word divorce.

"Jungkook and I are getting ready to leave on our honey-moon."

"While we're gone, I need you to get together with Ari and start building a case against his
sister and parents."

"You want me to build a case against Jungkook's family?"

"They bugged his watch, They've been tracking him and who knows what else."

"Jai keeps showing up wherever we are trying to convince me to go out on a date with her."

"She even demanded jungkook get her a date with me and threatened to send their father over to beat him up if he didn't."

"If I hadn't shoved his phone
into a glass of water, it would probably be ringing off the hook by now."

"Do you have any proof of this, Jimin?"

I chuckled. "Fred got the threat on tape."

"Send it to me."

"Check your email."

"It should already be there."

I knew I should have called
Jih last night.

"Oh yeah, here it is."

"Give me a minute."

I heard the video go on in the background but I hadn't actually heard what Jai had said.

Just what Jungkook told me.

"Put me on speaker, Jih."

"I haven't heard this yet."

A moment later, the video was playing loud and clear and I was enraged.

I couldn't believe the crap that was coming out of Jai's mouth.

Was this what Jungkook had been putting up with for years?

By the time the video was done playing, I was so enraged, I could barely see straight.

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