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I kept a firm hand in the small of Jungkook's back as I escorted him around the room, introducing him to my friends and business associates.

Despite his earlier nervousness, he seemed to be having a good time.

He greeted everyone I introduced him to with a smile on his face and a hearty handshake.

What surprised me was how many people he seemed to know either by name or reputation.

I wasn't sure if he met them through work or if he was obsessed with gossip magazines.

Didn't really matter.

Everyone seemed thrilled with the fact that he had something nice to say about each one of them.

I'd received more than one compliment on choosing an excellent spouse.

I was lucky and I knew it.

I had totally scored with him.

He was smart, beautiful and he had the kindest heart of any man I had ever met.

And he could have cared less if I had money.

That was a huge selling point
for me.

Sure, he understood the value of a dollar and he seemed to appreciate the lifestyle I could offer him but I had no doubt that he would have been just as happy with me if I was still that misunderstood rebellious teenager living in a trailer park.

Could a man ask for anything more?

I smiled when my eyes fell on the small glass done sitting on the bookshelf next to the fireplace.

He had rolled his eyes when I'd gotten the long stemmed red rose he gave me dipped in gold and placed on display.

I had just smiled.

Like I wasn't going to save the very first flower ever given to me, especially one given to me by the man I loved.

That was just stupid

"Got a drink for an old man?"

I glanced over to find Jih standing beside me.

"Since when were you old?"

Jih snorted. "Since you sent me down to the police station with those idiots."

I winced in sympathy. "Sorry about that."

After we called the police and they came to arrest Jai, Nari and Jiwoo, things had been pretty hectic there for awhile as we gave our statements.

Luckily, we had been able to get everything taken care of and them out the door before the party goers had arrived.

Jin leaned toward me and said, "Jiwoo attacked one of the arresting officers on the way into the station."

"He's going to be doing quite a bit of time for that."

"Good, He deserves to spend some time behind bars."

"I just wish they could have charged him with more."

"Oh, I think they will." Jih's
smile grew mischievous.

"I dropped off a copy of the
case file we were compiling against Jai and her parents."

"I suspect that all three of
them are going to be doing
quite a bit of time."

"Why do you say that?" I asked, even though I wasn't sure there was anything I wished for more.

I wanted these people out of Jungkook's life.

"Well, it seems that the district attorney frowns on people attacking one of our city's finest as well as trying to blackmail and scam one of our leading citizens."

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