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I woke alone.

If it wasn't for the delicious ache in my ass, I might have thought the previous night had never happened.

But it did and I couldn't
wait for it to happen again.

I swung back the covers and climbed out of bed.

I hurried to the bathroom to take care of morning stuff and found a pile of clothes folded on the counter with a note from Jimin telling me they were for me and I should join him for breakfast out on the balcony after I took a shower.

The note was a little impersonal considering what we had shared the night before.

If it wasn't for the little heart next to his name, I would have thought he was upset with me.

While we had showered after our having sex that first time, Jimin had reached for me two more times during the night.

It wasn't a bad idea to get another one.

I quickly showered and then dressed in the clothes Jimin had set out for me.

I had a smile on my face right
up until I walked out onto the balcony and saw Ari sitting at
the table with Jimin.

Both of them had glowers on their faces.

"What's wrong?"

Jimin smiled when he looked up but there was still a frown wrinkling his forehead.

He held out his hand to me. "Come have some breakfast, love."

Love was a lot better than baby.

I'd been upgraded.

I walked over and took Jimin's hand.

Surprise had me speechless for a moment when he pulled me close enough to brush a kiss across my lips before gesturing to the seat next to him.

I sat down and then sent a smile to Ari. "Good morning, Ms Lee."

"Good morning, Mr Park." Ari replied.

"Married life looks good on you."

Yeah, my cheeks were burning, especially when Jimin chuckled.

"Thank you."

"Coffee?" she asked.

"Yes, please."

Ari poured me a cup of coffee and then handed it over before gesturing to a small silver cart next to the table.

"There's plenty of food."

"If you just tell me what you want, I can get you a plate."

I lifted my coffee cup. "Just this for now, thank you."

"I'm not up to eating quite yet."

My stomach was knotting with dread. "What did my sister do now?"

Jimin's eyebrows lifted as he turned to look at me. "What makes you think it's your sister?"

I lifted an eyebrow.

Jimin chuckled. "Okay, it is
your sister." I knew it.

"What did she do?"

"She tried to get into the
building last night." Oh man.

"When that didn't work, she parked herself outside the office and then started demanding entrance when the office opened this morning. She told reception that we had a dinner date."

I sighed before taking a sip of my coffee. "You did tell her you were going on a business trip today."

"I don't think she heard me."

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