Shirt off your back

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Walking hand in hand with your birthday boy on a beautiful sunny day. You just had a delicious lunch and instead of taking a cab back home you decide to walk. Sharing some playful pushes as you come to a crosswalk. Looking up at him you smile and your face hurts from all the smiling you've done since you met him. After the light changes you both make your way across.

A few people walk around a man with a cup in his hand. Grabbing some change from your pocket and making it clink in his cup, "bless you," he speaks from his heart. You smile at him, "you're welcome and have a great day." He nods to you as you keep walking and Sam takes hold of your hand once more. "You're an amazing person," he whispers in your hear. "Nah, others will do the same," you say while walking on.

"So what's been the best part of your day," you break the silence. He looks down at you, "this," he pulls you to the side and cups your face before a tender kiss is placed upon your lips. Closing your eyes to let his scent and warmth spread through your body. He pulls back but your bodies still pressed against each other. "Lets go home and I'll read you a story." You place your hand on his chest, "how did I fall in love with such a geek?" He leans back in and gives you a couple of tiny kisses, "I was going to say the same thing."

After hitting his chest you both are back on the path towards home. Walking more and talking about anything that comes to mind. Suddenly Sam lets go of your hand and you see him walk over to a woman whose head is in her hands. Slowly walking over to them and in enough time to see Sam remove his plaid layer and sling it around her shoulders and leaving him in a blue v neck. He puts his hands on her shoulders and bends over to whisper in her ear.

She pulls him in for a hug and pats him on the back. Her arms drop and she walks up to you, "hold on to him, he's a great man." You take her hand, "I will and he is." She looks back towards him then walks away. He comes back to your side, "what was wrong." "She's been crying there for almost an hour and not one person stopped. She walked under the wrong window and had water poured on her from a resident she didn't know. Also her car cannot be fixed so she has to take the bus until she can find a new one." You look as she walks away, "she's had a rough day."

Sam takes your hand in his, "that she has. She just needed to know the kindness of a stranger." You squeeze his hand, "earlier you called me an amazing person." He smiles down at you, "and I stand by it." "Well I say it takes one to know one." His smile fades slightly and those puppy eyes look at you. "Sam Winchester... you are an amazing person and don't you ever forget that."


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