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Sitting on the couch with a book in your hand but you keep moving inches around it. Sam comes in and sees this, "what are you doing? Is the baby okay?" You smile up at him, "yes I'm just trying to get comfy." He walks out of the room for a bit and you shift your weight to your other side. He comes back in behind you, "lean up." You do this and he slides a pillow behind your back. Leaning back you breathe out a sigh of relief, "perfect." You feel your muscles relax and open your book once more.

After you finish a couple more chapters you close the book and get up. Well you rock a few times to get up. Moving into the kitchen you open the cabinet and reach up to grab a glass. Sam walks in and rushes over to your side, "let me help." He easily grabs a glass and hands it to you. "Thanks," your hand glides over your large belly, "someone wasn't helping much." He leans over and puts his hand on your belly, "now you have to help your mother from time to time." The baby kicked and he looked up at you, "this baby is strong." You look at him and cup his cheek, "well it does have its daddy's legs."

You move and fill up the glass while Sam's hand was still feeling the kicks. The he straightens up really quick, "what time is it? Is my show on?" He looks at his watch then runs to the couch and turns on the tv. You laugh to yourself as you make your way over and join him. Taking your time sitting you try to fold your feet under you. Seeing that's not going to work you move to let them hit the floor but Sam grabs your feet and pulls them in his lap.

His big hands work on your feet, applying the right amount of pressure and melting stress away. You suppress moans but it feels so good. When his show gets more intense the more he squeezes your foot and it feels good. The show was over and so was the foot rub. He looks over at you, "can I get you anything?" You think about it for a few seconds, "I could really go for some ice cream." He gets up and kisses your forehead, "I'll be back in a bit." "And some pickles with hot sauce," you yell at him. "Okay," he calls back as you hear the front door open then close.

You sit there with your hands moving all around your bump. "Your daddy's a great man. He'd never let anything happen to you. I can't wait for you to see him." You hum a little and picture how Sam will look carrying around his little bundle of joy. You smiled at this, "come out happy and healthy because we'd surely love to see you." Closing your eyes for a few minutes you wake up to see the sun had went down. Rubbing your eyes you feel pressure in your lap. Looking down to see Sam in your lap with his ear to your belly. "How long was I out?" He whispers, "a while but I didn't want to wake you."

"Okay, well I'm going to go change for bed then." He sits up and offers up an arm for you. Using some of his power you rise from the couch and waddle your way in the bedroom. You get out your comfy pants and throw them on the bed then stop. Clutching your stomach and feeling wet all down your legs, "Sam!" It doesn't take long to see him in the door way, "what is it?" He looks down and sees the wet carpet. Pointing to the puddle, "is that? Is that what I think it is?"

You nod your head, "uh huh." Sam runs his fingers through his hair then runs to the closet and pulls out a suitcase. He opens a drawer and starts throwing clothes in it. "Sam?" He turns to you. "Unless you intend I wear your clothes after birth I suggest you pack some of my things." He looks at his socks and underwear in the suitcase and lets out a laugh. Stuffing them back in the drawer he picks up your things. You move over and slide your arms through your little jacket.

You watch as he runs around the room grabbing and throwing things in the suitcase. "Oh please not the blue ones, they hurt my feet," he puts them down and grab the black ones. He runs in the bathroom and grabs your toothbrush; grabbing him as he runs by, "slow down there babe." You grab the brush and take it back to the bathroom and grab yours. Smiling you take it to him and pat him on the back. "OH," you put your hands over your bump, "Sam we need to go." He grabs your hand and you hold it tight as he picks up the suitcase and walks you to the door. He stops and looks at you just before opening the door, "I'm going to be a father." You see the tear well up and you cup his face, "an amazing father." Rocking up on your tip toes and give him a sweet kiss. 

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