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Looking at the calendar you’ve been waiting for this week to come for so long. You asked for one week off to take off with your boyfriend. You were in desperate need of a vacation from finals that drained you then right into work for the summer. You’ve hardly had time to breathe and take a few moments to yourself. Down stairs you heard shuffling and things being moved around.

Putting some clothes in a bag you packed for several days. Putting a camera in the bag you zipped it up and put it next to his. “Babe, you want me to bring down the bags,” you yell down to him. “Yea put them by the door and I’ll take em to the car.” You sling yours over your shoulder and pick his up. Taking them down stairs you set them by the door you found him in the kitchen.

“Thanks babe, you’re the best.” He smiled as he put some hotdogs into the cooler. “Is there anything else I can do?” He looks down at you and grabs the top of your jeans, pulling you to him. “Just relax and enjoy or trip.” He gives you a kiss and pats your head. He’s always done that in a way of making a little joke about how short you are but anyone if short next to him.

He takes a few seconds to go through the checklist in his head then nods. Grabbing the cooler you opened the door for him as he lugged it to the car. Watching him bend over and put that cooler in the back seat, you never got tired of seeing his posterior. When he stood back up he looked over and laughed because he knew you were watching him.

“Enjoying the show,” he whispered as he passed you coming through the door. “Very much,” you gave him a little love pat. You helped him pack up a few more bags and take them to the car. He threw in the tent and your bags. Standing by the car he grabs your hand and kisses the back of your hand, “ready for a vacation?” You smiled while looking up at him, “like you wouldn’t believe.”

You got in the car and he did a last minute sweep of the house. After locking up he spins the keys on his finger and sits behind the wheel. He looks at you, “let’s have an adventure.” He starts the car and off you both go. You play the license plate game then mix it with the alphabet game. A couple of rounds of that you turn on the radio and search for some good tunes.

After rocking out to a few songs you get more excited because your almost there. He pulls off on the side road and it isn’t long before the car stops and the tent can be put up. You jump out of the car and stretch a little. “Think fast,” you respond in enough time to catch the tent that was flying at you. You lowered it and gave him death glare.

Laughing he came to you and took the tent, “lets put this bad boy up.” You find a nice little patch in the trees and away from the road. Spreading the tent out you grab one side and he grabs the other. You bend the pole and just try to hold it there as Sam secures his side to the ground. “Help me now,” you announce to him. He comes and secures that side down while you pull the hair back from his eyes.

Once the tent is secure, he stands and pulls you into his arms, “I’m so glad we could get some time away together.” “Me too.” He lifts your chin with his hand, “I mean it. You’ve been working so hard and you deserve a break.” He leans in and gives you a kiss that you quickly kiss back to. Your enveloped in his strong arms and take a few seconds to smell the woods around you and Sam’s scent mixed in with it.

You clear out a spot while Sam goes for logs. You move some rocks into a circle just as Sam gets back with the logs and twigs. He stacks them and manages to light a fire. The sun was setting and you’ve unpacked most of the car and have things set up in the tent. There are blankets and pillows that await your sleepy heads. First food has to be made.

Wheeling over the cooler you pull out the pack of hotdogs and the big metal spears. Sam comes over and sits next to you. You hand him his own spear and you both hover the hotdogs over the flames. Sitting there and listening to the crackling fire as the sun goes down you look over at Sam. You scoot closer to him and lean your head on his arm. Your head falls to the side of his chest as his arm moves and is draped over your shoulders.

His fingers move in little circles on your bicep. You snuggle with him a little more because his body is so warm. “Hey babe, your hot dog is in the fire.” You snap up to see your hotdog falling off into the flames. “NOOOO!” You bring your empty spear up to your face. You look up at him with a frown on your face. He smiles at you and puts his thumb on your chin, “you are too adorable.” You then smile because his dimples can block out the sun.

Quickly replacing a hotdog you go to cook another one after Sam’s several attempts for you to take his. “You have to be starving, please eat and mine will be done in no time,” you say reassuringly. Within seconds his dog was gone and he was cooking another. With no further incident and dog stuffed tummies you both sit back and sigh. After looking up for a few moments Sam grabs our hand, “come here.”

He takes you back to the car and picks you up, placing you on the hood. He moves to the other side of the hood and slides on. Putting your arm beneath your head you gaze at the shiny objects that litter the sky. A smile crosses your face and you can’t shake the feeling like your being watched. Out of the corner of your eye you look over to see Sam, staring at you. He points to the sky and you follow his arm up.

“See that’s the big dipper there, it shines very bright on this night.” “They’re so beautiful.” He reaches over and grabs your hand, “they are beautiful,” he looks into your eyes, “you are dazzling.” You tilt your head and fight a tear back, “you’re such an amazing boyfriend.” He smiles, “I am aren’t I?” Your lips meet at the middle of the hood. Once you part his eyes light up even more, “lets make s’mores!”

He jumps down and runs back to the fire. “I’ll let myself down then.” You walk up to him and he has marshmallows on a spear. You take out the box of gram crackers and break a few in half then do the same to the chocolate. About that time Sam triumphantly lowers two marshmallows onto the sandwiches. You hand him one and watch his eyes get big.

You giggle a little at his puppiness as he takes a giant bite. The string of the white melted marsh flowed from his fingers to his lips and you couldn’t contain your laughter as he watched the string, causing him to go cross-eyed. Between pains of laughter you manage to get out, “Sam… stop… my… my side… hurts.” He then crams the rest of the s’more in his mouth and smiles at you. After he chews and swallows he points at yours, “are you gonna finish that?” You pull it to your lips and take a bite.

He looks at you and starts to get up, “you have a little something,” he points to your face. “Here,” you wipe at your face. “Nope… still there.” He leans in more and gets so close to your face you can feel his breath. “Right here,” he whispers as he sticks out his tongue. At the edge of your mouth where some chocolate was hiding his tongue licked it up. “Did you get it,” you asked nearly out of breath. “Mhum. Got it.” Your face felt warm and you knew he did that just to make you squirm.

Your eyes were getting heavy after watching the fire and talking more. “Go to bed and I’ll be in in a bit.” You stood up at stretched a little, “okay.” Just before you bend to go in the tent you see Sam kicking some dirt on the fire. You smile and slip inside. Yawning you stretch out and climb under the sheets. Fluffing your pillow you get comfy.

Sam comes in and takes his shirt off and dims the lantern. He pulls the zipper to the tent up and moves under the sheet. Pulling you to his chest his pointer fiddles with your nose as you bat it away. “I love it when your asleep in my arms.” “I love sleeping in your arms.” You nestle up to him more, “my life has been such an improvement since you’ve come into it. I love you so much.” He gives you a little squeeze, “I love you more.” “Impossible because I love you the most.” He kisses the top of your head, “my days have gotten brighter the day I met you.”

“I love you a gazillion,” you say with a childish smile. “You are too adorable.” “You’re more.” You yawn again and your eyes grow heavy. “I… zink… I’m… love… more.” Sam reached over and turned the lantern off. “Love ya babe,” he put his head on the pillow and you drifted off to sleep and it didn’t take long for Sam to follow.


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