Small ones

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There once was a boy who knew about monsters. He researched and told tales about such things with his brother, his family. This boy wouldn't have a normal childhood but because he didn't several would. The boy quickly grew into a man, a man who would take on the world beside his brother. He would do anything for his brother and has even died for and with him. This man who was strong enough to save the world and fight Lucifer with a no holds bard match in his own head. Lucifer should have known better than to take on a Winchester. This man who would be broken but not beyond repair. His soul won't allow for such a thing to happen. Fighting with everything he has left to become a whole man once more. This man who has been through so much and has given everything remains strong. No longer taking the easy road of giving it all up, instead he fights. Fighting for his brother, fighting for humanity, fighting for you.


His smile lights up the room as well as your heart. Seeing him anything less than happy breaks it. This is a man who would do anything to save you even at the risk of his own life. Beaten and broken he carries on because you need him to; we need him to. He carries us in his heart and will know all the names of the ones he's saved because he asks for your name. With those puppy eyes you can't help but fall in love. Be good to him and he'll be better to you. Protecting you to a fault is in his nature and you'd do the same for him.

Sitting beside him on the couch you never realized what he'd been through. He came back to you after several years and he looked like Sam but different. The years written across his face as he walked through your door and planted his face in the crook of your neck while clutching the clothes at your back. You held him there for what seemed hours until he leaned back and you didn't need to say anything because he was always welcomed.

Not paying attention to the drabble on tv you just lean against him and make sure you're there for him. A touching commercial comes on and you hear him well up. You rub his arm a little but that only makes it worse. He begins to cry and you turn around and look at him, "its okay Sam." He looks down and away form you, "no... its not." You take his hand in yours, "I'm here for you," and give it a little squeeze. He slowly turns his head back to you and you see the pain in his eyes.

He straightens up a bit and wipes his hand down his face. "It just... reminded me." You look at him confused, "reminded you of what?" His hand squeezed yours a bit more, "the day... I..." He shook his head slightly before biting on his quivering lip. "The day I lost... my b... bro... brother." 

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