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Camping is one simple pleasure you've always enjoyed. You'd park the car and hike out on a familiar trail for a few hours and pick this perfect little spot in a clearing. Unclamping the bag from your back you pull out your water and take a much-deserved drink. Opening the top of the bag you toss a rolled up tent to the ground. After a few minutes and some cursing among the trees your tent is up and you were making it comfy.

After gathering some twigs you take them back and make a little fire. Luckily you remembered the lighter this time. Making a fire crackle as the sun goes down you pull out a snack and sit by the fire. You took some photos by the fire and said goodnight to your followers. You pull out a list of things you want to do tomorrow and one spot in particular you want to find again. It was a beautiful little creek with some of the clearest water you'd ever seen.

Standing and kicking dirt on the fire you wanted an early start in the morning. Making sure the fire is out and all that remains is a little smoke you dive inside the tent and stretch out inside the sleeping bag. You just fluff the pillow the way you like it and close your eyes when you hear a rustling in the bushes. You sigh as you sluff it off as a small animal. Only when it growls you open your eyes and think this thing could be bigger than you thought.

Slowly tugging your boots back on and shoving things in your pockets, making sure not to make extra noise. You pull out your knife and wait. Crouched low to the ground and listening. Hearing a twig snap you turn your head towards the front of the tent. Taking tiny steps towards the zipper you move it up and take a peak out. Not seeing anything you decide to make a run for it. The moon is high this night and lights your path. Just as you adjust your feet for a sprint something claws its way through the other side of the tent.

You take off. Knife in hand and pointing downward to reduce the chance of injury to yourself your feet pound the ground. Your heart races and you keep going. Turning to see if you're being followed you run into something that popped up in your way. After slamming into this object you fall to the ground and turn up the knife. "Whoa, easy there." You look up to see a man, not a monster standing there with his hands up. His uniform is dark and there is a big bill that goes all the away around the brim of his hat. You see something shiny reflected in the moonlight that resembles a badge.

He leans down and extends his hand out, "we need to go." You grab his hand and he pulls you up. Following behind him you run to his truck and it's a lot closer than yours is. You see "Park Ranger" written on the side and he's got the door open on his side. You jump in and slide over so he can get in. As he speeds away and between pants you decide to ask a couple of questions. "So who are you and what was that back there?" "I'm Sam and that," he clears his throat, "was a bear."

You look over at him. "I know what bears sound like, hell I practically grew up in that stretch of woods and that was no bear. It was more shrill." That sounds was going to haunt your nightmares until you could find out what it was. He pulled up to a little cabin. "We'll be safe here." "Safe from what Sam?" He exits the truck quickly and you exit just as quickly. You are a fast learner and when he moves so do you. Following him into the cabin he closes the door and lets down the extra lock that is a big piece of lumber. He tosses his hat and moves to a green duffel. Pulling out a gun he holds it up to you, "know how to use one of these?" You walk over and take it, dropping the clip and taking the safety off. He looks impressed, "I guess you do." Tucking the gun into your waist your hand moves to your empty sheath. "Damn I dropped my knife." He looks at you then digs in his bag again. "This big enough?" He holds out a knife for you and you smile, "I think I can make do."

Sliding the knife in your sheath you take a quick look around. That run made you warm but the cold night air was winning. You move to the fireplace and stack some sticks up. "Are... are you making a fire?" "Is there another way to get warm?" You look over to see his profile's dimples and a hint of a blush across his cheek. Your eyes trailed down his strong jawline to his chest. Down his sloping back to his perfectly rounded backside. Blushing as you turn back towards the fire and the thoughts that just ran through your head. Jumping up when you heard that growl.

Pulling out the gun and clenching it hard as that growl got closer. "It has to be the Bear Lake Monster. I've heard sightings around here but there haven't been any for years. The last one was in 2002." Sam looked over at you, "Bear monster?" "Yes, legend has its more snake than bear and it is a fast moving creature. Quicker in water but its little legs make it possible to run on land." "What can kill it?" You shift your weight and raise the gun, "I'm hoping bullets."

Moving to the side of the window and squinting to see if you can spot the thing lurking in the shadows. Your eyes dart from tree to tree, "something's getting closer." A large thud dents the door and Sam is focused on it. He shoots three impressive shots through the door. The thuds stopped and you listened as claws scratched around the sides of the cabin.

When it reached the window you looked into the illuminated eyes of the beast. Under its trance you didn't move for fear it would do something stupid. It lowered its head and you narrowed your gaze. You ducked as it charged toward the window, "Sam incoming!" Covering your neck as the breaking of glass happens above you. Quickly getting up and raising the gun as you hear Sam get off two rounds. It's charging after him and you shoot at an angle in the back so it won't penetrate and hit Sam.

Sam keeps shooting and you empty your clip. It gets to him and slashes its claws across his chest. Sam hits it over the head with his spent gun and you pull out the knife and throw it, sticking it at the base of the neck. The monster rose up then fell to the floor. Sam pulled the knife out and looked up at you, "nice throw." You smiled and shrugged your shoulders. The monster twitched and Sam plunged the knife in its heart.

You both started laughing suddenly. Sam pulled out the knife and tossed it aside. "I'll help you drag this outside." Picking up the back end as Sam opens the door and takes the front, he does most the work. Letting it go around the corner you walk back inside the cabin and look up at Sam. "First aid kit?" He points to a box on the table. You open it up and grab some cotton balls and peroxide. He takes off his brown uniform to reveal a ripped white V-neck underneath.

You swallowed hard, "that layer to." He turns to you and smirks as his hands move to the hem of his shirt. He pulls up and over his head as he discards the torn shirt on the floor. You point to a chair, "have a seat." He takes a seat under your watchful eyes. You remove the cap and pour a little on a cotton ball. "This might sting a little." You move the cotton across his cut and he flinches a little. "Sorry." "Just a little cold." Cleaning the wound up, "do you want a bandage on it? Luckily they aren't that deep." He grabbed your wrist and rubbed his thumb gently on your skin. He pulled you into his lap. You put one leg on each side of him as his hand moved around the back of your neck and pulled you in. Your lips quickly become entangled in his. His other hand runs down your back and to your butt. He squeezes causing you to nibble his lip.

He pushes you closer to him while you lift your shirt off. You are careful not to press against his chest even if he doesn't seem to care. Running your fingers through his hair he moves from the chair to the floor. You roll around before resting in front of the fire. In the tussle jeans were removed and nails scraped down his back. The last layer of clothing was quickly removed as he made himself at home between your legs. Fisting his hair and gasping as he entered you; his very large member stretching you with his slow movements.

Moving together on the floor your back scoots slightly on the hardwood floor. Arching your back your shoulders get the brunt of his bucking but you can't object because air burns your lungs. Tears burn your cheeks as his bucks get harder and harder. Your head grows light and you close your eyes as your head drops back. Feeling instant pleasure shooting throughout your body in a mixture of hot and cold pulses. He rests his head on your chest after he pulls out.

You huff a bit more and start to regain a fewmotor skills now that oxygen is reentering your lungs. "Oh fuck Sam... that... thatwas... mind blowing." He kissed your chest, "you felt so good I don't havewords." You both enjoyed the fire and you especially enjoyed as his firm buttlooked in the fire's light. Talking slowly drifted off as you both fell asleep.Before you closed your eyes you smiled and whispered to yourself, "I lovecamping."    

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