Saves you

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This was suggested several, several weeks ago and I apologize in every way for the delay. I hope this makes up for it. THIS ONE COMES WITH A WARNING: if you've been or nearly been raped this is not a story for you to read.


You'd been with some friends out celebrating at a bar and having a good time. You'd spilled a few and weren't walking the straightest. Luckily you didn't have to work the next day so you had a couple more than you normally do. Once your limit was reached and others were leaving as well you said your good byes and headed for the bus stop. No way you were driving and not enough cash on you for a taxi. Moving through the parking lot you hear a clank in the distance.

You keep moving the best you can and try to look around to the source of the noise. Rounding a Tahoe you see a group of guys. You slowly back up but one saw you. "Hey lady where are you going?" You try to move faster in your heels but you don't want to fall. They catch up to you quickly. One grabs your arm, "hey girly I said where are you going?" You shake off his grip and hold your hands up, "listen guys, it's late and I just want to get home." Two-step closer, "I can take you home."

Your eyes grow harder, "no its okay. I'm taking the bus, meeting friends there." They see through your lie. "No your gonna party with us." You swallow hard and look at the one that spoke with his dark eyes. "I really should be going," you try to move but the two closer ones pin you to the Tahoe. Your frantic eyes look around but all you see are soulless faces. One about your height comes closer, "mmmm. You smell nice." His ugly nose violates your hair. You clench your jaw and calculate your words, "get away from me you fucker!" You yell at yourself for saying those words. "Oooo. She's feisty."

Before you know it he puts his hands on your shoulders and spins you around. Your face is pushed against the hard steel, "oh god please no! Don't do this!" You feel his feet knock yours further apart and his hand takes a fistful of your hair. Tears are stinking your eyes and your throat is hurting from screaming. Hearing his jeans zipper you struggle but the other men hold you down. His lips move to your ear, "go ahead... no ones gonna hear you."

His hand runs up your leg and his fingers move to your panties. "I might!" Next thing you hear is the sound of flesh getting punched. The men are no longer concerned with you and they move away. You turn around and slide down the side of the vehicle. Putting your arms around you knees you look though your blurry eyes to see a man knocking out one of your attackers. The man who came to your rescue is much taller than the others and moves quicker than them.

Two jump on him but he throws them off like nothing. They hit the ground and bounce as little rag dolls. Now with more of them on the ground and three standing he stares them down. One produces a knife and laughs maniacally. Your hero just tilts his head and nearly gives him a smirk. Knifeman lunges and is immediately deflected. His arm was twisted around and his knife knocked from it. The man screamed in pain as his knee was kicked from under him. He lay on the ground in pain as the other man moved towards the two. One man moved and the taller man just knocked him down easy with his big arms. He squared his shoulders and looked at the last man standing. He points to him, "you're going to apologize to the lady and ask for her forgiveness." The other man spat at the ground, "that will be a cold day in hell!"

Your hero takes a giant step forward and you see the back of your attacker crouch as if to spring. As if reading his mind the taller man extends his arm and with his hand on his forehead the attacker swings but only hitting air. This image makes you smile a little. The attacker knocks the hand from his forehead. "Motherfuc-!" The man is cutoff as he is picked up. Landing a kick to the stomach your hero hunched over a little but moved closer to you. His big hands grab the back of his shirt and slams him hard to the pavement. The attacker looks up and wheezes from the breath being knocked out of him.

The tall man leans over him, "apologize now," he says with lots of authority.

" I'm so sorry for what... I was about to do. I hope you forgive me." You look down at him and sniffle, "how much money you have?" The tall man tilts his head and you look to him. "I need to take a taxi home." A wallet is produced and he gives you forty dollars for a ride home." After the wallet is returned to his pocket the hero knocks him out. He extends his hand to you and you take it. "I can't thank you enough." He smiles at you, "no need." "But if you hadn't shown up when you did." "Shhh," he says as he pulls you in for a hug.

After your head is no longer pushed against his firm chest his thumbs move to your cheeks to wipe away your tears. "I'll give you a ride home." You put your hands on top of his. "You are to kind but you've done enough already." "It would be my pleasure and I promise no funny business." You crack a faint smile, "but my mother always told me never to accept rides from strangers." He steps back, "then allow me to introduce myself." He makes a little bow, "I'm Sam Winchester and I'd love to take you home." You look around at the eight bodies that trash the pavement, "well how can a girl refuse?" You take his hand and under his safe arm you both walk and step over bodies. 

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