You angel and sacrifice

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(I might be back to work on this one some more) 


You watched over him the best you could but he got into trouble when you were away. If only you didn't have hundreds of others to watch over you could devote more time to this troubled boy. Your brother angel offered his assistance to watch your others because you reason with him to devoting more time to Sam Winchester.

Watching him grow you give him time to adjust. Listening to his prayers you answered what you could without him knowing. Giving him clues and staying invisible. When he sleeps you hide in the shadows and watch him. Figuring out ways to protect him, ways his brother cannot. Walking up to him you lean over and extend two fingers and gently placing them to his forehead. Healing his wounds once more his eyes flutter but never open. As you pull your fingers away he turns to his side, "thank you," he mutters out.

Your eyes go wide, did he see you? Couldn't have because his eyes were closed but you think he felt another person in the room. You restrain yourself from saying anything. Hearing him steadily breathing once more you leave him to sleep. Walking through the bunker, his new home you make sure nothing is out of place. Laughing to yourself at the dishes in the sink. Eating seemed so tiring and having to do it enough times during the day to stay alive.

Hearing shuffling come from down the hall you hide yourself and watch the older Winchester make his way into the kitchen. He seems to make a liquid to drink from a small machine that doesn't sound pleasant. Then he grabs a circular thing and puts it on a surface. Then takes things from the giant cooling thing and returns to the circular thing. These little round things he takes out then bashes them, making their insides spill out. They sizzle and you look as they dance. You lean against the door frame and look at him cook. He has a happy expression on his face. Suddenly he looks at you, "good morning. Glad to see you around." You squint because you know he cannot see you but you begin to wonder if he can. Then Sam comes in the kitchen from behind you.

Exhaling with relief you watch Sam sit at the table then a plate with food placed in front of him. It was like watching a photo from the past playing out. Sam started eating then Dean sat down with his plate. They ate in comfortable silence and you turned the dial to 0, the circular thing was hot. A strange sound came from Dean's pocket and he gave Sam a look before pulling out the box and holding it to his ear. "Yea... It's about two hours away. Okay we'll meet you there." Standing up, "that was Nancy she's got a case for us." Sam groans, "we just got back." Dean walks to the doorway, "come on Sammy people to save." Sam shoves more food in his mouth and leaves.

Sitting in the backseat you watch as they bicker and fight over the song playing. With Dean behind the wheel it doesn't take them long to get there. Pulling off the road down a dirt road they stop at the end of it. There's a woman waiting there and you can only assume that is Nancy. Sam and Dean get out and giver her a hug, you aren't far behind them. She talks about the strange things that have been happening in the town then you roll your eyes. You knew what they were dealing with so you leave to get the weapon that will kill it.

You find the both of them back at this little motel and you go inside Sam's room. Setting the piece of wood of the bed and just as you do the door opens and Sam looks at you. He comes in and shuts the door, "I know you." You squint, "I doubt that." He takes a step closer, "no... I do. I've always felt someone around me. Some kind of calm, that's what I'm feeling now." "I should go." "No," he throws his arms out, "please stay." Something tells you to go but there is something in his eyes. "Okay but only for a few minutes." Sam nods, "you're an angel right? My guardian?" You nod once more.

"Back in Flordia when we were chasing after that vampire and it suddenly tripped when I was chasing it... was that you." A small smile quickly came to your face. "And that time in Kentucky with the demon... a trap suddenly appeared." He looks down at the bed, "and now this." You cross your arms, "you're looking for a trickster. He'll be residing in a small bar and most likely be eating candy. Be careful what you say around him and even through he eats candy he smells like a demon." He picks up the piece of wood, "thanks..." "Y/N." He smiles, "Y/N."

Sam leaves the room and you hear him talking to his brother. Dean asks a lot of questions but Sam convinces him to follow up on his "anonymous lead." Hearing the impala drive away you drop yourself into the back seat once more. Without being seen once more but Sam looks slightly over his shoulder. You tilt your head and look at him who now dons a little smile. He knows.

Arriving at the first little dive bar a quick sweep with their noses found that no one was there also no one munching on candy. The second one came up with even less because there were only four patrons plus the bartender. They came back and took a seat as Sam listed off another address. Sam navigated as Dean drove. "Third times a charm," Dean uttered as they got out. You felt something was in this car so you got out and followed them in.

As they entered your eye went to the man at the end of the bar. "There," you whispered in Sam's ear and pointed his eyes in the right direction. Sam nudged Dean in the arm and they made their way to the guy with a sucker in his mouth. "Mind if I buy you one," Dean sat in the chair beside him throwing his arm around his shoulder. "I shouldn't," the guy responds not even breaking his gaze from the tv screen. "Well Glen what are you celebrating," Sam pats his shoulder. "Nothin." "So decide to slam back a couple after work," Dean banters. "Something like that."

Dean leans in, "or maybe came to a dive looking for your next victim as you stuff your pie hole with sweets, trickster." He goes to make a move but you grab the weapon from Sam's jacket and stab him through the heart from the back before anything else could happen. Dean points to you, "who the hell is this? Who the fuck are you?" You take a breath, "I'm Y/N and I'm Sam's guardian angel." Dean gets up, "well good job stopping him from the demon blood thing." "I have hundreds of other people to watch over and can't be with him all the time."

The people in the bar just staring, "guys I think we should go," Sam breaks the glares. Dean storms off and you follow and Sam behind you. Getting to the car Dean turns around and pulls out a flask, "if you are who you say you are then this won't hurt." He splashes water on your face then you wipe it off, "satisfied?" He still looks at you then you roll your eyes. Mustering some energy the sky cracks to provide some light and a shadow of your wings appear. Then you open the door and get in the backseat. "Okay then," Dean says to Sam then turns and gets in the driver's seat.

When Sam gets in Dean starts the impala then turns to Sam, "is your girlfriend always going to fight your battles?" You tilt your head and look at Dean through the rearview. Sam just laughs. 

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